Xbox One Preview Members get early access to the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta


Did you choose "Save & Quit" in the mission before shutting down the console? If not, then Halo will never save your progress.

At least I've not experienced losing a savegame since one of the latest patches

Thats not true. In Halo CE Ive never lost my progress and I always quitted the app during the game. I was always losing my Halo 2 save data however, but after the last patch I tested 2 times quitting the app after a checkpoint (without pressing "save and quit") and returning to the game, and it worked fine.

You dont need to save and quit. After a checkpoint your progress should be saved anyway. It fails a lot with Halo 2 in my side though (and besides my luck of not losing it after last patch, it seems people are still having this issue, so its not fixed).


Well in my timezone, It's 6AM.

Then I'll watch live-streaming instead. Because I don't have preview membership. ;(

Anyway now I'm finding people who'll invite preview program to me. I'll participate preview program to not loss bonuses like this.
Did you choose "Save & Quit" in the mission before shutting down the console? If not, then Halo will never save your progress.

At least I've not experienced losing a savegame since one of the latest patches
Yes I did. But I guess this was before the patch. Really annoying to do a 1hr mission all over again because I've done this before.


So this isn't being given to everyone who bought MCC, even though they promoted/hinted that doing so would grant you first access to the beta? After the giant mess that MCC is? After telling everyone who bought that mess they "owed them"?

That just doesn't sit well with me.


I'm going in with more doubts than faith. I'll use this early access to write down even more positive and negative stuff.

If we are going to have a feedback thread, I'll make sure to post my thoughts. Hope you guys do the same, because reasons.


After 6PM, UK time, is when the invites start to go out. Downloads are possible then. After 9PM, the servers go online (so it becomes playable).


Any information on whether the invites are for Preview members only or will some be released via other methods?


Any information on whether the invites are for Preview members only or will some be released via other methods?

Apparently it's friends'n'family, reviewers / media, high profile streamers and existing Live Preview members (as in: already a member as of this morning). That should be it.

I'm afraid all these people asking and getting invites for that preview program will be disappointed.


About the same chance as getting dedicated servers for the MCC in 2014.. No chance

We heard anything about this compensation we are meant to receive on the 24th? Apparently someone got the date from contacting xbox support, read it in the waypoint forums.


We heard anything about this compensation we are meant to receive on the 24th? Apparently someone got the date from contacting xbox support, read it in the waypoint forums.

I would not consider any support information reliable. Last time I said it, if I remember correctly about a supposed patch that would be released once by their info, I was right.


Well you have MCC so of course you're in.

You don't need the game to be installed for it to be tied to your account btw. As soon as you purchase it or put the disc in the tray (assuming you're connected to the internet) it should connect the title to your account.
I had MCC unopened sitting on my games shelf. I had picked it up at the Best Buy B2G1 sale and never opened it. I opened it yesterday as I thought I had to as it was first reported Preview Program members with MCC would get this early access, so I figured why not. It turns out I did not need MCC and the Preview Program was enough, as I got the email I was in this Beta before I even put MCC in for the first time.
That is all I was sharing.


I think that I might have misinterpreted the reporting from TheVerge. They say

So reading that again maybe that is when they expect people to start playing it rather than when the codes will be delivered. idk.

I thought I read somewhere that download will be available 3 hours prior to the beta being playable.


Anyone with a spare preview program invite (if that's how they work?) I realize I won't be playing this beta, but I'd like to be sorted for the next go-around. Thanks!


Argh guys I'm here at home now after what felt like an eternity. Still no news?

I'm sitting here on the toilet refreshing this page.
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