After "real life" got in the way 72 hours before the release of Yakuza 0 last year, I didn't end up playing it until December and finished it last month. I just started Yakuza Kiwami this month and I'm tearing through it, already on chapter eleven of thirteen. I'll have finished every domestic release, including that zombie game, with a little more time to spare before Yakuza 6 than I had thought (obviously the delay adds to that). Of the following games, which one has the best side missions - Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, Yakuza 0, or Yakuza Kiwami? With pretty much every game, I usually have the trophy for thirty side stories completed once I'm done with the main campaign, but then I never really get back to the side missions and the lack of autosave makes it something that I don't casually chip away at like I would with a Fallout or Grand Theft Auto game. Yakuza 5 I can't play again until/unless I get back on PS+, but that was already far and away my top play time of all the games (pushing 60 hours, rather than the 20 - 30 hours for everything else). It seems like Yakuza 0 would have the best ones since the side missions have just kept getting better/crazier as the series progresses, and I have that on my PS4 HDD as a digital purchase so it is easier to dip back into once in a while compared to the PS3 stuff which would probably require some disk space juggling.