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Xbox users...if you only had one choice.....


I am curious....Xbox users, which do you think is a more valuabe feature to your beloved Xbox.....Live or a modded Xbox? Which do you currently have and why? Could you go months without playing online via Live, knowing games like SF, DOA, Burnot3, OutRun 2, etc are about to come out, as long as you have your modded box?

Or could you care less about all the features and things a modded xbox has to offer(Media Center, classic games, region free dvd, etc), as long as you have your Live and can play online?

If you only had one option on your Xdude, which would you choose?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Modded. Modded. Modded.

Anyone w/ a modded box will agree.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Which do you currently have and why?"

Both - because Live kicks utter ass and so does the chipped box.

If i had to chose one over the other... christ, i'd probably go for live.
The machines that i'm running under emu i own already so it's more of a convenience thing,
media center i could use my PC for, i'd miss out on the fast hard disk load times, but hell...

Live just makes gaming with distance friends fun.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'd prefer a modded box as I don't use Live for too much. However, modding just doesn't appeal to me that much...

I mean, my PC is also connected to my TV and allows me to game with any controller I wish. I can't really think of many functions (outside of piracy) that a modded XBOX would allow that a PC does not.


Modded, definitely !
Especially as a European that loves single player games above all, I can tell ya that the modded Xbox was exactly what I needed, allowing me to play Ninja Gaiden en Riddick ahead of their PAL release means more to me than being able to play online.

Sure, it'll be tough when HALO 2 and PES 4 arrive (the only two games I'd care to play online), but as long as I can still play 'em in LAN or with human opponents right next to me, I'm sure I'll manage fine without Live!


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
There's waaaaaay more value in a modded XBOX, plus you can still play games online through other means.


I'm with DCharlie on this one...

Having my Xbox modded is great and offers a lot of convenience, but I don't use most of the features. I hardly play the emu's and don't use the DVD player. This might be sad, but the one feature I thought was most useful was being able to change games and turn off my Xbox without having to get off my ass. Plus, it's all a pain in the ass to set-up and configure.

Xbox Live is something I have to have. It adds tons of replay value to the games with either live play or downloadable content. I don't even really get on XBL that much, but still wouldn't give it up.

edit: but why choose?... you can do both.
Modded. I play with the emus and XBMC a lot more than I use LIVE. You don't have to choose though. I have a switch so I do both.


Depending on what you're gonna use your mod for, you don't have to choose. Just buy MechAssault and get the special save from... anywhere really, then whever you want to play emus, use XBMC you can just run the save from MA and bam, your Xbox is temporarily modded. You can FTP to it and load your apps, then run the apps from the console. It's pretty friggin sweet, and it's what I do. Just think of turning on your mod like putting another game in.

Of course this means you can't load games onto the harddrive (I don't think), so that's one limitation. However, the comfort knowing your Xbox is essentially unchanged and can go on Live whenever really means a lot to me. Right now I don't play on Liev too much (been playing Ninja Gaiden), but in a few months there are gonna be a TON of games coming out that are gonna be Live-essential. Jeapordizing that isn't worth the small benefits modding brings.

I'm just gonna wait until used Xboxes are like $50, and then pick up one to totally deck out.


Those magic days between when Halo 2 'debues' online and it actually releases I'll be enjoying myself. =)


PanopticBlue said:
Modded. I play with the emus and XBMC a lot more than I use LIVE. You don't have to choose though. I have a switch so I do both.

I am curious...I know that Xbox Media Centers offers streaming video and music, but I mean,

1)What sort of video do you actually get? I mean, can you get like any movie you want just by searching for it?

2)What is the quality like? DVD quality?

3)Who puts them out there? Is it like a Kazaa ripoff or something? Or is it like cable TV? Or does Microsoft provide the content?

4)What other types of video does it offer? TV shows? Anime? Music Videos? Sports?

And what about the music part?

5)What kind of songs can you get and from where?

6)Is it like Napster or I-tunes?

7)What kind of quality do you get? Waves? WMA? FLAC? Mp3(at what bitrate?)

Please explain...


isamu said:
I am curious...I know that Xbox Media Centers offers streaming video and music, but I mean,

1)What sort of video do you actually get? I mean, can you get like any movie you want just by searching for it?

2)What is the quality like? DVD quality?

3)Who puts them out there? Is it like a Kazaa ripoff or something? Or is it like cable TV? Or does Microsoft provide the content?

4)What other types of video does it offer? TV shows? Anime? Music Videos? Sports?

And what about the music part?

5)What kind of songs can you get and from where?

6)Is it like Napster or I-tunes?

7)What kind of quality do you get? Waves? WMA? FLAC? Mp3(at what bitrate?)

Please explain...

It does none of that. You have to do the work of finding all the media on your PC first... then you stream the media from your PC to Xbox.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Modded, definitely, but am I missing something here? Did microsoft start cracking down on people with modded systems again?

I have a switch on my Xbox that allows me to turn the chip off, and play on Xbox Live like normal. Don't the rest of you guys have this?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Live checks the directory structure. If they see stuff in E and F or the partitions are larger than they're supposed to be...BAN.

So I've heard.


