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Doube D

HOLY SH!!!!!T. How the hell does this site getaway w/ this stuff? They even sell a mag w/ the pictures inside. Isn't this kinda sorta illegal? I mean, are you allowed to just publically post pictures of people like that w/out (obviously) their authorization?

oh ye btw, warning, don't go to this site. I went there by accident trying to find pictures of a certain cranial abnormality for school. they had medical pics there and worse.... im just wondering how they get away w/ it.

edit: I took out the url just in case.

err, I changed the title, why is it still showing up on the board as the original? we can't change thread headers?



victory, internet


Coin Return said:
Thats the place where I first saw the video of that Russian soldier getting his throat cut. Baaaad memories...

Maybe the same one I saw. It was either a chechen killing a russian or russian killing a chechen. Most horrifying thing I've ever seen, I was fucked up for days.
SKluck said:
Maybe the same one I saw. It was either a chechen killing a russian or russian killing a chechen. Most horrifying thing I've ever seen, I was fucked up for days.

As some have said, its really the sound that makes it that much more horrifying.


300chf ain't shit to me
Doube D said:
I went there by accident trying to find pictures of a certain cranial abnormality for school. they had medical pics there and worse....

I stumbled upon the aforementioned site in exactly the same way... I was looking for some relatively tame pictures for a school anatomy project I was putting together, and came across these absoultely sickening photographs of severed, maimed human heads... in the school library.


Someone mind telling me the details of this Russian execution video? I've heard a lot about it, but I honestly don't want to see it. I saw a (very grainy) Nick Berg execution video and that was bad enough. Bothered me for a good two days.


I used to have an interest in that type of thing until I saw that guy being being burned alive against a tree at CJ. Never again.


Coin Return

Loose Slot
Someone mind telling me the details of this Russian execution video? I've heard a lot about it, but I honestly don't want to see it. I saw a (very grainy) Nick Berg execution video and that was bad enough. Bothered me for a good two days.

As I remember it, it shows a close up of a guys face/neck area, and hes being held down. Enter some soldier with a large knife. He jams it in to the guy on the ground's neck, and slices up and down until it it comes out the front. The worst part is the gurgling sound and the way the guys struggles to get free. I think it ends with a shot of the body with blood all over the ground.

Doube D

yes that same description is what is shown on the iraqi stuff. I don't know what it is, its disgusting but and disturbing but at the same time it shows just what humans are capable of. We think this stuff is bad today, but frankly, it wasn't too long ago when Temujin was building towers from human heads...


Diablos said:
Someone mind telling me the details of this Russian execution video? I've heard a lot about it, but I honestly don't want to see it. I saw a (very grainy) Nick Berg execution video and that was bad enough. Bothered me for a good two days.

The Nick Berg video was nothing.

Am I a horrible person for being desensitized to these things?

Lil' Dice

Most of the stuff there is nothign i can't handle. I'm actually more grossed out by small children running around with 2" of lime green snot hanging down to their lips than anything on ogrish.


Coin Return said:
As I remember it, it shows a close up of a guys face/neck area, and hes being held down. Enter some soldier with a large knife. He jams it in to the guy on the ground's neck, and slices up and down until it it comes out the front. The worst part is the gurgling sound and the way the guys struggles to get free. I think it ends with a shot of the body with blood all over the ground.


Coin Return said:
As I remember it, it shows a close up of a guys face/neck area, and hes being held down. Enter some soldier with a large knife. He jams it in to the guy on the ground's neck, and slices up and down until it it comes out the front. The worst part is the gurgling sound and the way the guys struggles to get free. I think it ends with a shot of the body with blood all over the ground.

Wasn't that Daniel Pearl?

EDIT: N/M. His was different.

And yeah...this one was pretty bad. I saw it on Kazaa before I knew about the site.


March 16, 2005
Dog Shooting in Iraq for "Fun"

NOTE: Ogrish.com opposes behavior such as that below. We have provided the US military and animal organisation PETA details regarding the sender of this submission.

"Hi my name is M. D. formaly of A TRP 1-10 CAV 4ID and while in Iraq we had a sport of killing dogs whenever the Iraqis werent shooting us. So when I shot this one at about 50 yards with my M4 and it ran yelping to lower ground, we had to finish it so my friends and I went to it and started shooting it. I ve never seen a dog take as many shots to the head at least 4 as this one did and then after we thought it was dead we dug a hole and when I picked it up with the shovel it came back to life, so we shot it a couple more times....its pretty funny."
Download 'dog_shooting_in_iraq.wmv'

Well, you can't say Orgish is useless.
e pluribus scrotum said:
im still recoverin from the picture of guy Pulled apart alive by two jeeps

After hearing all you guys and reading the warning at the front of that site, I am not even going to look.

There are some things I just don't want to see.


That beheading video would probably be hilarious if overdubbed with Yakety Sax.

Anything is hilarious with Yakety Sax.


* Forensic detectives, (retired) police officers, medical personnel"

Its unfortunate that people sell that site pictures, I perform autopsies and I cant even fathom disrespecting a person by doing something like that


Thanks for editing out the title. I mean I already knew about it, but the less people who know about it the better.


