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Xenoblade Chronicles |OT| Man, what a bunch of jokers.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I just started the game, the first area where you start... I don't have the whole map uncovered. I've heard that you need to hit the landmarks to uncover more of the map, but there are large parts oof the map where there doesn't seem to be any landmarks. Will I be coming back to these locations later to fill them out? Or is it possible to 100% the map on your very first visit? I know that all the way to the East there were like Lv70 enemies just posting up, so obviously I was not supposed to go over there yet and I left.

Just wondering, I'm a map completitionist and I will swim around in that damn ocean all day if I have to!


Sometimes there are areas you can't access until later, but most of the maps can be accessed 100% the first time. I'm the same way, have to find those secret areas!
I just started the game, the first area where you start... I don't have the whole map uncovered. I've heard that you need to hit the landmarks to uncover more of the map, but there are large parts oof the map where there doesn't seem to be any landmarks. Will I be coming back to these locations later to fill them out? Or is it possible to 100% the map on your very first visit? I know that all the way to the East there were like Lv70 enemies just posting up, so obviously I was not supposed to go over there yet and I left.

Just wondering, I'm a map completitionist and I will swim around in that damn ocean all day if I have to!

I'm almost certain you can fill out the map of the first area before you leave, but you have to be very careful not to disturb some of the high-level enemies.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
"Look at this body, its a mechon body"
Okay, I can't tell, is it
Literally a mechon body, like they transplanted her head onto a robot? Or is it just a suit?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Also I suspend my disbelief for a looooot of stuff, but
everyone surviving a fall from sword valley onto the beach at least a thousand meters below
still bugs me. Seriously, Reyn is all like
"A fall like that wouldn't kill him"
or whatever and I'm like "really?!"


Really Shulk? Really?
You've come all this way on your emotionally charged quest for revenge and now you refuse to kill the guy who killed or captured many of your comrades because he just so happens to be human and not a robot?

I had the same reaction and the bad taste never left my mouth even if as other have said it gets explained.

I just couldn't get over how the plot which was about pure revenge at that point throws at me that idealistic bullshit.

Especially when (near endgame spoilers so don't read this, Technomancer :p)
They have no problem slaughtering Theletias when they convert... Shulk shoulda used the same logic then. It really pissed me off. Actually killing Mumkhar would have been so rewarding. I don't see any upside in Shulk turning all holier than thou in that moment.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Okay, now I an really confused. So
Lady Mayneth controlled the Mechonis for the fight against the Bionis? Were the Bionis and the Mechonis built? Why would the organics and the synthetics even fight? (see what I did there?)


Unconfirmed Member
Okay, now I an really confused. So
Lady Mayneth controlled the Mechonis for the fight against the Bionis? Were the Bionis and the Mechonis built? Why would the organics and the synthetics even fight? (see what I did there?)

That's one of those questions that's answered with "just keep playing."

Especially when (near endgame spoilers so don't read this, Technomancer :p)
They have no problem slaughtering Theletias when they convert... Shulk shoulda used the same logic then. It really pissed me off. Actually killing Mumkhar would have been so rewarding. I don't see any upside in Shulk turning all holier than thou in that moment.

Remember that (more near-end game spoilers)
Shulk is Zanza. I think Shulk not wanting to kill Mumkhar was the "real" Shulk shining through. The same way it happened when he chose not to kill Egil despite Zanza trying to make him do it. The difference in that case being Dickson was around to "fix" things.

In the case of the Telethia, I recall it being made pretty clear in the initial cutscenes after they show up that it's unfortunate that they have to fight them, but it has to be done since they are essentially the Bionis "clean up crew" that will kill everything in order to start a new cycle. So it's a matter of fighting them when they need to, or letting Zanza get a small step closer to victory. Of course, gameplay-wise, I suppose slaughtering them in Alcamoth doesn't really make a lot of sense unless you look at it as "setting those High Entia free."
Okay, now I an really confused. So
Lady Mayneth controlled the Mechonis for the fight against the Bionis? Were the Bionis and the Mechonis built? Why would the organics and the synthetics even fight? (see what I did there?)
Don't worry, all those questions are answered. You'll probably be able to guess most of it well before the end, even.


Am I supposed to get
the additional skill trees
before the final boss? I'm currently in
and have only
unlocked one of Melias trees via a quest in the Eryth lighthouse


Am I supposed to get
the additional skill trees
before the final boss? I'm currently in
and have only
unlocked one of Melias trees via a quest in the Eryth lighthouse

I keep this short to avoid spoilers: you can't get it yet. You will understand when it's time.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Alright guys I have some newbie questions here (again).

What is the best practice when it comes to leveling up arts? So far I've just been distributing points pretty evenly between all of Shulks skills. And Reyen too. Is there a particular skill that I should really be trying to level up... Or am I good to just be ding whatever?

