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XP Service Pack 2... verdict now?

Now that the service pack has been out for more than 1-2 months - I think its about time I got rid of the annoying Windows announcement everytime I boot up to update... time to update?

so what's the verdict from XP SP2 users on how your machine is functioning since you've updated to the new service pack. Also... can someone quickly update the pertinent perks / negatives of the new upgrade.

* I read that it helped games using the Nvidia shader3 model enable games. True?
With SP2, and competent anti-adware/spyware, firewall, and anti-virus programs running, XP is the best, most stable Windows yet! Seriously. Hopefully, Longhorn will start off so lucky.


Will start substantiating his hate
It made my computer slower at starting up and shutting down. Other than that there have been no problems.


TheGreenGiant said:
* I read that it helped games using the Nvidia shader3 model enable games. True?

That would be more due to DX9.0c being part of it.

I'd recommend slipstreaming SP2 into an install CD, and format and reinstall.
Vormund said:
That would be more due to DX9.0c being part of it.

I'd recommend slipstreaming SP2 into an install CD, and format and reinstall.

eh? you want to elaborate? Format the pc? Mine's dual processor and a workstation too (I'm in mid production cycle now too) - formatting is a big scary task. How do you slipstream to install cd?


Oh and btw I put aside a partition for Windows, (and small apps like Firefox etc) makes things easy when it comes to formatting. :D


I've heard stories that SP2 causes problems with games though, is that true? Like apparently MS's focus on security has locked out a lot of ports used by online games. What's up with that?


goodcow said:
XP SP2 > Mac
What? You're on crack.

Panajev2001a said:
At least it was free... can you say the same about Jaguar, Panther, etc... ?
With the exception of 10.1, all Mac OSX updates have been feature enhancements, as opposed to the free bug/security patches MS issues as Service Packs. All minor updates within the 10.x line have been free -- you just get to shell out if you want the added goodies. Actually, I believe MS would be as quick to add new stuff into their OS as Apple if they weren't facing a major architectural change. Apple already implemented their's back in 2000/2001, they're set for quite a while.

And no, I don't agree with Apple's pricing. I think upgrade editions should be no more than $50, but MS gets away with this too -- just not as often, since Longhorn is clogging the pipeline.


Ive also been trying to decide if I should install SP2. Its been bugging me every time i turn on my computer for a couple of months now but I heard initial bad things about it thats why i didnt do it yet.


Andy787 said:
I've heard stories that SP2 causes problems with games though, is that true? Like apparently MS's focus on security has locked out a lot of ports used by online games. What's up with that?

no port blockage issues, actually, with only 1 minor exception for me...

if you start playing a game that requires a port open, an SP2 dialogue box will pop up asking if you want to unblock or keep blocking the port that the program's trying to use.

the only problem i've had is directly connecting w/ someone over GAIM.
(GAIM is a program that combines IM programs like AIM and msn and yahoo)


No, but as the above poster mentioned, they are not necessary to make your system more secure in a substantial way. Primarily, they add more features. 10.1 came out a few years ago, so one upgrade (either 10.2 or 10.3) is not too out of order.

You can blame the dude who made the inflammatory remark. Trolls will always be questione, ridiculed, etc. by Mac nerds.


To add something substatntial to this thread (and not hijack it totally :)), I have found in general SP2 causes no major problems. One of my clients had issues with a stat application, and another experienced severely degraded performance. In both cases we uninstalled it. As always, just back up important things before taking the plunge.


shantyman said:
To add something substatntial to this thread (and not hijack it totally :)), I have found in general SP2 causes no major problems. One of my clients had issues with a stat application, and another experienced severely degraded performance. In both cases we uninstalled it. As always, just back up important things before taking the plunge.
Yes. Backup, backup, backup!

My thoughts on SP2: Required upgrade. The firewall auto-on is cool, but can get in the way quickly if you know what you're doing -- but then, turning it off is simple. Good job on the Security Center, MS. The system does seem to be a little slower than SP1, but I'm chalking that up to the patchwork nature of the OS. Halo does seem to be slower, and definately chokes in certain parts where it did not on SP1, but SP2, new ATI drivers and Halo 1.05 all hit at the same time, so I don't know which is responsible yet.

shantyman: goodcow doesn't seem to be so much a troll, as he is unenlightened. :D


I keep hearing is "good" but... which are the advantages of installing it? "Required Upgrade" because?


Ar_ said:
I keep hearing is "good" but... which are the advantages of installing it? "Required Upgrade" because?
If you use Internet Explorer the new version in SP2 is much better, though I still like Firefox more. The firewall is actually pretty good if you don't already have one. It also includes hundreds of small changes, but other than IE and the firewall, you probably wont notice them.


Doesn't sound so indispensable. There is no lack of free firewalls, have Firefox + Avant for browsing.... and for all small things it may fix, so far got no problems, so maybe better not to take the risk of it breaking something new :)
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