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Xbox Series X and S Sales Have Collapsed in Europe

The problem with the bolded is that the companies also lose out on a good customer base. At the end of the day, these billion-dollar businesses will need to get with Mayors and Governors to make flash mob stealing a felony punishable for up to 10 years in prison (if you steal more than $5000) worth of goods.

I'd lower it to $1000 TBH but that's just me. But yeah, something definitely has to be done about the thefts. And also, when someone's found guilty and sentenced...actually have them serve the full sentence unless they genuinely show good behavior. In some places it seems they are just charging people, putting them away for a little bit, then letting them out early. That probably contributes to a problem of things repeating when they don't have to.

Oh so this says it all then LOL!!! If Richard was one of those ex-Sega guys then he'll always hate Sony.

Yeah man, he was legit working on a Saturn-only magazine back in the day, you can still find archive scans of it online to read. It was a pretty good magazine, but I am just always confused by how a lot of ex-Sega fans from that period seem to blame Sony for Sega's own downfall.

It is definitely ignorance on their part. As well, they get used by some of the Xbox and even Nintendo fanatics who either use them through proxy to console war with PlayStation, or "suddenly" care about the Sony vs. Sega console war stuff from back then to try painting Sony as monopolistic or anti-competitive. It got crazy during the ABK trail when people were trying to claim 3P exclusivity deals as anti-consumer, monopolistic and all that crap just to justify Microsoft buying the publisher. Microsoft themselves were basically trying to say the same stuff.

That's when I really started getting pissed with Microsoft and Xbox, because I knew how much of it was either half-truths or outright slander, but they have such a cult of personality around people like Phil Spencer, that tons of gullible fanboys buy it as truth and do no research of their own.

He was a massive Sega zealot during his Sega Saturn magazine years.
Probably still butt hurt that Sony stuffed Sega in gen 5.

And it's not like Sony were the only ones who benefited from Saturn's problems. TONS of Nintendo fans will downplay or ignore how much the N64 benefited from Saturn's downfall in the West. A lot of the Western support the console got, and a big chunk of its Western customer base, were Genesis/Megadrive owners the gen prior.

But that gets ignored so people can pretend Sony were the only ones who benefited from all that, like the N64 didn't benefit as well.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Bro the cops don't care. For some reason rhetoric like "ACAB" and "defund the police" has been bad for hiring new officers and morale of existing ones, I can't for the life of me imagine why. Almost all police departments in cities are facing desperate staffing shortages. The big progressive cities are getting what they demanded, I hope they are happy!

What is ACAB? And I'd like to think that the tagline of "Defund the Police" wouldn't make a person not be a cop, if they really wanted to be one. And if a cop quit because some people in the community said that phrase.....it'll make me wonder why they took the job of being a cop in the first place.
What is ACAB? And I'd like to think that the tagline of "Defund the Police" wouldn't make a person not be a cop, if they really wanted to be one. And if a cop quit because some people in the community said that phrase.....it'll make me wonder why they took the job of being a cop in the first place.
All Cops Are Bastards.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
While I know MS has shit studio management etc, the hyperbowl of latching onto anything to shit on people who enjoy Xbox or the obsession with console sales, don't you think MS know they have failed in the console space, just smells of someone using excuses to try and justify their purchase of a PlayStation and to shit on anybody who enjoys Xbox.
Sure, they know they've failed. The numbers don't lie. Yet, they keep the same people around who let it fail in the first place. In Matt Booty's case, you get promoted. I'm sorry to tell you this, but companies who keep the same people who failed generally don't turn it around. Starfield is a small step in the right direction. Tragically it's a much smaller step than MS would have liked since it doesn't appear to have moved the needle much in sales or GP subscriptions. How do I know? It's simple. If it had, we would be getting press release after release announcing it's success.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Sure, they know they've failed. The numbers don't lie. Yet, they keep the same people around who let it fail in the first place. In Matt Booty's case, you get promoted. I'm sorry to tell you this, but companies who keep the same people who failed generally don't turn it around. Starfield is a small step in the right direction. Tragically it's a much smaller step than MS would have liked since it doesn't appear to have moved the needle much in sales or GP subscriptions. How do I know? It's simple. If it had, we would be getting press release after release announcing it's success.

The reason why people keep getting promoted at Microsoft (not everyone and I'll touch on that in second) is because this is the last ride. There is no plan B to Phil Spencer and crew. It's them or nothing. Microsoft also has a future state that is not dependent on console sales pretty much at all, so to that end Spencer hasn't actually failed yet.

Do you know who has failed? Bonnie Ross. She failed. She drove Halo into the ground (maybe not literally her, but she was at the wheel).

There is a big difference between 343's failures and Xbox's failures.

Microsoft wants its own storefront on Android and iOS.

The PlayStore generated 8.5 billion in gross profit in 2022. The Apple AppStore generated over a trillion dollars in revenue.

Microsoft wants to leverage ABK, Zenimax, Microsoft Game Studio, Office 365, Linkedin, Outlook, and Microsoft Teams to start generating demand on their own app store.