How are you guys when it comes to purchasing new equipment? I know usually in games where there is loot I rarely purchase from stores and just equip whatever I get from drops. Does this game work the same way? So far ive found that there is usually better equipment in stores than I find on drops, so I have been buying stuff. Is that pretty true for the rest of the game, I'm about 6 hours in.

... Just put my preorder for the NA version today. Can't wait to get that reversible art and book, so I don't feel bad at all about double dipping only a month apart. :)


you should only level up arts you need and use. everything else would be a waste. I think it's most important for the first few hours to get reyns green and shulk's pink arts as high as possible, because those stay important until the very end of the game (if you stick with shulk and reyn). Raising "green" arts is overall important imho.

buying stuff from stores isn't necessary. there are a few occasions when stores got "good" equipment, but usually unique monsters drop far better stuff.
BUT: don't forgett to buy art books!

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Cool thanks for the info. This is probably an obvious answer, but can you respec points later in the game? I have never heard anymore mentioning that you can so I assume the answer is no.
Cool thanks for the info. This is probably an obvious answer, but can you respec points later in the game? I have never heard anymore mentioning that you can so I assume the answer is no.

You can't respec Art or Skill points, no.

You can respec Affinity Coins / Skill Links, though.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Damn I am ENJOYING this game.

My favorite side quest so far is to run around and explore the map and kill shit. It's also fun to see the BIG Lv 70+ monsters that roam around. Gives you something to look forward to "oh yeah I'm gonna come back for you!!!".

Such a great game, I'm 10 hours in and the story is really really interesting. However, most JRPGs do this to you, have really gripping first 1/2 of the game, then the story really starts to feel itself and get overblown and complicated and gives you too many new vocabulary words without ever explaining shit. So I really hope that XB doesn't get that way as I move on.

... umm is there any real roadmap for how I should be using gem crafting? I just go there every now and then and see what I come up with. Is there any real danger to screwing up and using too many materials early on and not having the "right stuff" later on in the game?
I'm assuming there's certain formulas for getting the right gems by going after the right monsters late game.

Anyways, yup. Enjoyable game. The English voice acting is very good, dialog is well written, and combat system is fun.


Unconfirmed Member
Such a great game, I'm 10 hours in and the story is really really interesting. However, most JRPGs do this to you, have really gripping first 1/2 of the game, then the story really starts to feel itself and get overblown and complicated and gives you too many new vocabulary words without ever explaining shit. So I really hope that XB doesn't get that way as I move on.

Xenoblade doesn't really have that problem. The story isn't too difficult to follow.

... umm is there any real roadmap for how I should be using gem crafting? I just go there every now and then and see what I come up with. Is there any real danger to screwing up and using too many materials early on and not having the "right stuff" later on in the game?
I'm assuming there's certain formulas for getting the right gems by going after the right monsters late game.

Early on, gem crafting is mostly useless anyway. The stuff you get from quests and from filling in the collectopedia is enough to get you by, but making your own stuff doesn't hurt. Gem crafting doesn't really get important until you start getting level V shards toward the end of the game.

Another user wrote a good gem crafting guide you can refer too.


... umm is there any real roadmap for how I should be using gem crafting? I just go there every now and then and see what I come up with. Is there any real danger to screwing up and using too many materials early on and not having the "right stuff" later on in the game?
I'm assuming there's certain formulas for getting the right gems by going after the right monsters late game.

I wouldn't worry that much about Rank I-III gems and crystals. The crystals you get from killing stuff can safely be sold (at least I did), since you usually get enough from completing your Collectopedia and quests. There are however some special (low rank) gems, that you can't craft, so take a good look on what you sell. Oh, and equipping gems isn't permanent, and they get automatically removed if you sell the piece they are equipped in; but you can't remove the gems from unique equipment stuff.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Wow, I was literally right?
Zanza and Mayneth are "spirits" of the Bionis and the Mechonis? So does Zanza become the "new" villain for being a dick who attacks peaceful civilizations? Don't answer that.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I just realized you could view old maps and fast travel across them instantly, instead of fast travel back-tracking... real cool. This game continues to impress me on many fronts.

Unless I'm missing a menu here, is there any way to setup some of kind of AI to your teammates? Mostly they do a pretty good job, but I was wondering if there's nothing generic like "defend, heal, attack" that I can assign to them? Kinda a bummer. That's one thing I really wish this game would've copied more from FFXII's battle system is allowing you to setup your AI partners.

