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Yakuza Community Thread - FEEL THE HEAT!


And ICYMI, I confirmed that Y0 is going to have the PS4 Share restrictions lifted for everything but the final scene in the game.

Just saw this now. This is amazing and something I was wishing for back when I first downloaded the Japanese demo for it when I got my PS4 last year. Great job to everyone who made that happen
I uploaded some pictures of the sweet desk calendar I got from Lawson HMV. I didn't even expect to get it since they said they were out when I preordered (the day before release).


Calendar Imgur Gallery
Yes, Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami are both 60fps on PS4.

Ishin as well if you imported it ;) And its such a glorious improvement on the series. The fighting system has never felt slicker or smoother, its a pity that 6 couldn't have been 60FPS (though with those changes and visuals it was never going to be).
Ishin as well if you imported it ;) And its such a glorious improvement on the series. The fighting system has never felt slicker or smoother, its a pity that 6 couldn't have been 60FPS (though with those changes and visuals it was never going to be).
Yeah, completely forgot about Ishin. Though, that's because I didn't have a PS4 at the time and had to get it for PS3. Y0's demo was my first exposure to 60fps goodness in Yakuza and man, I can't wait to get more of that next month :)
1&2 HD on the PS3 were 30 FPS weren't they? I don't recall them being 60 FPS. I might have to boot them up again to check, fairly certain that the first Yakuza game in 60FPS was Ishin (unless your counting the batting center mini game - that always ran at 60FPS)
A question, do we get a Dante & Vergil Vs. Kiryu & Majima moment in that game? Cause if so, then that game would legit be one of the best games of all time.

I've not gotten far in the game, but so far you don't get to fight other playable characters (even the first game only let you fight Telos and Heihachi I believe early on, maybe Juri as well, hard to remember since that game was soooooo long).

Its still one the most epic crossoverd for me in terms of cast - what other game takes Virtua Fighter, Shinobi, Shenmue, Yakuza, Streets of Rage, Phoenix Wright, DMC, Street Fighter, Mega Man X etc. and puts them all into one game, I just hope the later battles are shorter compared to the first game, which was a right slog to finish the second half of.
Uh, that's a missed opportunity then. Man, the Project X Zone series sounds like it has the makings of a great fighting game. I wish we could get some sort of fighting title out of it down the line.
Uh, that's a missed opportunity then. Man, the Project X Zone series sounds like it has the makings of a great fighting game. I wish we could get some sort of fighting title out of it down the line.

Yeah, I'd rather an action/fighting game myself just because I prefer those to RPG's, but to be fair to X Zone I do enjoy the battle system on it, even if its a bit simple and repetitive after a while.
I uploaded some pictures of the sweet desk calendar I got from Lawson HMV. I didn't even expect to get it since they said they were out when I preordered (the day before release).

Calendar Imgur Gallery

How did I miss this post?!!! Man, the calendar looks good. Though it would've been even better if it had more important characters from series instead of just Kiryu :p

Anyway, congrats.

Yeah, I'd rather an action/fighting game myself just because I prefer those to RPG's, but to be fair to X Zone I do enjoy the battle system on it, even if its a bit simple and repetitive after a while.

I wish Bandai would've release released these game on PS4 or at least PC. I wanna try them but I'm not welling to get a 3DS just for this one series.


Those two along with Phoenix Wright saying he has to defend Heihachi in court makes me want to get that game. I didn't care X Zone 1, but I might just get it.
Goes by SO much faster. Highly recommended. May actually keep this one. I sold X 1 because I was never enduring THAT slog again.


Neo Member
Hey guys, first time posting in this thread. Been a major fan of the Yakuza games for many years (have every UK-released entry, even managed to get 2 for £5 before people cottoned on to its worth), always glad to see a community for this series. :D

Something I saw recently in one of the Yakuza 0 threads was a link to YakuzaFan, and from there a link t T-Shirts. This is answering a question I have had for many years but was exceptionally poor at researching, but is there any good Yakuza merch to be found?

I am so looking forward to 0


Something I saw recently in one of the Yakuza 0 threads was a link to YakuzaFan, and from there a link t T-Shirts. This is answering a question I have had for many years but was exceptionally poor at researching, but is there any good Yakuza merch to be found?

i llike yakuzafan's shirts, but what do you have in mind? importing from japan seems to be the way to go - ive found the 10 year anniversary book for a fair price on ebay, and had a friend send me Tojo clan pins from the recent TGS booth. the cool preorder stuff they get though, that i have no idea!
The Max Factory Kiryu figure is out next Monday FYI.

Goes by SO much faster. Highly recommended. May actually keep this one. I sold X 1 because I was never enduring THAT slog again.