I don't know how you can accidently view any of these videos. You gotta click on the links that basically describe whats in the video. I can tolerate the pictures, I'm just too scared to click on any of the death/maiming videos.

Doube D

Vandiger said:
I don't know how you can accidently view any of these videos. You gotta click on the links that basically describe whats in the video. I can tolerate the pictures, I'm just too scared to click on any of the death/maiming videos.

I didn't accidentally view the videos. I accidentally found the site through a google search. The rest happened as a function of curiosity. I mean I never thought they could have a site like this up and running legally.


insert blank space here
Coin Return said:
As I remember it, it shows a close up of a guys face/neck area, and hes being held down. Enter some soldier with a large knife. He jams it in to the guy on the ground's neck, and slices up and down until it it comes out the front. The worst part is the gurgling sound and the way the guys struggles to get free. I think it ends with a shot of the body with blood all over the ground.

The screaming made it worse =(. I regret opening this thread... it brings back horrible memories :S.


robochimp said:
* Forensic detectives, (retired) police officers, medical personnel"

Its unfortunate that people sell that site pictures, I perform autopsies and I cant even fathom disrespecting a person by doing something like that
How long before you got used to the nature of your job?



SolidSnakex said:
As bad as it sounds in that description, its worse when you actually see it.

Anyway, there are some things that just aren't worth satisfying my curiousity. I learned that lesson after Tub Girl. I then ingrained it into my basic principles after witnessing a lady shoot eels out of her butt.
Coin Return said:
As I remember it, it shows a close up of a guys face/neck area, and hes being held down. Enter some soldier with a large knife. He jams it in to the guy on the ground's neck, and slices up and down until it it comes out the front. The worst part is the gurgling sound and the way the guys struggles to get free. I think it ends with a shot of the body with blood all over the ground.
yeah i think that was the worst video i ever saw, the sound made it so evil... i remember getting banned from an earlier iteration of GAF for posting a link to it, even tho it was spoiler tagged and split into pieces so it was unclickable...


DCX said:
How long before you got used to the nature of your job?


It surprisingly didn't take long. When you're digging around you're just so focused on taking organs out that the fact that its a person just kind of disappears.


robochimp said:
It surprisingly didn't take long. When you're digging around you're just so focused on taking organs out that the fact that its a person just kind of disappears.

Do you agree with the theory that a lot of people that do your kind of work enjoy it to help calm their once repressed feelings of brutally murdering/torturing someone?

In other words - do you work with any freaks?


No I havent found that to be true. We're all just people doing a job. I majored in biology and ended up working in a pathology/histology lab(good pay no benefits), a position opened up at the hospital where they do the autopsies, I asked my boss for the job, more money and benefits and that how I ended up in that. Its really interesting, I'm going to go and get my masters in the pathology field now because of how fun autopsies are.


There are smells but since I'm in a hospital and not a medical examiner's office, they get put in the cooler pretty quickly.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Coin Return said:
Thats the place where I first saw the video of that Russian soldier getting his throat cut. Baaaad memories...
heh, i drew the line at that video. when i heard what was in it i refused to watch it.


You know, as bad as that video is, humans have been brutalizing each other for centuries - it's not new.

However, the difference is that our western media edits all of the horrible things we do to each other, and so we've become very, very, very weak minded. I'm not saying that westerners should condone (sp?) such actions, but that the majority of people are now incapable of doing anything to stop such horrors.

It's the reason why everyone stands around watching someone getting beat up or won't approach someone that is crying for help: to damn scared for our own lives to even want to contemplate helping.



Theoretical Magician
My problem with these sites is that they exploit and glorify the suffering and deaths of others. These sites turn horrors into humor (at least to fans of these sites) or excitement (the nature of the content) Would the victims on these sites wish to be ogled by people worldwide, after the most horrible moment in their lives, their death? I don't believe they would and I know I wouldn't


I've seen the infamous "Russian" video and to be honest when i saw it, it didn't seem to stand out from all the other beheading/death vids I had seen. It was more "vocal" but nothing I hadn't seen before.

Fast forward two days and the damn thing came back to haunt me. It was in my head whenever I was alone, mainly driving home from work at midnight, but often all through the day. This lasted well over a week. It's really more disturbing than it first appears.


Has problems recognising girls
Most of the time I get shocked or whatever, but there are just things that you do not want to see whatsoever. One of these is this Russian video.
Hmm, I think I've seen that video. I don't want to go off and double check, that's for sure. Someone just sent it to me out of the blue via AIM (Don't you fucking hate that shit?). So I no longer click on links of things unless I know what it is beforehand. But anyways, it freaked me out at first, but I had the sound off and everything and just assumed it was fake and blew it off, so it definitely didn't freak me out for longer than a few minutes.

But I guess it was otherwise. I feel lucky. What some people will stoop to, really. -_-

Then again I could be talking about an entirely different video, but like I said, I'm not about to double check.
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