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Xbox users...if you only had one choice.....

The Shadow said:
I think there's some confusion here. XBMC is just a media player, just like a VCR or a DVD player. It's not some pay service like digital cable where you get movies out of thin air.
i think some people were expecting XboxKazaa++ or XboxDC++ or something...
Since I've modded my Xbox (about a year ago) I've watched a hell of a lot more anime than I ever would have, I just download big torrents of 10 eps at a time, then stream to my xbox and watch tons of Gungrave, Naruto, One Piece etc. etc... right there on my couch watching on my 51" hdtv instead of parked in front of the stupid pc, where I can get comfy and stretch out with my wife who is now addicted to Naruto and Gungrave, and the quality is actually pretty good, yes (depends on the individual file). XBMC will play damn near any audio or video file you throw at it, and does a great job with both. I don't even listen to cd's anymore, I stream all my mp3s from my pc to my xbox and it's like having one bigass jukebox, hooked up right there to my home theater. All while using the Xbox dvd remote.

Not to mention, all the 16 bit emus that I play in glorious 1080i and look awesome whether using the advancemame filter or the lovely virgin pixels. It's convenient as hell, and I'm not about to hook up a pc to my tv anytime soon (and it would probably be via lowly svideo at that) cause if I get a second pc, it's going in the office for the wife.

And then of course there's the actual xbox games that you can play right off the HDD, which is again, extremely convenient.

And setting it all up isn't that hard, in most cases it's simply a matter of knowing how to edit a .ini or .xml file, which monkeys could do really.



XBMC + Videocapture card + AIW Remote = Almost as good as TIVO.

I have a computer that serves purely as a media server(nearly 200 gig of unburn anime so far) to stream stuff to the XBOX and video capture. I am going to pick up a second XBOX and put it into my sisters room(with 54g wireless bridge) since she's always coming into my room to watch after I finish downloading new episodes of animes.


seismologist said:
you guys with HDTV's should definitely look into hooking up a PC to it through DVI...


I can't understand why people are so afraid to hook up their PC to their TV via DVI or even S-Video. Like it's a curse or something. Like BeOE said, the complaints of having to deal with a kb and mouse are irrelevant, since you can get a cards and software that allows any IR remote to wirelessly control your PC. I just don't see the point of having the modded xbox when your PC can do it an do it do it better.

Do you know that pc software dvd players offer a much better picture quality and range of features than XMC? Do you realize how crystal clear movies look running on Power dvd and WinDVD on my TV? Do you realize that the PC versions mame, Kawaks, snes9x and host of other emus run much better than their Xbox counterparts? Having a dedicated PC do serve strictly as an emu/music/movie machine works much better IMO.


not to mention the fact that there are tons of other emus like vivanono and model 2 emulators that will only ever be on PC even though they are unfinished and run few games. Playing Rave Racer will OWN once i build my full on emuPC/Console.
You antisocial bastards. Go play with your fellow gamer. LIVE is the best thing to happen to my Xbox. I play SC: PT, Rallisport 2, R63, and FSW online all the time. Those four alone have me convinced that LIVE is the very reason I got into videogames all those years ago.
Uno Ill Nino said:
You antisocial bastards. Go play with your fellow gamer. LIVE is the best thing to happen to my Xbox. I play SC: PT, Rallisport 2, R63, and FSW online all the time. Those four alone have me convinced that LIVE is the very reason I got into videogames all those years ago.
you sound antosocial...

don't you have friends that come over?



The two aren't mutually exclusive, I have my xbox modded and I can play on Live with it also.

I don't play on Live though, so I guess the answer is modded, I am planning for this to change though once Halo 2 is released :)


I choose Live over modded, but it's darn close for me. I just recently had my Xbox modded and I'm thinking about upgrading the HD already. The ability to burn both movies and games to the Xbox is very convenient.
I've got about 2 friends that play games. They're always fucking playing PC games though. The rest of my friends don't really get into gaming so LIVE is a pretty ideal way to go for somebody like me.


I'd probably take Live... I haven't touched my modded box in like half a year. Haven't really played on Live for a few months either, though, so... Heh.

Both is ideal.


tenchir> Spend some time with your sister. :p

isamu> Stand alone system. Like a DVD player. What you're basically saying is that DVD players are useless. (?)
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