DaCocoBrova said:
Live checks the directory structure. If they see stuff in E and F or the partitions are larger than they're supposed to be...BAN.

So I've heard.
WRONG. It still 'only' checks the bios.


Party Pooper
Drexon said:
WRONG. It still 'only' checks the bios.

i concur. i've got dvdx and xbmc on there and as long as i'm playing with the chip off, XBL has no problems whatsoever (besides my shitty connection dropping me occasionally... but thats another story)
DaCocoBrova said:
Live checks the directory structure. If they see stuff in E and F or the partitions are larger than they're supposed to be...BAN.

So I've heard.

if i had to choose one... Modded...
but like many people said, why choose when you can do both?


LIVE. if i want emulation on a big screen i simply hook my laptop to my TV.


Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
BeOnEdge: What type of output does your laptop have? Mine only has S-Video, while with my Xbox, I can play emulators in 480p. Plus you can easily play 4p games with your friends, like X-Men the arcade game and The Simpsons. :)

signet said:
Xbox Live, I don't support piracy of any kind.

Who says you have to use a modded XBox for piracy? Yeah, I've got emulators on there, but the main reason I use it is to put movies on the XBox HD, so I can easily watch them on my TV, and to put my games on the HD for faster loading times. Having a modded system hasn't stopped me from purchasing games like I did before I got the system modded; it's not like you can't use it for perfectly legit things too. I always bring my system to work and to friends' houses, and it's extremely convenient to only have to bring the system and no games or CD cases. If I'm playing multiplayer with system link, it also means I now have an extra copy of the game to use for linking, for example. And with emulation, I can play my actual Sega CD games on my XBox instead of my CDX; the picture quality looks a hell of a lot better. I own 90+ Genesis games, but it's a lot more convenient just booting them up off the emulator, etc.

But I'm not just going to brush it off...it really does rock being able to play so many games emulated so damn perfectly. Hey, I paid my dues... $900+ just for KOF 2002, SvC Chaos, and SS5 alone...might as well get something back. >:^)


BeOnEdge said:
LIVE. if i want emulation on a big screen i simply hook my laptop to my TV.


Well, it's a hell of a lot more convinient when using an Xbox. Quick start-up, navigation using only a joypad, and no need to use a keyboard + mouse to change settings, no installs. And emulators optimized for only one hardware configuration, so you know they'll work.


I used the less obvious solution:

Have one modded Xbox (who's ban from Live for stupid reasons)
Have one untouched Xbox for XBL.

When Halo 2 will come out, I will have the opportunity of having 2 xboxes and have 8 players deathmatches. Yay!


jedimike said:
It does none of that. You have to do the work of finding all the media on your PC first... then you stream the media from your PC to Xbox.

I don't get it....you have to go through getting the content off your PC *first*, then stearm it to your Xbox? What's the point then? Why not just stream it directly to your TV via DVI out?


Chili Con Carnage!
Probably Live, Everything i do on Modded Xbox i can do elsewhere, i dont think much of emulation on the modded Xbox, XBMC is where its at, id rather have live than XBMC though.


isamu said:
I don't get it....you have to go through getting the content off your PC *first*, then stearm it to your Xbox? What's the point then? Why not just stream it directly to your TV via DVI out?

I don't get it either... the Xbox is connected to the internet and connected directly to your TV. It seems logical to be able to search for and download (or stream) media from the internet without using your PC, but you can't.

You download the media to PC and then point Xbox to the media folder on PC. You can browse the PC folder from Xbox.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
You make it sound cryptic. It isn't. The XBOX gets data from somewhere (obviously). A disc or some other location. In this case, shares. It's transparent, instant and a wonderful hometheater add on.


DaCocoBrova said:
You make it sound cryptic. It isn't. The XBOX gets data from somewhere (obviously). A disc or some other location. In this case, shares. It's transparent, instant and a wonderful hometheater add on.

Not cryptic... just more complicated than it needs to be. Can't ReplayTV users share TV shows with eachother without using a PC? I would think that XBMC would be able to do the same thing. Like a napster/kaaza, but only in XBMC community.


Knows the Score
Unless I'm mistaken, XBMC can play Replay TV files. I don't know enough about that to comment properly though.


Lyte Edge said:
BeOnEdge: What type of output does your laptop have? Mine only has S-Video, while with my Xbox, I can play emulators in 480p. Plus you can easily play 4p games with your friends, like X-Men the arcade game and The Simpsons. :)

svideo but it still looks fine. if i wanted to i could buy a vga to component cable. 4 payer games? USB hub. KB & mouse? when i build my emu PC for my TV i will get an all in wonder and controll all those functions via remote.
jedimike said:
I don't get it either... the Xbox is connected to the internet and connected directly to your TV. It seems logical to be able to search for and download (or stream) media from the internet without using your PC, but you can't.

You download the media to PC and then point Xbox to the media folder on PC. You can browse the PC folder from Xbox.
well, you'd need a way to actually find the media with the xbox... either with some sort of xbox web browser or xbox file sharing client... and it woulf have to be built into xbmc... it's doable, but nobody cares to try...
I think there's some confusion here. XBMC is just a media player, just like a VCR or a DVD player. It's not some pay service like digital cable where you get movies out of thin air.
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