Wow. even less than 18 seconds. Wow
lol the pop is whats killing me right @ the swerve but not really swerve because everyone knew
lol @ Orton and Mr. H's getting a pop for it
I kind of hate wrestling right now. Bryan is teflon right now though. Hes getting it back. Maybe at Mania.
Lets be honest, as long as the match ends with a pinfal or submission we should be happy. In the end beating Cena clean is damn near impossible and doesn't really matter. I hope it happens, but the chances are extremely low so why hope for it, right?
Also, I will tell you now, EXPECT an Orton cash-in and expect it to be succesful. Don't get upset about it. Bryan will get the title no-matter-what, if it's not tonight, it will be no later than WrestleMania. WWE are behind the guy, so relax.
*still expects meltdown from GAF*
HHH just gotta stick his nose on everything