Event: WWE Royal Rumble
Date: January 30th, 2005
Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry The King Lawler
Announcers: Tazz & Michael Cole
They show some highlights of past Royal Rumble winners and then how they went on to WrestleManias to win the title. The show starts off with Tazz and Cole talking about the Rumble. We then shift over to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler for our first match of the night.
Edge vs. Shawn Michaels
Edge makes his way to the ring. He is then followed by Shawn Michaels. HBK quickly takes advantage and tosses Edge out of the ring. Edge gets back in the ring and eyes down HBK. They tie it up and move into the corner. HBK delivers some stiff shots in the corner. Edge finally gets some offense in with a swinging neck breaker.
Baseball slide by Edge, which sends HBK to the outside of the ring. HBK tries to fight his way back to the ring. HBK is now sent into the corner with an irish wip as Edge is in full control of this match.
Edge now has HBK down in the middle of the ring in a rear choke hold. HBK is trying to fight out of the hold. HBK is trying to fight out of the hold and finally gets back to his feet, but Edge pulls HBK back down by the hair. HBK finally hits a kick and then rolls up Edge and almost gets a near fall.
HBK continues to fight back up. He hits some stiff knife edge shots. Finally he knocks down Edge, but quickly Edge is back up and hits an atomic drop. HBK back up and into the ropes. HBK hits a counter with an elbow.
HBK is hit with a spear out of the ring and has not been able to get back in the ring, but at the count of 9 he is able to roll back in the ring. Edge is now walking around HBK and dancing around at the crowd.
Edge signals for the sweet chin music and then runs in and hits the spear on HBK. HBK is able to kick out! Edge is furious that he couldnt pin HBK. He begins to pull his hair out and yells at the ref. HBK gets back up in the meantime and then goes on the offense. He goes up to the top rope and hits the the elbow. HBK gears up for the Sweet Chin Music as he goes in, Edge ducks and counters with the Electric Chair.
Both men are back on their feet now. Edge now hooks on the sharp shooter. He is trying to roll HBK over. HBK is fighting for the ropes but as he does Edge pulls him back to the middle of the ring. HBK gets the bottom rope! Edge somehow or another gets HBK back against the ropes and rolls him up with both hands on the ropes he gets the 3 count. The ref never saw Edge with his hands on the ropes as Edge runs out of the ring and to the back and is declared the winner of the match.
Winner: Edge
Backstage we see Bischoff and Teddy Long talking about the Rumble. Flair and Guerrero are both backstage with them as they draw numbers for their order in the Rumble. As Eddie and Flair hug each other, it appears Guerrero has stolen Flairs number for the Rumble.
Backstage we see Heidenreich takling to Snitsky about how he hatest caskets. We then see the two talk after Snitsky tells him he has a plan
Undertaker vs. Heidenreich
The druids brign the casket out to the ring and place it right next too it. Then we have Heidenreich make his way to the ring and now followed by the Undertaker. There are no rules to this match. You have to place them in the casket to become the winner. The two men lock it up and Undertaker is sent into the ropes but Taker lays a shoulder block on Heidenreich. Taker is already taking Heidenreich over to the casket. They continue to exhange shoulder blocks as both men fight back and forth.
Heidenreich is in control of the match now. He has positioned The Undertaker into the corner and delivers some blows to his body. Undertaker wraps his legs around Heindenreich with his arms on the ropes and now drops him down to the mat in a triangle choke hold.
Undertaker has Heidenreich grounded and as Taker has him down, Snitsky hits the ring and starts stomping on the Taker. He then hits a huge clothesline on Taker. The crowd begins to chant for Kane.
Kane POPS out of the casket and jumps in the ring fighting off both Snitsky and Heidenreich. Kane then goes on the chase after Snitsky through the crowd as the fans go nuts. Now Undertaker and Heidenreich are fighting up the rampway.
Heidenreich sends the Undertaker into the steel steps knee first and that has the Taker laid out. The lid is up on the casket as Heidenreich takes the casket and rams it into the Takers head. Heidenreich then picks up Taker and drops him into the casket. As he begins to shut the lid Takers arm pops out. He grabs Heidenreich and brings him into the casket with him and then hits some huge shots to the back of Heidenreichs head.
