Well if he is talking about US only then it is kinda correct.
There is a world beyond US borders though.
Was going to say this, maybe he's going by the age old MS adage of "Only the US counts"
Well if he is talking about US only then it is kinda correct.
There is a world beyond US borders though.
This is the best use of this gif we will ever see. Time to hang it up.
LooooolWhat a twist!^^
gaf is a hive mind confirmed
The fact that every post has the exact same timestamp is incredible
The Competition selling more in your own country? I wouldn't call that *By A Nose*
Pack it in, folks. We're done here.
I don't think the location of the company's HQ (in terms of country) matters that much. They're multinational companies and have global brands. It isn't like PlayStation is associated as a being Japanese brand.
Any chance he is talking tech wise here and not sales?
Cuz yeah, it is 2:1 or close to that WW at this point and will be much worse by the holiday season. So not sure how that could be an educated opinion sales wise.
Tech wise, its .... kind of true I guess. Unless we talk about memory bandwidth differences which is a pretty wide gap to the main VRAM.
from article said:When it's all said and done, Sony will end up just slightly ahead, he said.
He should at least know about the infamous Eurozone