Maybe they're busy getting a good library of OG Xbox ready to go...
I hope ;(
I hope ;(
Maybe they're busy getting a good library of OG Xbox ready to go...
I hope ;(
Today I expect 2-3 old Arcade Titles.
You can come back to this in 10 mins.
Maybe they're busy getting a good library of OG Xbox ready to go...
I hope ;(
Get him!
Nada 3 was underrated IMO.
'You don't like Nothing 1, 2 or 3?
This thread reminds me every day to throw my misconceptions out the window and teaches me constatly to be amazed at what can be achieved when there is a will to do so.
Perfect gif for the occasion.
After reading some doom and gloom comments about BC every now and then when there are no releases I can't help but share my two cents on the matter.
I can't really say I don't check this thread every tuesday and thursday religiously and leave a little bit dissapointed when nothing shows up, but I couldn't be happier that more and more titles keep getting added at a steady pace. Plus, those that have alreadey been released keep getting updated for better performance. Plus in the coming weeks there's the the alleged "scorpio surprise" when the X launches that they are not talking about yet (however, they tease every chance they get).
When the One released many said that BC was impossible (could go on a quoting spree, but I don't really see the point). When BC released, some said it was going to be half-assed and impossible to bring Original Xbox BC. This thread reminds me every day to throw my misconceptions out the window and teaches me constatly to be amazed at what can be achieved when there is a will to do so.
Yeah, I have to hand it to MS. I really crapped on the XBO initially (for a multitude of reasons) but they really turned it around, particularly in the area of BC. Best BC of any of this gen of consoles.
Isn't this the first Thursday that we don't get BC announcements??
I would probably not own an Xbox one if it wasn't for the BC stuff, it's really awesome how well MS have handled it.
Isn't this the first Thursday that we don't get BC announcements??
No, did you forget the 2 month drought earlier this year?
Be lucky we aren't seeing the PS2 on PS4 drought.
Has there been any PS2 games out on that programme recently? Feels like forever since I've heard any news on that.
Hoping that the Xbox One X comes here soon, lest I lose my sanity 😑
Based on Wikipedia, nothing since August. And, it only has been a handful this year.
That's disappointing, had they removed the trophy requirement I'd imagine we'd see at least a few more titles on that list.
But do you want vanilla Saints 1? I thought you played a heavily modded version online?they will never make saints row backwards compatible will they? like why the hell would i want a scorpio if i cant even play my favorite game
Im assuming thats the X1XE flag? Theyre all marked false for me. Which games did you look at?So since there has been a bunch of 360 titles lately with updates Ive just had a quick look at what changed. The metadata says now have Xbox One X Enhancements.
But do you want vanilla Saints 1? I thought you played a heavily modded version online?
HI finally someone who understands the issues of Saints Row....
1.a) Yes Saints Row is in dire need of a remaster so that we can have Vanilla Saints Row again
1.b) the gang leaderboard server crashed like 6 years ago, so the ability to make your own gang and play "gang matches" is missing...
1.c) the original Saints Row online multiplayer has been modified terribly to the point it is not even fun to try to take the multiplayer seriously or compettitve anymore...thus why the multiplayer is nearly empty
2. However I am here!! the great @Godzhand1 of the Saints Row community own the rights to the "Saints Row" Club on XBOX!! feel free to join Neogaf btw!! anyway
what do I see the Saints Row Club can do for Saints Row 1?
Well I see it being a hub , and underground matchmaking system to bring xbox one players a more healthy version of Saints Row 1 online
No I cannot prevent cheaters, however with the abilities to record gameplay / take screenshots / upload to the club activity feed and an active chatroom we have the opportunity to limit these interactions from cheating on the game...
So far the club has reached 419 users, out of those 419 I would say a whopping 320 of them are literally Saints Row 1 junkies like me, and when the gate lifts I see way more coming that way...
I know people here would find my methods unrealistic, however I know practically everything there is to know about this game, and can handle a bunch of punk kids...
questionably though for those who own clubs themselves and play 360 titles... is there anyway to tell if a player in a match is on the ONE or the 360? besides forcing them to take a screenshot....
thank you! and please vote for Saints Row backwards compatability @
Xbox Originals are starting to appear in the store.
Saw this posted on reddit.
Dead to rights
Crimson skies
Fuzion frenzy
Red faction 2
Saw this posted on reddit.
NOT Panzer Dragoon Saga
NOT Project Gotham Racing 2
NOT Ninja Gaiden Black
NOT Outrun 2
NOT Dead or Alive 3
people are starting to supposedly see OG xbox games?
list from reddit
/cant check links due to being at work/
crimson skies
fusion frenzy
dead to rights
KOF Neowave
red faction 2
If I bought that Crimson Skies right now from the 360 store it would be good for the Xbox One I assume?