Taker then gets out of the casket and lays Heidenreich halfway in and halfway out. He runs across the ring apron and drops a leg on Heidenreichs body.
Somehow or another Heidenreich is able to counter and get out of the casket and back into the ring where he begins to fight the Taker off. Heidenreich continues to try to fight back but Taker finally delivers a huge chokeslam and DDT which ground Heidenreich. He then signals to the people to open the casket up as he takes Heidenreich over to the casket and places him into it. Before Heidenreich is able to get out of the casket, Taker slams the door down on Heidenreich.
Winner: Undertaker
Backstage Teddy Long goes over to Eddie Guerrero and tells him he knows he has Ric Flairs number and tells him to give him Flairs number. We see Flair with HHH and others acting as though they are pissed off. Its pretty funny because Eddie also stole Ric Flairs wallet. HHH says its Evolutions night!
Batista and HHH start arguing when HHH demands that Batista listen to him about Orton and Batista wants to go get his number for the Royal Rumble. Flair tries to calm down both men.
Backstage we see Christian draw his number and then John Cena walks in. Christian talks making fun of Cena as he draws his number. Cena and Christian have a rap-off backstage where Christian gives a hilarious rap and then Cena ribs Christian with some funny stuff.
Up next is the WWE Smackdown! Championship.
JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Big Show
Angle is first to hit the ring. He is followed by Big Show and then JBL. It has been seven months since JBL won the WWE Smackdown! Championship as Tazz and Cole comment on his title run. The match begins as it looks like Angle and JBL will work together to take down Big Show. Angle exits the ring and lets Big Show work on JBL. Big Show takes JBL over to the corner and starts to lay some chops on JBL. Angle is just standing outside the ring smiling at Big Show and JBL.
Big Show is dominating both men. As Kurt Angle tries to run in the ring he is quickly sent over the top rope along with JBL. Big Show goes down to the floor to get both men and hammers on both of them. He moves the steel steps out and walks onto them where he was going to chokeslam JBL, but Angle sneaks up from behind and hits the lowblow. Then together, Angle and JBL send Big Show through the announce table as it crumbles from his weight.
Its now down to Angle and JBL as Big Show lies on the outside knocked out. Angle gets in the ring and hits an armbar and then turns on JBL and nails several german suplexes. JBL gets up and counters and drops an elbow and goes for a pinfall, but before Angle is able to kick out.
Big Show is getting back in the ring and hits a double clothesline on both men and then headbutts on both men. All men are going at it. JBL hits the clothesline from hell on Big Show and tries to get a cover. Big Shwo hits a chokeslam on JBL but JBL is able to grab the ropes. Both men now go outside the ring as Angle is down and out as well.
Big Show drives JBL through the barracade on the outside of the ring as both men lay motionless on the floor. Angle grabs a steel chair and takes it into the ring.
The match spirals out of control. Big Show counters Angle and slams the chair in his head. As he is about ready to get the win, Jindrak runs down to the ring and pulls Big Show out of the ring. He then starts beating him down. As he is doing that, they are loading JBL on a stretcher but his cabinent comes down and helps him into the ring. He hits the clothesline from hell on Angle as Big Show is still out of the ring.
He rolls over and makes the cover on Angle as he is out from the steel chair shot.
JBL steals another one
Winner: JBL
We see Batista drawing his number for The Royal Rumble, where Bishoff tells Batista that Evolution is banned from ringside during HHHs match. He asks Batista if he wants him to tell HHH or if he would like to tell him himself. Batista smiles and says he will let HHH know himself.
We then see a hilarious promo for WrestleMania 21 with Eugene playing the role of Forrest Gump on a bench going over great moments in past WrestleManias.
Back to the arena we see J.R. & King takling about the Raw Main Event for tonight.
Triple H vs. Randy Orton
Randy Orton is the first one out to the ring. Triple H is out next with water bottle in hand. Again, Evolution has been banned from ringside for this match. I wonder if HHH would be DQd if they showed up and would automatically retain the belt? Anyhow, the match is about to get underway.
The men tie it up immediatley as Randy Orton hits a backslide and goes for a quick cover. Triple H finally gets control of the match as he tosses Orton to the outside of the ring. He takes Orton and smashes him into the steel steps. HHH now poses mocking Randy Orton.
