Crossfire is great value for a dollar.
As, unfortunately, are none of these games. They're certainly not worth more than a dollar as some of them want you pay.
Deadly Space is the best of them, but it's not brilliant. It's tower defence set in space, and it should have a great style but for some reason it chooses to only show you the very nearest parts of the grid, so you're constantly scrolling around just to see what's going on. It's really only playable because it plays the most basic game of Tower Defence imaginable, so you can't really do much wrong as far as gameplay goes. So, so many better examples of the genre.
Field Archer is just annoying. It looks nice, in a way, but then covers it with ugly presentation. It's also simply irritating to play. You're basically sniping at animals that don't move and it's impossible to have any fun with because your bow is constantly moving around. I've done archery before and I'm pretty sure I didn't just shake the bow around randomly as if I was looking through a scope on a sniper rifle at a target a mile away, which appears to be this games source. Useless.
EleMental Orbs is some kind of Dr Mario game which has unresponsive controls in that they just don't bother responding at all. You press left and nothing happens. You press leeeeft and nothing happens. You press left left left left left and nothing happens. You press left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left and move one space to the left. Completely unplayable.
Zombie Academy, also crap. The mode you can play in the trial lets you move left and right and jump over spikes to avoid skulls that are being thrown at you. Except you can't jump over spikes. You just move left and right and hope that the game jumps for you. Completely bizarre idea and somewhat pointless.
Controdazone is an alright idea, but it's not fun to play. There's four players and you score when you're in the zone, which moves around. So you just shoot at the other players and try to get into the zone. It's impossible. You can't follow the fire at all so whenever you're anywhere near the zone you just bounce away and away and you have no idea why. You can use power-ups which make it possible to get some points on the board, but it's not a fun way to play.
Avatar Kung-Fu is boring. You move left pressing X to kill ennemi [sic] and that's it. Everything's a one hit kill and it's dull. Does not feel like much of a game.
Dungeon Tales is some kind of RPG thing but doesn't make any sense. You bounce around using attacks to destroy bits of wood with symbols representing those attacks on, and then you kill some chickens, heal some chickens, and then do something to your brother because the chickens are dead, or something. Then it just puts you in some huge fight completely out of nowhere.