It records all achievements.
Whaaaat?? That sounds insane lol. Why would it do that?
It records all achievements.
Whaaaat?? That sounds insane lol. Why would it do that?
Eh, both Ghosts and Battlefield 4 didn't record any of my achievements.
Because achievements son.
Developers can pick wether or not they want to auto-record achievements.
Does saying " Xbox on" not work in Australia? I just tried it but nothing.
Does saying " Xbox on" not work in Australia? I just tried it but nothing.
NBA 2k has the rumble triggers for every time the ball bounces. I think it's pretty cool.Thanks guys to who chimed in on my earlier question.
New request. I've played a bit of dr3. Haven't noticed much "new" in the way if vibration.
I have dead rising 3 only (and xblg) - if I were to want a good test of the new triggers, I would [insert blank] ?
Honestly the more I think about it, the more I wish Kinect 2 was some Siri-like psuedo-AI in the UI.
Thanks guys to who chimed in on my earlier question.
New request. I've played a bit of dr3. Haven't noticed much "new" in the way if vibration.
I have dead rising 3 only (and xblg) - if I were to want a good test of the new triggers, I would [insert blank] ?
Well that sucks ass. Fix it MS.Correct. Xbox On does not work yet here in Australia.
Manually. Because it turns on the cable box via the ir blaster, I think.
Not a big deal, since you're powering on the 360 with a controller.
The beautiful thing is the fact that you use voice to get to the 360. So, no juggling 2 gamepads. Its fuckin great, man.
Well that sucks ass. Fix it MS.
So before, I did a 20-hit 'beastly' combo on Killer Instinct. I said "Xbox, record that!" and instantly I had the last 30 seconds of gameplay to mess around with. That was waaaaaaaaaaaaay more than I needed, so I went into Upload, trimmed the video to just the combo while adding a nice little effect to take out the horrible backflip I had to leave in at the start, and uploaded it to my feed and Skydrive. Suddenly, I was like "Fuck, I've probably closed Killer Instinct." NOPE! With a few presses of the B button, I was back to it. I was really, really impressed.
So on that note, now that the console is actually out and that it doesn't give us AIDS (although I'm sure some people are still hurrumphing about resolution, jaggies, and load times), what do people make about the whole CBOAT thing. The ass storm never really seemed to roll in, so and given that we saw in his PM that he wanted to discourage people from buying the machine, I wonder what his agenda and motive was.
Cool. I might end up doing that since I don't think my wife would want to use the TV like that as well. Plus Csnada doesn't have the one guide yet anyways.
Correct. Xbox On does not work yet here in Australia.
So I'm playing Ryse co-op with a friend and the notification "Game clip recorded" pops up often and quite randomly. Anybody know why this is?
Edit: And they aren't recording achievements because we haven't earned them in this session.
So far I'm really loving this console. Honestly, I think the UI and the voice commands are fantastic. I don't know why reviewers were having trouble with them, but I rarely have to repeat myself. And the TV works great. I love that I can watch TV and then have my game and entertainment center all around it.
My only issue so far, is just the graphics. I'm not that impressed with Killer Instinct or Dead Rising 3. I hate the sharpening effects and the crushed blacks. Especially on a bigger TV like a 55 inch 1080p, you really notice how much worse it looks than PS4 games. I don't have Forza or Ryse, so I don't want to judge. But PS4's games were night and day (even Knack looked better than Dead Rising, despite its cartoony graphics). I'm also kind of suspect of how long it takes to install and load games. I was able to install 50gb games on PS4 under 4 min. Easily. Dead Rising 3 took me at least 20 min.
But on the flip side, I also think Dead Rising 3 and Killer Instinct are a lot more fun than anything I've played on PS4 (except Resogun). So IMO fun trumps graphics. I just hope Xbox One games start to pick up a bit more as it goes.
At least to me though, the overall benefit of this system outweighs these issues. I love everything about the Xbox One so far. Xbox Live is also superb (I missed having it). Also, scanning QT codes seems like a small thing, but it's a great feature.
I think Ryse auto-records clips at certain points in the game.
I think you hit the nail on the head, you're playing games that wouldn't be considered pretty on any system (save for when those KI particles kick in!). Ryse and Forza are much prettier as is a lot of the upcoming stuff.
Is there a way to view Download History on the system? I can't tell if my DLC downloaded.
So on that note, now that the console is actually out and that it doesn't give us AIDS (although I'm sure some people are still hurrumphing about resolution, jaggies, and load times), what do people make about the whole CBOAT thing. The ass storm never really seemed to roll in, so and given that we saw in his PM that he wanted to discourage people from buying the machine, I wonder what his agenda and motive was.
So far I'm really loving this console. Honestly, I think the UI and the voice commands are fantastic. I don't know why reviewers were having trouble with them, but I rarely have to repeat myself. And the TV works great. I love that I can watch TV and then have my game and entertainment center all around it.
My only issue so far, is just the graphics. I'm not that impressed with Killer Instinct or Dead Rising 3. I hate the sharpening effects and the crushed blacks. Especially on a bigger TV like a 55 inch 1080p, you really notice how much worse it looks than PS4 games. I don't have Forza or Ryse, so I don't want to judge. But PS4's games were night and day (even Knack looked better than Dead Rising, despite its cartoony graphics). I'm also kind of suspect of how long it takes to install and load games. I was able to install 50gb games on PS4 under 4 min. Easily. Dead Rising 3 took me at least 20 min.
But on the flip side, I also think Dead Rising 3 and Killer Instinct are a lot more fun than anything I've played on PS4 (except Resogun). So IMO fun trumps graphics. I just hope Xbox One games start to pick up a bit more as it goes.
At least to me though, the overall benefit of this system outweighs these issues. I love everything about the Xbox One so far. Xbox Live is also superb (I missed having it). Also, scanning QT codes seems like a small thing, but it's a great feature.
Does saying " Xbox on" not work in Australia? I just tried it but nothing.
"Xbox unsnap" works 99% of the time, but if it's already listening, "unsnap" doesn't seem to work at all. Ever.
Took a while to bypass my initial tech problems (nothing to do with the console) and I've spent enough time with it now to say that Xbox One is glorious. So much great stuff here, wonderfully integrated. I've got my cable TV piped through it and it's working brilliantly. UI is so snappy and the voice stuff works (mostly) as advertised. Swapping from game to app to TV and back again is so slick, I love it. This really feels like the future. Congrats to all at MS who worked on this, amazing job.
What's this about?
Ryse looks better or at least as good as anything on either system, it's gorgeous. Depending on your disposable income I would recommend it just for the visuals alone although personally I'm having a lot of fun with it, I think some of the reviews were overly harsh.
"Xbox unsnap" works 99% of the time, but if it's already listening, "unsnap" doesn't seem to work at all. Ever.
Yeah I've only done a few races but enough for my driver avatar (I refuse to say the word) to get uploaded into the system. I like it a lot.Glad you got it working. Did you get Forza? I dunno if it's just pulling names from my list or everyone drives like a maniac.