Microsoft will challenge both Google and Apple in court over the bundling of stores just like they were attacked on bundling Internet Explorer.

Microsoft stands to gain billions of dollars with this and THAT is why they were comfortable buying ABK for 70 billion dollars.

Either the courts will demand Apple and Google remove their app stores or add in 3rd party app stores out of the box.


I thought you could shoot mother fuckers in the US when they do shit like this?

Only if they try stealing the Xbox Series consoles. American property must be protected at all cost.

God Bless America GIF by MOODMAN


Bro the cops don't care. For some reason rhetoric like "ACAB" and "defund the police" has been bad for hiring new officers and morale of existing ones, I can't for the life of me imagine why. Almost all police departments in cities are facing desperate staffing shortages. The big progressive cities are getting what they demanded, I hope they are happy!
Hopefully they elect a strong leader who believes in law and order. If only such a person existed.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I think they are just requiring Apple to allow people to install these 3rd party stores not requiring apple to preinstall it for you.

We won't know the final outcome yet, but that's certainly a possibility. My guess is that if they aren't forced to preinstall, Microsoft will try and force you to install the windows store to download any of their apps from the apple store.
Your post reads to me as "wahhh they didn't talk shit about Xbox and gave Sony some criticism" so lets break this down out of your Sony fanboyism.

  • There are no exclusives as all games are available on PC and on GamePass - Xbox is an ecosystem not just a console anymore, Revenue comes from GP and game sales on Steam, Microsoft Store and Xbox Console
  • The controller doesn't have haptics - Wtf is this for an argument, PS5 haptics are nice but do you moan Nintendo didn't include haptics in their pro controller etc, but if MS did it then its stupidly bad
  • Still lacking in Japanese games - GP now starting to get day one big JRPG franchises like P3 Remake, Persona Collection etc, Agree there isn't enough but its not like they have not provided some.
  • No stand out games not just since the XSX launched, but really since Gears 3 in 2011 - Forza Horizon, Halo Infinite (last few months), Hi-Fi Rush, Starfield (while not perfect)
  • Poor studio management and franchise management - I agree with this because their "hands off" approach which means no quality control, Halo Infinite is proof they are fixing this with the 343i Mixup and the games in an excellent state now.
  • Focus on acquiring publishers rather than producing games - Games are being produced a lot of them we sort of know about (Oblivion Remake/remastered etc) .. while some might of been developed while MS purchased them there is clear indication of new titles being developed after the MS acquisition.
While I know MS has shit studio management etc, the hyperbowl of latching onto anything to shit on people who enjoy Xbox or the obsession with console sales, don't you think MS know they have failed in the console space, just smells of someone using excuses to try and justify their purchase of a PlayStation and to shit on anybody who enjoys Xbox

Feelings Feels GIF by WE tv

Grow up and stop being a crybaby simply because others find flaws in something you like.
Be an adult. You're literally crying over videogame discussion taking place on a forum created for the express purpose of......wait for it..............discussion of everything videogames.


Feelings Feels GIF by WE tv

Grow up and stop being a crybaby simply because others find flaws in something you like.
Be an adult. You're literally crying over videogame discussion taking place on a forum created for the express purpose of......wait for it..............discussion of everything videogames.
But im not even crying :messenger_smirking:, Seems like your the defensive one because I said something to one your precious sony fanboys.

(For the record I mainly game on a PS5)


Those employees, even the security guards, shouldn't be physically stopping that stuff. You call the cops, then call your insurance later.

That said, me and another manager at a Target, back when I could run a lot faster, chased some people hella far knowing that we were going to get our asses chewed for it LOL. And we did. We are outside having a smoke, saw them running out into a car with a bunch of s***, looked at each other. and it was go time. And I can tell you neither of us would have done that if we really liked our job.


Moderated wildly
I know why, and it's a massive reason why I stopped watching DF altogether...outside of maybe the DF Retro content.

If a certain other company formally announced their own Pro system, they'd be singing about how great mid-gen upgrades are.

Done with DF.

Something tells me this was staged because absolutely no one tried intervening, but someone was conveniently recording for a Tiktok.

That said, still massively pathetic & embarrassing. Xbox has to do better.

How do you end this with xbox has to do better....lmao, wtf are you saying here?
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Gold Member
I’ve missed the whole DF argument, but it’s hard to talk about their integrity when they were chosen as a platform to basically reveal and actively promote Xbox Series hardware in it’s launch year.

It is also worth noting that DF while quite loud, is essentially niche. Nobody cared about console fps or settings before them, and with current parity and potential PS5 Pro general public will care even less. This is quite a risk of losing audience. Add EG crisis on top of it, and you can clearly see why they discuss monikers like Remaster more, than relevant sales data or the fact, that most powerful console can’t do VR even in theory due to poor connectivity choices.
I’ve missed the whole DF argument, but it’s hard to talk about their integrity when they were chosen as a platform to basically reveal and actively promote Xbox Series hardware in it’s launch year.