Yea, I only kept the first one because it was the LE copy and because of the Valkyria Chronicles characters, other than that PXZ2 is the superior sequel.
YOO, that shot glass.

I don't even drink but I might start if I had that.

Ironically enough neither do I. But I've somehow managed to end up with 2 hip flasks (Yakuza 4 and 0), a Sake Cup (Ishin I believe) and the shot glasses (Yakuza 6). Or maybe the Sake cup was for 5? Well, either way the series is always including this stuff with the DX editions and I love them for it. I'll try and take a few more pictures of my set.
Also, on a related note I do love the attention to detail to all the alcohol in the series, from the history of each drink to the design of the bottles etc. No other game I can think of goes into that much detail on incidental little items in the game world.


basically indistinguishable except skin tone

Any changes/imperfections in term of gameplay? I've given it a quick shot but I'm not well versed in the series. It seems to play nicely though, solid 60FPS goodness, just wish I had a solid moves list/training mode to learn some combos.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Good to hear. I can already tell I'll be spending tons of time in the game, as a extra distraction to the main story I fear that it'll monopolise my time for quite a while!


Subete no aware
Random question, but does Y6 solve the weird "problem" where the cutscenes are pre-rendered and fully voiced before it awkwardly shifts to an in-game cutscene where it's just unvoiced text boxes?

I honestly have no idea if that was a technical limitation or if they were too "cheap" to have the actors fully voice the games.
So, now that I've started Yakuza 6 I've mainly just done the demo area again, but since more mini games are unlocked I've managed to see more of what is on offer in the game besides the story...

First up is the arcade, an option that I loved in Yakuza 5 returns - difficulty levels. Different arcade cabs are set to different difficulties so if like me your not all that great at clearing Space Harrier on one credit, or you see the time out screen on Outrun too often, or you just want to practice your combos in Virtual Fighter 5 you now have easier difficulties to do just that. I've only really played around on VF5 at the moment, learning some really easy combos with Vanessa but I managed to spend an hour already on that alone, so I can already tell I won't be seeing the ending any time soon on this game.

Speaking of VF5 - anyone know if there is a way to switch the route in arcade mode? As from what I remember there is an A route and a B route so you don't always fight the same characters over and over...

Next up is Darts. They've changed the way it works and I'm not sure I approve... Gone is the old control scheme which was something I really liked - using the right analog stick to perfectly time your shot (when you get the sweet spot down you'll be getting 180's all the damn time!). Now you have a targeting crosshair and a power bar that is constantly filling/draining - press the button at the right time and you'll throw your dart exactly where your aiming. I think this makes it easier to get good scores, there is still skill/timing involved but I miss the feel that the old control system gave me, just made it feel more satisfying.

Rizap (the gym) is a fun little diversion - and I do like that they have you look supliment your training with a good diet - exploring Kamuracho in search of the right dish was a cool concept.

Lastly - the combat. I've been looking more into Kiryu's leveling up and what moves you get as you do so. Its certainly far more akin to pre Yakuza 0 design - with you earning XP points (though this time you get XP for pretty much doing anything) and then spend the points on upgrading either your base stats or choosing to unlock completely new moves or heat moves. So far my unlocks have been the normal base stuff - running kick, dodge attack etc. but I do appreciate now on the heat moves screen you get videos of the head moves being performed (makes it easier to figure out how to perform them along with seeing which ones actually look good in battle!)

And the combat I find is very satisfying early on - I unlocked the grab finisher for your combos (so instead of finishing combos with triangle, triangle you do triangle, circle) so you can chuck enemies into other enemies in flashy style. Usually this'd be something you'd unlock later, but I'm glad to have it unlocked now as enemies are that much more aggressive - they block more frequently, they grab/throw objects (like bikes) at you and also wield weapons like hammers and swords right from the get go.

And while its been shown off a lot, I'm still somewhat in awe of having more freedom in battles - fighting around the millennium tower feels like a true step up in the series - from new heat moves relating to stairs (pushing people down stairs/leaping at enemies from raised areas) to running into the millennium tower and throwing people down to the ground floor, then leaping off the guard rail following them. Its seamless and just feels badass. Trashing stores is hilarious as well. A fight of mine spilled over into Smile Burger, which resulted in chairs and tables being broken over goons heads and at least one goon was smashed through a window onto the streets! While I'm somewhat unsure over the changes of the combat vs 0's fighting styles, its hard not to love some of the changes that have come about due to the openness of the city now.

Random question, but does Y6 solve the weird "problem" where the cutscenes are pre-rendered and fully voiced before it awkwardly shifts to an in-game cutscene where it's just unvoiced text boxes?

I honestly have no idea if that was a technical limitation or if they were too "cheap" to have the actors fully voice the games.

