I only made like $30 from selling my extra Wii on launch day because I was an idiot and didn't waitYeah, that was a one-time phenomenon. There was like one or two days where scalpers might have made money on both systems.
I only made like $30 from selling my extra Wii on launch day because I was an idiot and didn't waitYeah, that was a one-time phenomenon. There was like one or two days where scalpers might have made money on both systems.
Is this true?
Xbox One Sold Out at Most Retailers But There Are Still Plenty Right in the Heart of New York, Including Day One Editions
"Not even 24 hours after the North American launch of the Xbox One Microsoft sent a press release stating that Xbox One is now sold out at most retailers, but that statement must not have included ToysRUs or Best Buy.
Just a walk across Times Square from the location of one of the consoles big launch events to the local ToysRUs store, which happens to be the biggest store of the retail chain in the world, and also a very well known shopping outlet, would have confirmed that there are still plenty Xboxes to be had, as discovered by our valiant reporter Al Zamora, that went on reconnaissance today.
Talking with a store employee at the Time Square ToysRUs store we a learned that they have easily a few hundred units left. You can check a couple pictures below.
XboxOneToysRUs (2)
But we discovered something even more surprising by walking two avenues further, to the Midtown Manhattan Best Buy store in 5th avenue. There we were told that there are still a lot of units left for sale. This doesnt mean that the Xbox Didnt sell well, though, as the store was allocated 1500 units, and they have more stored in a truck.
The surprising part? When Al walked to the gaming aisle he was greeted by the sight of several rows of the sleek black-boxed Day One edition Xbox One units, as you can see below.
XboxOneDayOne (2)
On the other hand, both stores reported having no PS4 units available for sale at all (even if they may be covertly stockpiling for Black Friday like Walmart is doing), but its hard to make a direct comparison, as the Best Buy clerk told us that they received less PS4 units than Xbox One boxes.
That said, if you live in New York and want an Xbox One right away, now you know where to go, especially if you dont care much for green and want one of those lovely black Day One editions. You dont even need to hurry too much, as theres plenty left."
Overall, it's just mind blowing to me that people are saying that Titanfall won't sell Xbox Ones. The only thing that would stop it from not doing it at this point are bad reviews across the board.
*There's a ton of hype for it from the gaming press -- the game swept next gen expo awards.
*I'm expecting MS to have major ads for it that only mention the Xbox One Console -- possibly even one during the Super Bowl due to their NFL partnership (who knows).
*Word of mouth seems to be good already; should only increase these next few months.
If Titanfall isn't on track to becoming a system seller then no (true) Xbox One or PS4 exclusive is either.
I don't doubt the game will be big, I doubt it's going to be this huge system seller for Xbox One and the answer is simple, I can get it on my 360. The game experience looks like it will be pretty much identical on the 360, the graphics don't scream next gen to me at all.
oh my O__O
Someone needs to investigate and debunk this news.
MS will turn Titan fall into this gen Gears, it's going to be huge, anyone that can't see that are deluding themselves. They did it with Halo, Gears now it'll be titan fall.
Edit : beaten
I don't doubt the game will be big, I doubt it's going to be this huge system seller for Xbox One and the answer is simple, I can get it on my 360. The game experience looks like it will be pretty much identical on the 360, the graphics don't scream next gen to me at all.
Do I want to play it? Absolutely. Do I want to go out and pay 500 dollars for new Xbox one to play it? Absolutely not. If they wanted it to be a system seller, it should have been on Xbox One only. If that was the case, I might have been swayed a little easier to invest in the system. I'm sure I'm not alone here.
You've played & seen the 360 version?
You've played & seen the 360 version?
No one's seen or played any console version yet![]()
It almost looks like a 360 game already, I'm going to guess its going to be pretty similar to its big brother.
Or it could be a sign that it will look even worse on the 360 -- maybe even original Xbox quality!
You've played & seen the 360 version?
Sure but what news do you want debunking?
The new York story is shit or MS weren't quite being honest?
Is this true?