Do you guys generally control Shulk the entire game? I was thinking that it may be kinda fun to switch out to maining another character for fresh combat, but then I'd be worried that AI Shulk was doing it wrong. :-/


Unless I'm missing a menu here, is there any way to setup some of kind of AI to your teammates? Mostly they do a pretty good job, but I was wondering if there's nothing generic like "defend, heal, attack" that I can assign to them? Kinda a bummer. That's one thing I really wish this game would've copied more from FFXII's battle system is allowing you to setup your AI partners.

Nope, not possible. You can tweak their role a bit by changing their available arts (i.e. changing Reyns offensive arts for defensive ones make him a bit more of a def tank).

Do you guys generally control Shulk the entire game? I was thinking that it may be kinda fun to switch out to maining another character for fresh combat, but then I'd be worried that AI Shulk was doing it wrong. :-/

I found it more fun to switch characters from time to time, and you want to raise affinity between all party members, not only between Shulk and the others. For boss battles, I usually stick to Shulk to have more control over the Monado arts. It doesn't really matter for normal battles, since the AI does its job pretty well.
I just realized you could view old maps and fast travel across them instantly, instead of fast travel back-tracking... real cool. This game continues to impress me on many fronts.

Unless I'm missing a menu here, is there any way to setup some of kind of AI to your teammates? Mostly they do a pretty good job, but I was wondering if there's nothing generic like "defend, heal, attack" that I can assign to them? Kinda a bummer. That's one thing I really wish this game would've copied more from FFXII's battle system is allowing you to setup your AI partners.

Do you guys generally control Shulk the entire game? I was thinking that it may be kinda fun to switch out to maining another character for fresh combat, but then I'd be worried that AI Shulk was doing it wrong. :-/

I actually spent most of the time playing with Melia. Shulk's AI is pretty good.
Shulk's AI can be a bit mad on keeping the Monado talent gauge full which means the use one art a bit more than players would be comfortable with. You can remove the art from the palette if this is a bother (though it is handy to have for emergencies...)
Just finished the game at 160 hours. The only thing I didn't do was beat the 100+ lvl unique monsters. Loved every minute of it and was really sad that it had to end. I kept a save file where I was around level 80 and fought the end boss with that file. Then I replayed the end with my level 99 group and laid waste to the endgame and carried stuff over from that file. I will most certainly play this again some day.


You don't even need Shulk once you reach certain part of the game (Except for Monado Purge for certain Spike effects) So if you don't like him don't worry about not using him or even taking him off the party completely :p

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Okay, seriously, the
second phase of the second Gadolt fight
is utter bullshit. Area of effect attacks that cannot be avoided and cause massive damage are not fun! Why do developers put them in?

Okay, seriously, the
second phase of the second Gadolt fight
is utter bullshit. Area of effect attacks that cannot be avoided and cause massive damage are not fun! Why do developers put them in?


What's your level?

Unfortunately, like the rest of the game, sometimes all it takes is a level or two to make a fight dramatically easier.


Are you stuffed with HP Up gems? That will let you survive more easily and give time to heal yourself. Some defensive skill links will also help, like for example Reyn's HP boost.

If that doesn't do the trick, get the Monado art Armour.


How do I get such an art?

It's on the Fallen Arm. You'll have to do some quests and raise enough affinity before a lady robot just outside the entrance of the village will give you the quest. It has something to do with the village's security by clearing a few Mechons. Should be easy.


Okay, seriously, the
second phase of the second Gadolt fight
is utter bullshit. Area of effect attacks that cannot be avoided and cause massive damage are not fun! Why do developers put them in?


You know what I did? I used Melia as the main and when the fight began IMMEDIATELY used her topple combo, this way the minions aren't summoned, despite him actually using the skill. It makes the first half more manageable.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
You know what I did? I used Melia as the main and when the fight began IMMEDIATELY used her topple combo, this way the minions aren't summoned, despite him actually using the skill. It makes the first half more manageable.

Yeah, I've been thinking of using Melia there for a few of the summons, but then that leaves the Monado arts out of my control and a large part of my survival is pulling off Monado Shield to stop that
almost constant laser attack


Yeah, I've been thinking of using Melia there for a few of the summons, but then that leaves the Monado arts out of my control and a large part of my survival is pulling off Monado Shield to stop that
almost constant laser attack

Hmmm maybe you can stop it or at least delay it by using her reflect/sleep skills? And like many peeps mentioned before if you use Melia have her summon some wind spells so you can have a better chance at dodging. I remember getting pretty far with Melia, 7th, and Sharla (I know right lol) but those laser attacks are too devastating. I think I ended up with Dunban and Shulk.