It is also worth noting that DF while quite loud, is essentially niche. Nobody cared about console fps or settings before them, and with current parity and potential PS5 Pro general public will care even less. This is quite a risk of losing audience. Add EG crisis on top of it, and you can clearly see why they discuss monikers like Remaster more, than relevant sales data or the fact, that most powerful console can’t do VR even in theory due to poor connectivity choices.
What? Xbox can't do VR? How is that possible?

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
They'll pit the ps5 pro against the 4090 just to shit on the console.

You're not wrong, but who is going to care at that point? Their views will plummet without a proper console war, and frankly, no one is going to care about the base PS5 and the XSX at that point.


Are you serious? XBox is a part of Microsoft which is very profitable (XBox makes a profit too). There is no risk of chapter 11.
Microsoft as a whole is extremely profitable but the Xbox division is absolutely not profitable at this stage. If it was then we would have had those P/L figures as part of their investor disclosure.

Profitable companies don't hide because they have nothing to hide.


Gold Member
Are you serious? XBox is a part of Microsoft which is very profitable (XBox makes a profit too). There is no risk of chapter 11.

Increase in valuations this year:

Microsoft: +$960 billion
Apple: +$933 billion
Nvidia: +$773 billion
Amazon: +$643 billion
Meta: +$504 billion
Alphabet: +$495 billion
Tesla: +$388 billion

I dunno man it looks pretty grim for them so Xbox might have to go on the chopping block


Gold Member
Increase in valuations this year:

Microsoft: +$960 billion
Apple: +$933 billion
Nvidia: +$773 billion
Amazon: +$643 billion
Meta: +$504 billion
Alphabet: +$495 billion
Tesla: +$388 billion

I dunno man it looks pretty grim for them so Xbox might have to go on the chopping block

What does any of that have to do with Xbox console sales?
We won't know the final outcome yet, but that's certainly a possibility. My guess is that if they aren't forced to preinstall, Microsoft will try and force you to install the windows store to download any of their apps from the apple store.
I don't think MS would do that because I think it would just lead to a large portion of people simply not playing their games. Having people side load your app store isn't something most people are going to want to do when they have other options.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I don't think MS would do that because I think it would just lead to a large portion of people simply not playing their games. Having people side load your app store isn't something most people are going to want to do when they have other options.

Depends on how popular the games and apps are.

There are companies across the planet that use Office 365 and Outlook, so if you're forced to sideload these from a different appstore, you're going to do it. Once all the major apps are in the Windows app store, people will just end up using whichever appstore makes the most sense for them.

Apple doesn't have a ton of apps that are must haves that don't come pre-packaged with iOS. I'd expect the Google PlayStore to come to iOS as well at that point. Google has a huge advantage over Apple when it comes to mobile apps and the ability to gain revenue from the apple ecosystem is probably too much to ignore, especially if Microsoft siphons revenue from them in the Android ecosystem.
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Depends on how popular the games and apps are.

There are companies across the planet that use Office 365 and Outlook, so if you're forced to sideload these from a different appstore, you're going to do it. Once all the major apps are in the Windows app store, people will just end up using whichever appstore makes the most sense for them.

Apple doesn't have a ton of apps that are must haves that don't come pre-packaged with iOS. I'd expect the Google PlayStore to come to iOS as well at that point. Google has a huge advantage over Apple when it comes to mobile apps and the ability to gain revenue from the apple ecosystem is probably too much to ignore, especially if Microsoft siphons revenue from them in the Android ecosystem.

I work in IT I don't know anyone using office 365 or Outlook on their mobile because it's just not needed. Especially the Outlook app is garbage. If their servers go down (which happens) so does your mobile email even if you have an on-site exchange server. History has shown us that side loading app stores just doesn't really work and I don't think MS is going to change anything. Most people just don't want to deal with that. I guess we are going to find out what happens either way but it's amazing to me that MS thinks this is going to help them when other companies have had so much trouble trying to do it.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I work in IT I don't know anyone using office 365 or Outlook on their mobile because it's just not needed. Especially the Outlook app is garbage. If their servers go down (which happens) so does your mobile email even if you have an on-site exchange server. History has shown us that side loading app stores just doesn't really work and I don't think MS is going to change anything. Most people just don't want to deal with that. I guess we are going to find out what happens either way but it's amazing to me that MS thinks this is going to help them when other companies have had so much trouble trying to do it.

I also work in IT and have done so for nearly 20 years, I've worked at several organizations where we've used Outlook on mobile. Some people prefer using the gmail app or native mail, but for security a lot of times you need to use the actual Outlook application. This is especially true in Finance, Government, and Ed.

No one really uses on-prem exchange anymore. And I've never seen any long term Outlook 365 outage.

History has shown side loading app stores doesn't work? Based on what? iOS has always been locked down except for jailbreaking and the only major android app store back in the day was the Amazon app store and it sucked. It didn't have half the leverage that Microsoft has to push its own store. Neither does the Galaxy AppStore and that came preloaded on galaxy phones.
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