Ok working now. Calibrating kinect. Phew.
lol that was close, i'm guessing initial boot from the latest update takes a while.
Ok working now. Calibrating kinect. Phew.
got a dentist appointment one hour after i pick up the xbox one. don't know how to feel
Ok working now. Calibrating kinect. Phew.
seriously my nutsack was up to my throat.DON'T PLAY WITH MHA FEELINGS
Ok I have a green xbox one screen.. But nothing else. It's frozen. Completely. Have done update I can click buttons and hear the sounds of things being selected but Al I have is the logo. The isn't good
What? Id feel great, the appointment goes shit you got a new toy, if it goes good then your xbox intro time would be great post gas/pain meds.
It's purple but u can't see cos of the flash
It's purple but u can't see cos of the flash
It's purple but u can't see cos of the flash
Any consensus on the game to get on release date? Forza looks the most family friendly but I dont want it to be too hard for my 4yr old.
Ryse needs a 1.2gb update. Was difficult to work out how to play the Damn thing! Need to install it first.
It's purple but u can't see cos of the flash
My god, if that clock was 1 minute short, I would have died from laughter.
Ryse needs a 1.2gb update. Was difficult to work out how to play the Damn thing! Need to install it first.
Omg just said xbox Bing. Killer instinct. It's started downloading!
Update on my Amazon crap:
I talked to another rep and he's waiting the entire shipping charge! W00t w00t! free delivery! Go go Amazon!
Omg just said xbox Bing. Killer instinct. It's started downloading!
I was thinking about this but isnt eneloop rechargeables more convenient/cheaper?
i'm dying lmao
Ryse needs a 1.2gb update. Was difficult to work out how to play the Damn thing! Need to install it first.
My god, if that clock was 1 minute short, I would have died from laughter.
I'm in line. Lots of khakis and neckbeards and Gordon Freemen.
Yep.Does it install and download patch in parallel?
if this game gets good reviews I will be shocked tbh.
I'm in line. Lots of khakis and neckbeards and Gordon Freemen.
I knew Ryse was destined for great reviews! The fact that Microsoft gave Ryse its own review day, like Forza, and the fact that its the final one from launch shows that Microsoft has faith in the product and its quality.