Xbox One Sold Out at Most Retailers But There Are Still Plenty Right in the Heart of New York, Including Day One Editions
Then we have 2 cases:
- MS lied through their teeth about that 1 million.
- MS didn't include the number of units sold though walk-in in NA.
You've played and seen the Xbox One version?
Hint: You haven't, you've seen the PC version with an Xbox Controller.
As I said, if MS really wanted this to be some huge Xbone system seller, it should have been exclusive to one platform.
We will just have to see what the NPD numbers say in a few weeks.
Overall, it's just mind blowing to me that people are saying that Titanfall won't sell Xbox Ones. The only thing that would stop it from not doing it at this point are bad reviews across the board.
You've played & seen the 360 version?
Whydidwould people buya PS2an Xbox One for itafter the Gamecube launchedinstead of on the xbox 360 even though theGamecube wasXbox One is $350lessmore andhadhas better looking multiplats?
It would be in MS's best interest if this sort of thing were debunked in some way, they'll figure it out, (replacement boxes, pictures taken before it went on sale, etc) it really makes it seem like, at least in America, that it's not selling well/no demand in their former Homecourt..
Okay? How does that change what I said about the game being an Xbox One system seller?
It would have caused it to be more of a system seller -- I agree but it's still on track to selling Xbox One'. The "waiting to get an Xbox One for Titanfall" line is just too popular for it not to happen.
As I said earlier, the game would have to get really bad reviews for it not to happen at this point.
I don't think NPD give hardware numbers anymore.
It is what it is, if the NY story is correct then no debunking needs doing...what your suggesting is effectively MS should fix this shit because it makes them look bad.... Really?
Uh.....no.What kind of console war line of thinking is this?
So it was wrong for me to want to see Xbox Live grow back during the first half of the previous decade so that online console gaming became more popular/better? Even though I primarily played on my PS2?
Why did people buy a PS2 after the Gamecube launched even though the Gamecube was $100 less and had better looking multiplats?
Could it have been exclusive games and system features?
No! That can't be it!
Copy and paste what I said in another thread...
I find the overall view that one console having better looking multiplats automatically causes the competing console to be an "automatic flop" pretty funny -- especially when people use it when discussing the PS4.
And I say that because that line of thinking completely goes against the success of the past three Playstation consoles and therefore makes it ironic when people use it when talking about the PS4. Why was the Playstation brand huge these past almost two decades when the brand as a whole had worse looking multiplats for more than 17 years? It's because the brand had/has a ton of unique gaming content that went along side those (worse looking) multiplats.
Overall, the gaming content and features that both consoles have that won't be on the competitor console is going to matter the most. The Xbox 360 did have better looking multiplats but the majority of people bought multiplats on the Xbox 360 due to system features like Xbox Live -- not because the multipats looked better vs. the PS3.
When it comes to graphics, as long as a new console is a big step up from an (old) current gen console, most will be happy.
So did the Xbone sell one mill or not?
We'll get from NPD whatever creamsugar allows us to get.I don't think NPD give hardware numbers anymore.
Do you think the millions of people who didn't own an Xbox cared whether or not it was successful? They were happy with their PS2.
Not saying we should wish for consoles for fail but we shouldn't ish for them not to fail either. If the console is a good alternative to the others, it will succeed. If it doesn't maybe there isn't a place for it.
Why was gears of war hot in the first place? Do you even remember what systems it released on when it released on that fateful day?
Be serious, they aren't anywhere near equivalent, its wishful thinking on an absurd level.
Yes, turn it into this generation's Gears yet it's still coming to PC and 360 at the same time? Plus the exclusive deal only covers Titanfall 1 and not 2? I'm not saying TF won't sell consoles, but anyone thinking this game is going to make the Xbone rise to heaven like the Trinity did for 3DS in Japan is sorely mistaken.
So did the Xbone sell one mill or not?
Disagree, it's a fantastic shooter with a huge multiplayer following with MS marketing might behind it, it had all the right ingredients, Titan Fall is being treated the same, MS are almost obnoxious in their confidence with Titan Fall, they know it's special and we'll see why in March.
