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Yakuza Community Thread - FEEL THE HEAT!


I really hope the remake of 1 comes to the West. I've been wanting to get into the series, and that would be the perfect opportunity.
This was the best type of news to wake up to. Two Yakuza games next year, one of which being a remake to one of my favourite entries (story wise) in the series. Watching the trailer it looks like they've added certain mini games from 0 into the remake - I saw the Scalectrix style racing game in (awesome, that was insanely addictive in 0) and the cat fighting (fuck, no one wants that back unless they overhaul the idiotic mechanics in that game).
I couldn't make out if they have any arcade games playable (I imagine they will).

Now I want a Yakuza 2 remake. You assume it has to happen? They have most of the assets thanks to using Osaka in 0 and 5 plus with a little tweaking to the Dead Souls model they have Ryuuji Ghoda. Its also my favourite in the series story wise so it really needs to happen. Then tidy up 3-5 to have them on the PS4 as well (I can dream right?) as I'd love to have all the series on one platform (PS4, or PC if they ever bother to port them).


I need to finish the platinum of the PS3 version of HD 1&2 and I'd have every version of Ryu Ga Gotoku done to completion as I already did the Wii-u version.

This was the best type of news to wake up to. Two Yakuza games next year, one of which being a remake to one of my favourite entries (story wise) in the series. Watching the trailer it looks like they've added certain mini games from 0 into the remake - I saw the Scalectrix style racing game in (awesome, that was insanely addictive in 0) and the cat fighting (fuck, no one wants that back unless they overhaul the idiotic mechanics in that game).
I couldn't make out if they have any arcade games playable (I imagine they will).

Now I want a Yakuza 2 remake. You assume it has to happen? They have most of the assets thanks to using Osaka in 0 and 5 plus with a little tweaking to the Dead Souls model they have Ryuuji Ghoda. Its also my favourite in the series story wise so it really needs to happen. Then tidy up 3-5 to have them on the PS4 as well (I can dream right?) as I'd love to have all the series on one platform (PS4, or PC if they ever bother to port them).

You can't escape cat fighting haha, also yeah I didn't see any arcade games in the trailer but I figure it would be the ones from Zero along with Virtua Fighter 2 and maybe more, funny enough in Yakuza 1 when the only game you could play in club Sega was the ufo machine, the arcade machines they had in there if you looked closely were Virtua Fighter 4: Final evolution and that was cool but I don't think they would put that in this name game(maybe).

Also yes to a possible Yakuza 2 remake, Ryuji Goda and updated tiger punching, it would be sick.
I need to finish the platinum of the PS3 version of HD 1&2 and I'd have every version of Ryu Ga Gotoku done to completion as I already did the Wii-u version.

You can't escape cat fighting haha, also yeah I didn't see any arcade games in the trailer but I figure it would be the ones from Zero along with Virtua Fighter 2 and maybe more, funny enough in Yakuza 1 when the only game you could play in club Sega was the ufo machine, the arcade machines they had in there if you looked closely were Virtua Fighter 4: Final evolution and that was cool but I don't think they would put that in this name game(maybe).

Also yes to a possible Yakuza 2 remake, Ryuji Goda and updated tiger punching, it would be sick.

Ah yes, I was talking to one of my friends about the Yakuza 1 crane game the other day. It was far more annoying than the newer games as the collision detection was wonky. Plus there was a whole series of side missions that relied on you getting certain toys...
VF4 Evo should be possible I think? even if its a separate download/install I'd love to have one of the more recent VF games in a Yakuza game just as a bonus - I've always preferred VF4 (Evo) and 5 to the earlier ones. Wishful thinking on my part most likely.

Just slap Daytona and Power Drift in there for good measure. I'd rather have 1 or 2 new arcade games to enjoy.

And yes to higher resolution tiger punching!


I hoping they would update the ending to show
Akiyama near Millennium Tower when it explodes and the money comes down like in his backstory in Y4, since in Y1 there was a homeless guy with a hat but he was just a nondescript npc before it got retconned.

Also I wonder if they would update/change the "man in the toilet" or "Drain the lizard" substory that has
Gouji Rokkaku of Jet Set Radio in it
to make it look more like him or make it someone else completely.
Yea we need to ensure these games come to the West, somehow. I wonder how?! BUY YAKUZA 5 even if you can't stop moaning about a physical edition, I'd say.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I need to finish the platinum of the PS3 version of HD 1&2 and I'd have every version of Ryu Ga Gotoku done to completion as I already did the Wii-u version.