Triple H now has Orton back in the ring and is tearing him apart. Triple H pulls Ortons leg and wraps it around the ringpost and now starts smashing him in the face.
Triple H has begun to take out Randy Ortons legs. He continues to chop his legs in the ring. Triple H is rolled up by Orton, who almost gets a three count, but before Orton can do anything else, Triple H has Orton in the figure four. He has already worn down his knee with several chops.
Triple H has Orton in the middle of the ring as he continues to lock on the figure four. Triple H continues the figure four, but Orton is able to reverse and roll Triple H over. Triple H then goes for the ropes and the hold is broken.
Triple H continues his domination on Orton. He smashes his leg on the ring apron. Orton however, kicks HHH and sends him through the Spanish Announce Table. Triple H rolls in the ring and gets up but Orton has gotten up as well. Orton hits a backbreaker.
Orton is now back in control of the match as he hammers HHH in the corner. Orton goes up top and hits a huge cross body onto HHH. He goes for a 3 count, but HHH is able to kick out. Orton pulls HHH up and sends him into the ropes. HHH reverses and hits a facebuster and now sets Orton up with a pedigree, but Orton counters.
HHH hits the turnbuckle and as he turns around counters the RKO. Both men are now down. The action is back and forth as both men counter each others moves. Orton hits a DDT, but is not able to make the cover as both men are down.
Ortons lip is busted open as he is bleeding. Orton looks dazed as if he doesnt know where he is. He is barely able to stand on his feet as his head bounced off the canvas due to a nice move by HHH.
HHH gets up and sends Randy Orton right into the referee. The Ref is out as HHH starts to work on Orton. I cant tell if Orton is really messed up. His eyes are really glazed over as you can see in the live images. Its like he really doesnt even know where he is.
He has enough what know to send HHH into the ringpost which JR comments could have broken his nose. Triple H gets back in the ring though, as Orton is dazed out. Triple H hits a huge clothesline which decks Orton.
He then has to pull Orton to his feet as he can barely stand and hits the pedigree. Orton is out and Triple H gets the easy 3 count. I cant really tell if Orton was knocked out or not, but Ortons eyes were really glazed over in that match.
Winner: Triple H
J.R. & King comment that they hope Orton is okay, so Im not sure if that injury was legit or if was just great work by Orton. We go backstage with Bischoff and Long again, but as we do we see JBL backstage celebrating.
Long tells JBL that he will face the man that he did not pin tonight at No Way Out
Long then goes on to tell JBL that there will be no outside interference at No Way Out, because for the first time in the history of WWE they will have a barbwire steel cage match..How bout that playa.
The Royal Rumble
I will do my best to type up as much of the Rumble as it happens, because action sometimes breaks out of control. The first man in the Rumble is Eddie Guerrero. The second man in the rumble is Chris Benoit!
As both men make their way to the ring.
Daniel Puder is the third into the ring. He grabs a mic and tells everyone that he is going to be the first Tough Enough Champion to win the Royal Rumble.
Eddie & Chris both set their eyes on him after that comment. They get him in the corner and start hammering on him. Eddie is wearing him out in the ring.
Both men now hit a vertical suplex on him. Hardcore Holly is now down to the ring.
Puder has been tossed out and as he is the Hurrican hits the ring and Guerrero and Benoit toss Holly. Its now down to three men once again.
Hurricane is taking a beating and then Benoit steps in and hits some hard shots on Hurricane. Hurricane is tossed by Benoit shortly thereafter.
Eddie is almost eliminated by Edge who has now entered the ring. Its everyman for himself now, as Benoit and Guerrero were working as team earlier, but that has since broken down. The ring is slowly starting fill up as Rey Mysterio is on his way down to the ring. Rey hits the ring and starts attacking everyone. Rey then takes out Kenzo with a nice move.
Entrance Order:
#1 Eddie Guerrero
#2 Chris Benoit
#3 Daniel Puder
#4 Hardcore Holly
#5 Hurricane
#6 Kenzo Suziki
#7 Edge
#8 Rey Mysterio Jr.
Exit Order:
#1 Daniel Puder
#2 Hardcore Holly
#3 Hurricane
#4 Kenzo Suziki.