Warrior ? YOU NOOOB !1!1

Kidding aside mate, my last run on the X360 was on Mentor, that changed when I bought it again as to play it on my XSX back in 2021 where after 17 years I FINALLY managed to beat it on Master Ninja at the tender age of 42
Needless to say, the difficulty on MN is absolutely bullshit, there's no real challenge since the game basically cheats and everything devolves into a "let's try as to not die every 10 seconds" gauntlet kind of thing.
Thank God you can basically spam/abuse the Lunar staff's 360 charged UT'cause otherwise...yeahhh.
The toughest parts on MN are the earlier ones where you haven't upgraded your health bar and weapon(s) yet with everything resulting in a 1-2 hit KO/death - that, and some of the late encounters like THAT fookin' triple Rensetsu fight in the Hayabusa village towards the later part part of the game where shit looks literally impossible and you have to carefully spam 360 lunar staff UTs and Ninpo.
The ninja graveyard field fight is also bullshit with fuxking wizards grabbing you outta nowhere taking 1 third of your health bar down.
Bosses are the easiest part I'd say since they don't change much from Mentor difficulty.
Man, I fucking love this game, I don't usually replay games but this, this...I've been playing it on and off for 17 years straight, no other action game can come close to the rush this one offers when shit gets into gear.
Truly one of the GOATs of gaming
PS: I still use the gamer profile picture that unlocks after beating it on MN