You can't escape cat fighting haha, also yeah I didn't see any arcade games in the trailer but I figure it would be the ones from Zero along with Virtua Fighter 2 and maybe more, funny enough in Yakuza 1 when the only game you could play in club Sega was the ufo machine, the arcade machines they had in there if you looked closely were Virtua Fighter 4: Final evolution and that was cool but I don't think they would put that in this name game(maybe).

Also yes to a possible Yakuza 2 remake, Ryuji Goda and updated tiger punching, it would be sick.
pretty sure it was VF4Evolution, not Final Tuned in Y1
I hoping they would update the ending to show
Akiyama near Millennium Tower when it explodes and the money comes down like in his backstory in Y4, since in Y1 there was a homeless guy with a hat but he was just a nondescript npc before it got retconned.

Also I wonder if they would update/change the "man in the toilet" or "Drain the lizard" substory that has
Gouji Rokkaku of Jet Set Radio in it
to make it look more like him or make it someone else completely.

The first bit needs to happen, it'd be a nice little nod to tie things up nicely.

As for the second bit, I swear I read in an old issue of GamesTM that the two games take place in the same universe. I just wish I could remember which issue it was so I could dig out the interview. Either way, it was a really nice Easter egg.

Oh, and the challenge on Yakuza 0's challenge mode are bastard hard. I'm sure I said earlier how the challenges were getting easier in the series so I only have myself to blame! I've got 4 left (boss rush fights) and I can't imagine how hard they will get, considering the last challenge where you have to fight
Sera at the end was brutal
Nagoshi's message
"a big surprise regarding RGG6 to be revealed at RGG booth"

don't open ↓ if you haven't played 5.
I guess
Kiryu was actually dead in Haruka's arms in 5 and the series gets a new protagonist in 6

Oh shit, that'd make things very interesting indeed
and make the ending of 5 really sad, poor Kiryu and Haruka :( Guess they might not get a happy ending after all

When about's this week will they be revealing this? Bar the Sony conference I've not really paid attention to the TGS schedule...

Oh well, in the mean time I can just keep on playing Yakuza 0. 100% completion on the challenge list is doable, but damn is the last Mah Jong challenge kicking my ass at the moment... I expect myself to be way better at Mah Jong by the time 6 is released in Japan!


Yea we need to ensure these games come to the West, somehow. I wonder how?! BUY YAKUZA 5 even if you can't stop moaning about a physical edition, I'd say.

I have a strict physical only policy, haven't played a single Yakuza game. Don't play games on my ps3 anymore. Yet I preordered Yakuza 5 as soon as it went up.
At the Asia session press conference of SCEJA Sega has announced that the PS4 versions of Yakuza Kiwami and Yakuza 6 will be localized...to Chinese. The release date for Yakuza Kiwami in Chinese is exactly the same date than the Japanese version, the 21st of January of 2016.

Source: http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20150916_721553.html

I am not expecting an English localization announcement during TGS, so I will wait until the PSX Experience in December before judging if this quote from Sega:

as far as the western market goes, we learned a lot from Atlus. If we can make a title with proper quality, I believe there's a good chance for it to do well even in the West for players that like to play Japanese games.

is just bullshit or not.


At the Asia session press conference of SCEJA Sega has announced that the PS4 versions of Yakuza Kiwami and Yakuza 6 will be localized...to Chinese. The release date for Yakuza Kiwami in Chinese is exactly the same date than the Japanese version, the 21st of January of 2016.

Source: http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20150916_721553.html

I am not expecting an English localization announcement during TGS, so I will wait until the PSX Experience in December before judging if this quote from Sega:

is just bullshit or not.

maybe the the word like "国外" or "海外" has been translated as "the west"? And if so, it seems they are pushing it hard in Hong Kong and Taiwan. That quote is not bullshit :p
maybe the the word like "国外" or "海外" has been translated as "the west"? And if so, it seems they are pushing it hard in Hong Kong and Taiwan. That quote is not bullshit :p

They meant the Western market. The original quote from famitsu is like this:


欧米市場 (Oubei shijou, the European and American market) is the topic of the answer. So it may still be bullshit :p


I appreciate it if he is involved in as a writer but as a voice actor...ファッキンジャップぐらいわかるよ馬鹿野郎


I appreciate it if he is involved in as a writer but as a voice actor...ファッキンジャップぐらいわかるよ馬鹿野郎

Think bigger. Think as a character, rendered and all.


Think bigger. Think as a character, rendered and all.

