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WWE vengence spoiler

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First tragedy, then farce.
One of my friends works at a ticketmaster outlet and has the card for a house show on the 31st here in Austin..

the main event is a submission match for the big belt between Benoit and Kane.. so it looks like the reign of Benoit will not end come sunday, which is great news if you ask me. Also, I guess that means that Eugene will turn on HHH at vengence... and witht he disaray in evolution allready is looks like Edge will be set up to take them out.

HHH v Edge seems like a likely feud to me at this point, I would imagine Orton will retain and face off with Benjamin at summerslam... and Benoit may be stuck with Kane again if reports that HBK will remain on vacation longer than originally expected..

once HBK/Kane feud starts up, I dont know what they will do with Benoit. Its really a shame they had two of the best champs in a while (Guerrero) and cant find anything to do with them. Kane could work well but he spends more time with the Hardy feud than anything else, and we all know that there is no way in hell hardy will ever take out Kane.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
It's HHH vs. Benoit in the main event, not Kane vs. Benoit. That was the last PPV.


First tragedy, then farce.
That is the card for vengence.. HHH vs. Benoit.

The card for the house show on July 31st is Benoit vs. Kane...

so, if Benoit is in a title fight at the house show, it must mean he still has the belt... meaning he beats HHH.


because it needed posted again



keep your strippers out of my American football
Guzim said:
Then HHH will win the belt at Summerslam

That has been the plan all along. But, it is all up to HHH in reality. If he is going to take some time off to promote blade 3, it might be pushed back.


LOL - that picture is classic. Triple H wins the title at Summerslam would be gay. I want Benoit vs. Jericho - Jericho hasn't had a match for the title in forever.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
StoOgE said:
That is the card for vengence.. HHH vs. Benoit.

The card for the house show on July 31st is Benoit vs. Kane...

so, if Benoit is in a title fight at the house show, it must mean he still has the belt... meaning he beats HHH.

Oh, I see what you mean now, sorry. ^_^;

That's kind of surprising; I was sure that HHH was going to get the belt back. RAW has already gone back to being "The Triple H Show" lately.


keep your strippers out of my American football
LOL - that picture is classic. Triple H wins the title at Summerslam would be gay. I want Benoit vs. Jericho - Jericho hasn't had a match for the title in forever.

Jericho is a victim of his own success. He is totally perfect in that upper mid-card role that they don't want to move him, thinking it would leave a huge void at that level. When Shelton got hurt, then cemented Jericho at that level even more. Jericho will get his shot a main eventing again eventually. But I am just happy he gets as much camera time as he does. Every week in long segments is a good thing. He gets more time than the champ, that is for sure.


I kind of figured that Benoit would retain on Sunday anyway. I've figured for months that his title reign would end at Summerslam. Then again, I thought the same for Guerrero.

If I had to guess, Benoit will face Triple H again at Summerslam and lose. H will then go on to feud with Edge, who will eventually win the title (maybe at Wrestlemania?). They'll draw out the Matt Hardy/Kane feud until Summerslam. Hardy has to get knee surgery soon so Kane will probably destroy him in the end. Then Kane will go on to feud with Shawn Michaels. I wouldn't be surprised if Orton faces Jericho for the Intercontinental Title at Summerslam and finally loses the belt. I really have no clue what will happen with Benoit, though. Looks like he's headed to the mid-card. Either that or maybe he'll team up with Jericho again if Jericho doesn't move into the IC title picture.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Wrestlemania was Raw vs SD.

And just because a house show tenative match list is up, doesn't mean, it's final. Remember Card Subject To Change? The GAB was listed as having diffrent matches than what was on the PPV.


HHH is a real funny guy. I remember when he was on Conan O'Brien one time, he was making me laugh alot.
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