Yeh there is matchmaking. Also a solo mode if you wanted to play it by yourself.
Great thanks. I'm actually on a trip up the eastern seaboard to Boston, but I'm going to trigger the purchase now so that it is ready when I get back
Yeh there is matchmaking. Also a solo mode if you wanted to play it by yourself.
To be fair, I'm rather biased. I love Tycoon games in general. It might not be as fun for everyone else. Still, if you like the previous games in the series, I think the new one is even better than Zoo Tycoon 2. It's not as good as Zoo Tycoon 2 + Expansions, but I'm hoping more stuff will be released via DLC packs. It might not sell well enough for that, though.![]()
Awesome thanks, is there anyway to bring up messages in snap?
Also, whenever and wherever I snap, it goes to Killer Instinct and I can't get out of KI without losing snap .... is that a bug?
I'll be in settings, say snap, and it'll take me to KI and add Snap for instance.
i love the xbox one, but who on their right mind wanted to implement install disc's first. its been 1 hr 30 mins on dead rising 3 and its still on 1% after i downloaded the update.
I actually like Ryse quite a bit. I've played it more than any of the other launch games so far, despite its flaws. That said, I would get NFS if you're into arcade racers. It's really great (I played it on ps4)
OK LocoCycle is awesome. Leave LocoCycle alone!
AC4 vs DR3 vs NBA 2K14
What should I get.... hmmmmmm
DR3. We can co-op at some point.
AC4 vs DR3 vs NBA 2K14
What should I get.... hmmmmmm
Forza and Crimson Dragon are both amazing. CD is so much better then I could have ever expected. It is such a love letter to the PD games. Also as long as you are not terrible at the game there is no way you would ever need to use the micro transactions. I have already unlocked 5 different dragons and I haven't even played that much. Everyone that likes PD games should buy it. I can't recommend it enough.
Bought. Aw yiss.
My friend has played his One offline all weekend and hasn't gotten any achievements but he has done stuff that would qualify. Are they going to unlock once he is able to connect to the internet? Thanks.
Make sure to download Smartglass if you haven't already. Companion app for DR3 is amazing...
And is your GT your forum name? Will drop you a FR in the morning...
Miles, what's the companion app? Is it a map? Please say its a big map. I so need a big map. And maybe one that has combos.
Is it possible to have an xbox one and a 360 on at the same time, both using xbox live, under the same account?
Seriously? Can you upload some clips to help sell me on the game? No worries if you can't.
If only live-streaming hadn't been delayed...
So can someone please talk about how the challenges work?
Two questions:
I. How do you get gestures to work (swiping the menus with your hand). For some reason, mines not working.
II. How do you see where your install status is at?
Just got my Xbox One, and am fiddling around with it. So much stuff. Everything has been working flawlessly so far.
People are recommending the voice tutorial - where do I find that?
And is there a way to take screenshots?
I. How close are you to Kinect? As long as you have at least 2ft it should be working. Try holding you arm up with an open palm (like you're about to high five someone) for a few seconds. Then just try slowly moving your arm around, you should see a hand appear on screen. Once you've got it working, to swipe between menus just move you hand over to either side, close your hand (like you're grabbing the screen), and then drag your arm in the direction you want to go. To select something just hover your hand over the item and then push your hand forward as if you're pushing a big button.
II. Go to "My games and apps". It will list all apps and games and their installation progress.
So uh, I have this problem where I inserted my Dead Rising 3 disc. I clicked "install disc" I got this message saying it needed an update. Did all that by clicking yes. But then it never went to a download/status bar. It's not showing up in games and apps either. And if I click the "install disc: square nothing happens anymore.
I'm thinking about ejecting the disc. But I have no idea if it's installing.
EDIT: So I ejected the disc. I then put it back in, did the same thing. This time It took me to a mini Dead Rising square and said installation started. And then said go to "Games & Apps" -- I'm not seeing Dead Rising 3 there still, and no status bar. Fuck.
I had this problem too and it's one of my biggest issues with the Xbox One at the moment - the console just doesn't give enough information to the user to indicate what it's doing.
Basically, it won't give you a progress bar for the patch and the update. It might be installing it in the background (I'm not entirely sure) and then the disc itself might start installing.
When this happened to me I just turned the console on and off again until the game would start installing. But then it would hang at 0%. But this is because it's installing the patch first, THEN the percentage will begin to start moving.
It's a fucking mess but once you've got it all done everything works smoothly.
Really praying that they correct this all with a patch
Starting to think my Xbox One is a broken one.
It's not making any disc sounds. It was able to read the disc and say INSTALL. And my Kinect's voice commands have been perfect. The set up was smooth. TV works perfectly.
But for some reason when I install my Dead Rising 3 game from the disc, it's not showing up in Game & Apps. I can't see the status of it downloading. And the gestures are working now btw.
Oh god. My skype app is in Games & Apps, and it's frozen and queued. I can't force it to install or even cancel to install. It's just non-responsive. I'm starting to think something is wrong with my Xbox One, as I can't get it to install anything. Wouldn't install my game from my disc. Won't install this app. Fuck fuck fuck.
*takes deep breath*
Dunno what else to do. I've restarted the system twice now. Even ejected the Dead Rising 3 disc. No dice.
Oh god. My skype app is in Games & Apps, and it's frozen and queued. I can't force it to install or even cancel to install. It's just non-responsive. I'm starting to think something is wrong with my Xbox One, as I can't get it to install anything. Wouldn't install my game from my disc. Won't install this app. Fuck fuck fuck.
*takes deep breath*
Dunno what else to do. I've restarted the system twice now. Even ejected the Dead Rising 3 disc. No dice.
Oh god. My skype app is in Games & Apps, and it's frozen and queued. I can't force it to install or even cancel to install. It's just non-responsive. I'm starting to think something is wrong with my Xbox One, as I can't get it to install anything. Wouldn't install my game from my disc. Won't install this app. Fuck fuck fuck.
*takes deep breath*
Dunno what else to do. I've restarted the system twice now. Even ejected the Dead Rising 3 disc. No dice.
Can you not stack gold trials? Xbox twitter support tell me my 14 free gold will work after my current trial runs out, is that true?