He must be great as a kamurocho inhabitant who appears in sub-stories but as a major character, probably be a main villain...no.

Anyway, official trailer time!!
Kiwami short trailer


im familar with Beat but what should i check out to learn about this dude? is Outrage good?

Yeah Outrage and Beyond Outrage is good, so is Brother which is something I could see the series doing, like
Kiryu going to America to get away from the Tojo clan/Omi alliance and getting into trouble by being who he is and helping out in a situation, imagine running through Time's Square or something

I also remember Gonin somewhat, which was a about a guy who owed the Yakuza money after the bubble economy disappeared and he had to organize a heist but it has been years since I last saw it.


Nagoshi talks about the Asian market and the chinese version in a part of this interview.

My rough translation ;p
Fami: Kiwami and its simultaneous worldwide release, excluding America and Europe, has been announced!!

Nagoshi:The sales of RGG0 is better than our expectation. I can't reveal the exact numbers but we can't ignore the market anymore.

F: How is the localization going?

N: Kiwami is a remake. We already have a Scenario and we can start translating the story ahead of the game development.

F: Considering the story connection, I think it's good for the Chinese players. They can enjoy Kiwami immediately after RGG0.

N: You can say that.

more in the link

He talks about RGG6 in this interview.


lol I think it was just Gacha-pin fucking with you guys. It's not actually phrased like that in the interview as far as I can tell.


Worldwide release*

*excluding half of the world


More than half. At least call it Asia release.

Worldwide is a joke.

Maybe they were referring as per human, more than half of the world's population is in Asia :p

Really glad to see Yakuza is doing so well in Asia, seems to have helped offset the loss in Japanese sales. Now why couldn't they figure out the Western market like they did the Asian one :<
Maybe they were referring as per human, more than half of the world's population is in Asia :p

Really glad to see Yakuza is doing so well in Asia, seems to have helped offset the loss in Japanese sales. Now why couldn't they figure out the Western market like they did the Asian one :<

Maybe because the higher ups in those markets had some care and faith in the games? :p

but really, kind of stings that we're considered a small, low sale/excluded market...especially when others can find success with reasonable pushes.


At this point the sale of Yakuza 5 is the only thing that will matter. Yakuza 0 Chinese sold well so they are releasing it the same time as Japan. If Yakuza 5 met their expectation we will see more games.


If people aren't going to buy Yakuza 5 because it's not physical and we don't get any other game, those people have no right to bitch and cry.



Oh. :( *sits down*

Did they have to formulate it that way ? Pouring salt on the wound, etc.

It's due to lack of my translating ability...sorry :(

He says he doesn't want to share the actual sales number of RGG0 in Asia but giving the vague statement like it's better than his expectation. I guess it is more like SCEJ is asking SEGA to bring it to Asian market since it looks they are trying hard to push the playstation business in the region.


Un Rama
If people aren't going to buy Yakuza 5 because it's not physical and we don't get any other game, those people have no right to bitch and cry.

I'm in two minds. I'll be buying it because Yakuza needs my support and this is its last shot in the west. But on the other hand they aren't half sending it off to die. Digital only on a last gen system? Not exactly optimal conditions for a comeback.

I'll do my part though and pray. Failing that I'll just import them all like I already do anyway.


I'm in two minds. I'll be buying it because Yakuza needs my support and this is its last shot in the west. But on the other hand they aren't half sending it off to die. Digital only on a last gen system? Not exactly optimal conditions for a comeback.

I'll do my part though and pray. Failing that I'll just import them all like I already do anyway.

I'm getting it because it's gonna be a great game, and it's a miracle we even got this far.


I'm in two minds. I'll be buying it because Yakuza needs my support and this is its last shot in the west. But on the other hand they aren't half sending it off to die. Digital only on a last gen system? Not exactly optimal conditions for a comeback.

I'll do my part though and pray. Failing that I'll just import them all like I already do anyway.

I hope they are keeping expectations in check because of the digital only and last gen console release. Not like they had much option in there, since Y5 is a PS3 only game and the sales from previous games weren't particularly good for a retail release.

As I said before, I think we are getting Y0 either way. The sucess of Y5, however, can lead to even faster localizations.


Also working my way through Y2. The story seems to meander a lot, but it's still fun to play. I'm at Chapter 10, and the sidequests seem to be the best part so far.


Wow, this Revenge By Proxy sidequest... dat fight money.

Don't mind if I do. (5,000,000!? Hostess bar upgrades here I come!)
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