I feel like we are starting to see it skew more towards an older audience, I heard a few non PG phrases last night, also Ambrose was saying after the show there was a few things he couldn't say on a "PG broadcast" as to how he is feeling.
Also with Cena saying lately he wants blood back and for WWE to cater to his demographic more and the "Holy shit" crowd chants along with AJ styles another prominent player saying "Shit" to the camera last night feels to me they are testing the waters, we are seeing more and more of it really would not surprise me if we are seeing a push to a more edgy product.
I mean camp WWE (although unrelated from the live shows) is the first M broadcast show from WWE and Dean Ambrose isn't exactly a "clean" face of the company, he is more of a Foley/Stone Cold type guy.
I just feel like we are seeing the start of a push towards a more adult geared brand especially with the lower ratings lately.