The whole game seems fully voiced now, no text boxes in sight anymore. Even for side missions. Only awkward thing now is the animation for side mission characters and stories is nowhere near as good as major cutscenes, but I do appreciate the voice acting being added as it certainly helps certain side missions feel "better" (like the live chat dialog, that side mission really cracks me up).
Thank you Shadowman for the impressions.

Yeah, the bit that you talked about combat going back to pre-Y0 design is a little bit worrying but the few examples that you provided in-regards to freedom in battles sound amazing. A personal theory of mine is that since they needed to redo all the animations and they had some other big goals like the freedom to fight in buildings and shops, I think they realized that they can't do all of that and keep the styles and decided to draw back to simpler combat design for this game.

I strongly suspect that since they've laid the ground work with Y6, they'll most likely reintroduce styles or some other similar function in the next entry.


Thank you Shadowman for the impressions.

Yeah, the bit that you talked about combat going back to pre-Y0 design is a little bit worrying but the few examples that you provided in-regards to freedom in battles sound amazing. A personal theory of mine is that since they needed to redo all the animations and they had some other big goals like the freedom to fight in buildings and shops, I think they realized that they can't do all of that and keep the styles and decided to draw back to simpler combat design for this game.

I strongly suspect that since they've laid the ground work with Y6, they'll most likely reintroduce styles or some other similar function in the next entry.

I can second on the freedom in battles. While the lack of styles makes some battles play out too similarly, the time when things got wacky outshine the more drier battles.
Yeah, I'm looking at the moves list and I think some of the moves from the 0-Kiwami styles are included as unlockables (auto picking up weapons/huge objects is already unlocked as default) so I wonder if there exists just 1 ultimate style now - an amalgamation of all Kiryu's previous styles.
And as for fighting in shops - I urge everyone to unlock the "Microwave" heat move (its a very inexpensive upgrade) as if you do, you can take the fight into your local Poppo Mart, then grab an enemy while standing close to the counter and hit triangle when prompted - Kiryu throws his enemy head first into a microwave, Kiryu then barks an order at the clerk to turn the microwave on, cooking his enemies brain and thusly finishing him off! Its a brutal and hilarious move, I'm eager to see if any other moves of that nature exist (I've also seen a heat move involving chopsticks, but I don't know where to get any chopsticks yet).

Also, Outrun easy mode is a huge bonus - almost managed to complete the game, getting the furthest I've ever managed. Would have managed it too if I didn't crash!
Yeah, I'm looking at the moves list and I think some of the moves from the 0-Kiwami styles are included as unlockables (auto picking up weapons/huge objects is already unlocked as default) so I wonder if there exists just 1 ultimate style now - an amalgamation of all Kiryu's previous styles.
And as for fighting in shops - I urge everyone to unlock the "Microwave" heat move (its a very inexpensive upgrade) as if you do, you can take the fight into your local Poppo Mart, then grab an enemy while standing close to the counter and hit triangle when prompted - Kiryu throws his enemy head first into a microwave, Kiryu then barks an order at the clerk to turn the microwave on, cooking his enemies brain and thusly finishing him off! Its a brutal and hilarious move, I'm eager to see if any other moves of that nature exist (I've also seen a heat move involving chopsticks, but I don't know where to get any chopsticks yet).

Also, Outrun easy mode is a huge bonus - almost managed to complete the game, getting the furthest I've ever managed. Would have managed it too if I didn't crash!


I reached chapter 10 where Kiryu finds
who is Haruto's father

I have big ??? why the studio brought a new engine to the last game. I enjoyed so called seamless gameplay & elevated map design in the first few hours. But after that, I found it's not worth all the sacrifices they did to 6. I feel the game is rough and unpolished. All the another drama-ish side games are not engaging and they are not well created. The baseball management is quite a boring mode. The fish shooter is very cheap. And the clan creator, it's all depends on the deck you have and there are less strategy you can take. Who can enjoy this type of stuff, smartphone gamers?

But the sub-stories are still great. I like Ono Michio ones. The naming of a time leaper high school girls's substory is ace (時をかけたらしい少女 / The girl who seems to have leapt through time).

FYI, I won't post the link here but some walkthrough site posted all the clan creator codes that come with wafer snacks.

1&2 HD on the PS3 were 30 FPS weren't they? I don't recall them being 60 FPS. I might have to boot them up again to check, fairly certain that the first Yakuza game in 60FPS was Ishin (unless your counting the batting center mini game - that always ran at 60FPS)

I thought it was 60 FPS. I remember I got disappointed with RGG5 that I played right after HD. I'm not confident about it now lol. Maybe I got disappointed by loading times and not fps...my memory is not clear.
Should we make a thread about the fact that Yakuza 0, Kiwami and 6 are all getting retail release in west? I feel like that little detail flew over many peoples' heads.
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