Nothing wrong with this at all. Xbox fans have been treated like shit for the last 5 months on here.
You are right for the latter but I still don't think two wrongs male a right tbh.
Nothing wrong with this at all. Xbox fans have been treated like shit for the last 5 months on here.
Speaking of eneloops, do we know if you can charge batteries through the controller's mirco usb port?
You are right for the latter but I still don't think two wrongs male a right tbh.
It has not been that bad recently but, there was a point where one could not say anything positive about Xbox with out being flamed. We will forgive and forget and let the Xbox do the talking.
Hi Xbox users. As a ps user myself. i was wondering if the ps4 release did effect you or made you more hyped up about next gen?
It has not been that bad recently but, there was a point where one could not say anything positive about Xbox with out being flamed. We will forgive and forget and let the Xbox do the talking.
Got my shipment confirmation at about 1AM from MS Store! Ordered it June 10th in case anyone wonders. The tracking number they gave me still isn't "live" yet though.
Home stretch
A persecution complex is a sad thing to develop over a Videogame console.
Hi Xbox users. As a ps user myself. i was wondering if the ps4 release did effect you or made you more hyped up about next gen?
A persecution complex is a sad thing to develop over a Videogame console.
A lot of sad things occur on this board.
No way. There'd be no way for the controller to know whether the batteries are rechargeable. And I don't know if you've ever accidentally tried to recharge a non-rechargeable battery, but it's not a pretty scene.
Hi Xbox users. As a ps user myself. i was wondering if the ps4 release did effect you or made you more hyped up about next gen?
Yeah, PS4's UI made me realize how slick Xbox Ones really is. Hype increasing with each day.
Though sadly won't get mine 'till December.
Now you've got me curious.
Basically some smoke, hissing noises, and battery acid dripping on your damn carpet.
Definitely more hyped. I love my PS4 more than my PS3 already but lack of games that interest me right now is kinda sad. On the other hand, I am super pumped about the X1's launch lineup, the only exclusive I'm not interested in for Xbox is Ryse and that's because I don't like the genre.
How will X1 noise compare to PS4?
Also, why is it bigger than PS4 despite an external power supply?
Would you want to risks another RRoD?
5 more days till my Crimson Dragon machine comes
out of curiosity: what is this "genre of games" the ps4 is lacking?
because the only one I can see is RPG which even the Bone won't have on release.
How will X1 noise compare to PS4?
Also, why is it bigger than PS4 despite an external power supply?
Fighting games. KI is absolutely my most anticipated game.
So how important is the UI for you? or are there games that you must have?. For instance, i am getting a ps4 once it launches in Europe because of Naughty dog and other sony first party studio's? there is ofcourse the legendary Halo and a lot of other cool games. but to be honest both the launch line up of ps4 and xbox one is still not something i am getting excited over
It has a fighting game injustice ultimate ed.
So i log in to Amazon to order those Eneloops when:
It's happening!
injustice Ultimate edition-?Fighting games. KI is absolutely my most anticipated game.
injustice Ultimate edition-?
So how important is the UI for you? or are there games that you must have?. For instance, i am getting a ps4 once it launches in Europe because of Naughty dog and other sony first party studio's? there is ofcourse the legendary Halo and a lot of other cool games. but to be honest both the launch line up of ps4 and xbox one is still not something i am getting excited over
Basically some smoke, hissing noises, and battery acid dripping on your damn carpet.
oh man!! just finished a I-dont-know-how-long session with amazon SHITTY support.
can I guess that your shipping method is regular and not express same day delivery Terbinator?
5 more days till my Crimson Dragon machine comes
out of curiosity: what is this "genre of games" the ps4 is lacking?
because the only one I can see is RPG which even the Bone won't have on release.
Have you seen Titanfall?
Yeah, mine shipped too. I called MS to have it cancelled but they said ire's already on it's way. They sent a return request to UPS for me.