Even if it was, it would still be in Japanese. :/
Well at least I can justify buying the game twice...
Even if it was, it would still be in Japanese. :/
Someone please make an extended version.
I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but don't expect the 4 player multiplayer quests to blow your mind. The non-boss ones last for a few minutes and are just a simple "kill X monsters" things. The world bosses are something else, but don't expect the game to last for months just because of the online stuff if you've already cleared everything else.
I'm not complaining, because those are a fun addition, but I got the impression that some people are expecting something that adds to the experience in a huge way.
I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but don't expect the 4 player multiplayer quests to blow your mind. The non-boss ones last for a few minutes and are just a simple "kill X monsters" things. The world bosses are something else, but don't expect the game to last for months just because of the online stuff if you've already cleared everything else.
I'm not complaining, because those are a fun addition, but I got the impression that some people are expecting something that adds to the experience in a huge way.
Someone please make an extended version.
I don't want to watch the streams so I wanted to NLA and the other world separated by a loading screen? Can you fly around the mech in Primordia and then drop straight to NLA?
No and yes.I don't want to watch the streams so I wanted to NLA and the other world separated by a loading screen? Can you fly around the mech in Primordia and then drop straight to NLA?
Its seamless.
Well damn. Interiors?
Avatar Creation: I kind of suspected it from E3, but the actual facial features of the player character are not very changeable. You pick a preset face and you're basically locked in to that combination of eye shape, nose shape, mouth, etc. Hairstyles also felt quite limited.You do have a lot of customization on top of that in the form of scars, paint, hair, colours for everything. I made someone I was happy with, but it would have been nice to have more customization here.I kind of hope, but am doubtful, you can unlock more for later when you are apparently able to change your avatar's appearance at will.
Streets do you have the Data packs installed?
Miiverse stuff:
This person's character looks cool
Someone please make an extended version.
Thanks for the impressions Streets, I'm hoping you are really feeling it ^^First a heads up; I haven't read many of the other posts in this thread in case of spoilers. After some FedEx problems delivering my package, I decided to download the game. I'm 3 hours in at present and have signed up for my Union (I picked Pathfinder).
How are the mechs in the game, do they have a nice sense of weight and speed to them ?
I like this player's character
Elma looks cool in these.
I like this player's character
Those are some kickass Vash the Stampede sunglasses.Elma looks cool in these.
HOLY SHIT. this OST is stellar. I don't care what anyone says. This is some of the best game music i heard so far. Lyrics or no lyrics.Man, sounds so atmospheric! Surprised me that it was a day theme too. It felt more like a night theme to me.
The graphics are pretty impressive with some great vistas, but I do get an insane amount of pop-in of NPCs and other things in NLA. You get NPCs popping in right front of you when you are running through the city.
THE PROFESSIONAL it fits cause Lyn is 13 lol
That's the stuff.
btw, can someone make a avatar out of this for me?
Someone please make an extended version.
(pls save if you want it, it's temp... lemme know if you wanted it different[?])
I've yet to figure out what triggers this.
It might be hard to tell what's going on in this screenshot, but camera sometimes switches to cockpit view when you're fighting in a Doll:
I've yet to figure out what triggers this.