Yeah, I've been thinking of using Melia there for a few of the summons, but then that leaves the Monado arts out of my control and a large part of my survival is pulling off Monado Shield to stop that
almost constant laser attack

I was at the same level at that point (using Shulk, Reyn, Sharla) and the attack you mentioned could Reyn survive easily as long as he keeps aggro up. Just make sure to get yourself out of the way and try to absorb the other AoE with Shield. To be fair, my Reyn is fully equipped towards a def tank and Sharla has only healing and supporting arts, Shulk being the only DD.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I'm 18 hours in... today for the first time the combat started to feel a bit stale on me.

It seems like every encounter I just run through my positioned arts 1-2-3-4 across the Arts bar until I win. Only boss battles are where things get interesting and you have to balance using Talent Arts with Shulk's Shield Art, and Chain Attacks, etc. Maybe I just need to swtich characters. I switched from Shulk to Dunban this morning and I like playing him a lot, but after a couple of hours I was back to playing the same way I did as Shulk 1-2-3-4 across the Arts Bar to defeat easy foes.

... Anyone feel me on this? Maybe I just need to play as a more interesting character that doesn't do all of the attacking.


It took me a lot longer to get a similar sense of fatigue, but I feel like the combat is the weakest facet of Xenoblade.

Apart from a handful of boss battles you can carry on inputting the same old commands for the rest of the game.

Some characters are more interesting to play as, but you will still find a preferred method, rinse and repeat.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Fallen Arm
quest question:
Where is the dude who I'm supposed to deliver food to? It says "at the base of Digit 2" but I've pored over every inch of that place
Started this yesterday but really put time into it today. Only a few hours in
at the Bionis Knee
. So far I have to say I'm having an absolute blast.

Story seems interesting enough, its enough explain the push forward without seeming too gloomy. Characters are likable, and Shulk is maintaining a tolerable level on angst.

What I'm really liking is the adventuring and fighting though. The environments are spacious, beautiful, and well detaileld. The music is wonderful as well. Its basically the offline MMO-ish game I've always wanted (and I hoped FFXII would be), with the unique monsters, various small quests, and active battle system with positional attacks (which keeps fighting more interesting and takes your approach into account). I'm also finding that enemies aggro you from less annoying distances, so there isn't too much paranoia in venturing through even more narrow areas.

The combat system is enjoyable, and the game does a very good job on teaching you how it works as you go along. There are a lot of systems in play here from managing aggro, utilizing the monado, positional considerations, break/topple, foresight, assisting impaired party members, and chain attacking. There is some getting used each introduced mechanic but I haven't found a system that I don't like. You can mash your way through most smaller enemies but at the expense of long battles, if you plan and use your actions properly you can move through easier enemies at a much quicker rate. Proper management comes into play more with unique monsters (if you are attempting them at a level near yours), fighting multiple enemies, and boss battles. I also pleased to find that I'm not getting my ass handed to me out of nowhere, even in battles that are more difficult than expected it is almost always possible to recover if you reorganize.

Initially I was disappointed to find I couldn't change characters mid-battle but given the use of positional attacks and the foresight systesm I think single-character control is for the better. AI has been appropriate so far, though I find it easier to land play the topple-er when fighting Mechon than the breaker (break doesn't last long and often times I would break just as the AI was doing another move, and it would end before they could topple it, that may be my error though).

Anyway, other than Demon's Souls, its the only RPG I can say I've been able to get into this gen.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Is it too much to ask to have a boss fight that isn't interrupted by a cutscene once I get them to one-third health or whatever?!
Also, both Egil fights were piss easy. I stopped for the night as soon as the Mechonis started moving, but I assume that we'll have one last actually difficult fight?


Will QA for food.
Is it too much to ask to have a boss fight that isn't interrupted by a cutscene once I get them to one-third health or whatever?!
Also, both Egil fights were piss easy. I stopped for the night as soon as the Mechonis started moving, but I assume that we'll have one last actually difficult fight?

You have a ways to go. The difficulty of boss fights coming up will mostly depend upon party members and level. I did so many side quest and gained bonus experience, that I rolled through easily. But if you're sticking mostly with story missions, you'll probably have a challenge.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Okay, am I missing something with the
Telethia fight at the center of the Bionis? I'm only 3 levels below it and yet my best attacks don't do more then a few hundred damage and its immune to Monado Purge. After five minutes of a touch fight I think I may have gotten its health down one tenth


Unconfirmed Member
Okay, am I missing something with the
Telethia fight at the center of the Bionis? I'm only 3 levels below it and yet my best attacks don't do more then a few hundred damage and its immune to Monado Purge. After five minutes of a touch fight I think I may have gotten its health down one tenth

Try using a different character. One of them makes it pretty easy.


Okay, am I missing something with the
Telethia fight at the center of the Bionis? I'm only 3 levels below it and yet my best attacks don't do more then a few hundred damage and its immune to Monado Purge. After five minutes of a touch fight I think I may have gotten its health down one tenth

You need to do a lot more leveling and be really lucky.
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