
Amidst Declining Xbox hardware, the company has raised hopes by saying that its next-generation Xbox console will have the largest technical leap. However, Xbox creator Seamus Blackley is skeptical about this strategy. According to him via VideoGamer, advertising a console as the most powerful is old-fashioned; hence, it does not work anymore.
It was the concept that worked in the era of PlayStation 2, and when Xbox was released, it was the most powerful console, given that it was the only console that could run games including Kotor, Halo, and others. However, now, if we compare the raw power of Xbox series X and PS5, they are very close. So, this concept is not reliable anymore.
The only things that could make a console stand out in the competition are the content available on the console and its features. He reflected back on Nintendo Switch, which, despite being less powerful because of underclocked 2013 hardware, is still the best-selling console worldwide. The reason is that a large amount of content is available exclusively on the console. Exclusives like Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Pokemon, and others helped the hardware become the world’s best-selling console.“Being the most powerful was also important to get the guys going into the future,“And then, you know, how they managed that brand and the story going forward is not my f**king fault, and it’s not, you know, I would not have done things the same way I don’t know if it would have been more or less successful but I certainly think that this narrative around being more powerful is not helpful today.”
Seamus Backley
Moreover, the creator also swiftly discusses the battle for content, from technical achievements to exclusive games and experiences. For example, Previously, consoles that could play high-resolution games with good performance had the upper hand in the competition; however, the trend has now shifted to exclusivity.
That said, Xbox is now pushing a multiplatform strategy, releasing more and more titles, even its biggest exclusives, including Halo, Forza Horizon, and others to PS5 and Nintendo Switch. Hence, Xbox’s current strategy does not match the ideology of Xbox creators, which makes it difficult for it to stand out in the competition.“I remember seeing, like, Gran Turismo, when it came out for PlayStation, and I had to buy it just because I couldn’t believe what was happening on the screen was happening on the screen right and that was compelling and that doesn’t exist any more,”
Seamus Backley
Moreover, it’s not only Xbox pursuing a multiplatform strategy as Sony is also looking to release its games to other platforms to increase revenue.
All in all, it is only Nintendo that is sticking to exclusivity, so relying on the creator statement only the future of Nintendo, which is survivable.