Ahahahahahhaha at the biggest Toys R Us in the world too?
Except Gears was a complete 360 exclusive, it wasn't a cross-gen/PC title like Titanfall is.
Gears 1 was on PC
I knew MS were full of shit on sold through 1 million, funny when people investigate and actually post photos and personal experiences checking stock at retail (and there have been MANY) some people want to claim a big conspiracy.
The only conspiracy, once again, is coming from Microsoft and their marketing machine.
It's almost a carbon copy of Sony's playbook at PS3 launch. It didn't work then and it's not going to work now.
I knew MS were full of shit on sold through 1 million, funny when people investigate and actually post photos and personal experiences checking stock at retail (and there have been MANY) some people want to claim a big conspiracy.
The only conspiracy, once again, is coming from Microsoft and their marketing machine.
It's almost a carbon copy of Sony's playbook at PS3 launch. It didn't work then and it's not going to work now.
Do you think the millions of people who didn't own an Xbox cared whether or not it was successful? They were happy with their PS2.
It wasn't wrong of you to want that...That's them.
That has nothing to do with why it was somehow wrong from me to want the competition take off with its online gaming service.
I wanted it to happen because I was annoyed at the lack of unification when it came to playing games online on the PS2.
I knew MS were full of shit on sold through 1 million, funny when people investigate and actually post photos and personal experiences checking stock at retail (and there have been MANY) some people want to claim a big conspiracy.
The only conspiracy, once again, is coming from Microsoft and their marketing machine.
It's almost a carbon copy of Sony's playbook at PS3 launch. It didn't work then and it's not going to work now.
Am I missing something? Why does the fact that there may still be XB1s available in some stores mean MS didn't sell 1 million?
That's a terrible comparison though. Yes, there were some multiplats but the PS2 had a massive, massive library that couldn't be found on Gamecube. Not to mention the stigma surrounding Nintendo as "the kiddie console". That analogy makes absolutely no sense. In this case, the PS4 is stronger, cheaper, and Sony's first party is renown for their quality. Not to mention, the great majority of mulitplats can be found on both consoles except they'll look and run better on the cheaper option. Once the ball gets rolling, a single cross-gen game won't do much.
As for your second point, outside of the exclusive NFL stuff and the X1's HDMI In, both consoles will have mostly the same media streaming apps and services. What exactly makes the X1 so much better in that regard if you're not a big fan of American Football and TV? (I don't even own a cable box). I'm honestly trying to understand your point of view here but I'm not having much success.
Yes, Titanfall will move a few consoles, but then, will the average COD bro it's targeting really put down 600+ when they can just get it on their 360s? By the way you talk about it, I'm guessing you expect the 360 version to be somehow radically difference which I very much doubt is the case. It'll likely play exactly the same, with the only difference being the graphics quality (and if the X1 version IS 720p, there won't be much difference anyways).
Conclusion? They obviously shipped a lot.
I was Christmas shopping this weekend and I checked every store I went to out of curiosity. I didn't see one Xbox One or PS4 for sale.
Also.. why the heck is Knack a demo game? Talk about underwhelming. Maybe it was the TV.. but it looked mediocre for a last gen game.
Haha, how doesn't it make sense? The GameCube was $100 dollars cheaper and had better looking multiplats than the PS2. Yet the majority of PS2 sales came after the GameCube launched. You asked why people would buy a console that's $100 more with worse looking multipats didn't you? So why doesn't it "fit"? Is it because it's an example that went against what you previously stayed and you don't want to admit it?
Xbox Live, voice control features, controller preference, etc.
All of that can make a person want to get an Xbox over the PS4 alongside of the content that will be on the Xbox One that won't be on the PS4. Same is true for the vice verse (though replace Xbox Live with PSN).
If that "COD bro" was already considering getting an Xbox One then why not?
Wow... you guys are really going out of your way to downplay Titanfall. With the statements some of you guys are making, I can't see how any of you could think that any next gen exclusive game coming out during the 1st half of 2014 will be a big system seller.