What's even on the horizon for January? Haha.
I think Last update was on December patch Tuesday. I am guessing next update will be on or after January 14th if they follow the pattern.Speaking of that are there any update news? There are more bugs and glitch they need to fix plus some functionality "adjustment".
Makes sense! Price is definitely the downside of going all digital. I imagine it will take ages for digital content to go on sale whereas Forza was already $40 on Amazon. I really want to be all digital with the Xbox One though so it is what it is.
Yep I tried all of those things, none worked. I did the thing with MS support where they send one out first and then I send mine back so I'll have a replacement in 3-5 days (in a box they send with the replacement with postage paid). Not badHad to give a CC# in case I didnt send the other one back - the price for a new kinect = $150 (if that wasn't known)
Took the wind out of my sails a bit but I obviously can still play games and 3-5 days isn't bad at all. Still enjoying the system.
PM'd bish to see if he'd approve a monthly OT.
I agree. The overall game has had a lot of time and love put into it. The Secrets and Unlocks section, they put a lot of effort into it. Everything except the gameplay lolJust finished Lococycle. Wow... that musical score! The end was pretty damn hilarious too. The gameplay was pretty boring, though.
What's the re-playability like for Power Star Golf?
I know it has some RPG elements which intrigues me, I'm just curious if it will last me a bit, something to play in between other titles.
I agree. The overall game has had a lot of time and love put into it. The Secrets and Unlocks section, they put a lot of effort into it. Everything except the gameplay lol
What's even on the horizon for January? Haha.
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Project Spark is I believe.
Should have put down a pre-order.
Project Spark is I believe.
My xbox one isn't recognizing my kinect. I tried a bunch of different things people have suggest around the net.
Total fucking bummer![]()
You switched from the PS4 version to the XB1 version?
But yes, that sharpening filter needs to go ASAP. At the very least tone it down. It's kinda obnoxious what it's doing.
Yeah, that is a bummer. At least you can play all your games, still.
BTW I think something weird is going on with your achievements. It's showing you have none on Smartglass. I just see some Forza uploads and that's all.
It's being worked on. I've heard they expect it fixed before titanfall.
You switched from the PS4 version to the XB1 version?
But yes, that sharpening filter needs to go ASAP. At the very least tone it down. It's kinda obnoxious what it's doing.
Yeah, that what was so perplexing, when directly connected it looked as it should. But going through the Xbox One, the image quality suffered.
One last Forza 5 leaderboard update before this thread is archived.
532,221 12/17
778,704 12/25
841,179 12/27
917,692 12/29
965,987 12/31
PvZ: Garden Warfare will cover February
But where shall we hide when the thread gets archived??
Do it, stop teasing us, do it!
Off to bed, I'll see about getting a new OT for January up tomorrow or ASAP.
Looking for:
Main tile
Sub tiles (probably launch exclusives, or old main)
Features (Can be a meme or joke)
Anything else that you believe is relevant; tips and tricks, recaps, etc.
January Games
Project Spark (beta?)
Tomb Raider
In the my little pony thread? Come on we can take the Bronies out!
I just hope we get Dolby digital over optical out soon.
Can't wait to hear BF4 on my Astros.
Xbox One Games - January 2014 |OT| My Little Xbone? My Little Xbone.
Xbox One Games - January 2014 |OT| Cuz the other thread got archived
Xbox One Games - January 2014 |OT| We Love Our Xbox Ones. No, Seriously.
I got an Xbox One for Christmas.
I have never in my life experienced a more under baked, half finished product. Holy cow, you guys. it BARELY works. It crashes all the time. I'm no PS4 fanboy, I have both, but it's super depressing. It'll probably be great in 6 months. But I only turn this thing on for fitness anymore (if it even turns on. Kinect is reaaaaaaally hit or miss.)
I got an Xbox One for Christmas.
I have never in my life experienced a more under baked, half finished product. Holy cow, you guys. it BARELY works. It crashes all the time. I'm no PS4 fanboy, I have both, but it's super depressing. It'll probably be great in 6 months. But I only turn this thing on for fitness anymore (if it even turns on. Kinect is reaaaaaaally hit or miss.)
I got an Xbox One for Christmas.
I have never in my life experienced a more under baked, half finished product. Holy cow, you guys. it BARELY works. It crashes all the time. I'm no PS4 fanboy, I have both, but it's super depressing. It'll probably be great in 6 months. But I only turn this thing on for fitness anymore (if it even turns on. Kinect is reaaaaaaally hit or miss.)
It was a good thread, will be missed.
You must have a faulty unit. I have almost no issues outside of normal growing pains.
When setting up your Kinect, make sure you turn up your speakers as loud as the Kinect will let you. I am at 95% hit now.
I got an Xbox One for Christmas.
I have never in my life experienced a more under baked, half finished product. Holy cow, you guys. it BARELY works. It crashes all the time. I'm no PS4 fanboy, I have both, but it's super depressing. It'll probably be great in 6 months. But I only turn this thing on for fitness anymore (if it even turns on. Kinect is reaaaaaaally hit or miss.)
The Xbox One beta should be in January, so I think the final game will come a bit later.