Yoko Taro & Yosuke Saito Working on Project Separate from NieR; Announcement Planned 2024


I mean, Yoko Taro proved with Nier Automata he knows how to make a character action game with RPG elements that matter, unlike Final Fantasy XVI, so it would definitely be a proper FF title.

I just want FF games where leveling, weapon upgrades, elemental differences, etc. actually matter. That’s not a bullshit take, that should be expected in a series where every FF (until XVI) respected that. Even XV, for as much of a mess it was, respected that. People hide behind the “it’s an experimental series!” shtick, but the experiments were always done without sacrificing the impact of the RPG elements.

It’s cool to like XVI, but it should also be understandable why a good deal of people were let down by it.
I think Yoko Taro should focus on the story and the overall tone of the game, but not the gameplay. All of his previous games are kinda jank in the gameplay. NieR Automata was a success because Platinum Games handled the gameplay. For Automata, Yoko Taro always praised Takahisa Taura because his works on the gameplay


The nicest person on this forum
I think Yoko Taro should focus on the story and the overall tone of the game, but not the gameplay. All of his previous games are kinda jank in the gameplay. NieR Automata was a success because Platinum Games handled the gameplay. For Automata, Yoko Taro always praised Takahisa Taura because his works on the gameplay
After Automata Taura made director debut with Astral Chain and in my opinion was such a great game that severely overlooked.


Please not mobile game….PLEASE!
Sega made 404 Game Reset with Yoko Taro, but it got shutdown, not even reaching the 1st anniversary lol: https://www.eurogamer.net/sega-and-...t-on-mobile-shuts-down-after-less-than-a-year
Sinoalice also got shutdown, but only the global version

I hope he learned his lesson hahahaha
HA! Tell me you never played Nier Automata without telling me you have never played Nier Automata. her tits are not the phat thing on her body. Also, imagine thinking that bi's and L's don't also like that shit. Good job outing yourself as a know nothing scrub.

Come for 2Booty, stay for the plot and OST.
I've got the Platinum on PS4. Nice try.


A2 was better than 2B.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Other than a Crystal, Cid and summons somehow needing to be in the game, what else would you say is seen as a limitation?
DnD elements, power of friendship dynamics, and generally a positive or bittersweet ending.

Most if not all Yoko Taro stories are either depressing or heartbreaking. Automata for example tackles a purpose in life, existentialism, and despair. The overarching theme in Automata is a neverending war between Androids and Robots in a bid to protect humanity. When the reality is that humanity was long extinct and the Network the Androids were connected to were perpetuating this big lie to give the androids a neverending quest that will always end in failure. The impossible task. Upon learning of this task Androids either started to mimic humans and go their own way and developed their own free will by removing themselves from the network that controlled them or they go mad as the eons pass and "break". Because to a machine nothing is worse then a task that is impossible to complete and leads to a critical error. So it either breaks or has to abandon it's primary programming.

On the other hand Final Fantasy has always given you a clear quest that will be completed and the characters involved go on their merry way after the fact. Usually giving the cast some form of character development that changes them in a huge way.


It's gonna tank

People only liked Automata because of 2B.

Without 2B people wouldn't even have played it.

You know I'm right.
I dont particularly like 2B, nor 9S. A2 maybe.
But automata is sooo much more than the sum of it's waifus.
Even if the game was not that great, the mindfuck ending makes worth every second you put into it.

The waifus is the least important thing about Automata... Even if many people only play it for the waifus.
In a game that lets you buy the all the trophies. Also, you stated that you "did not play the game long"

Nice try.

Sure Jan GIF
I'll assume English isn't your first language. I meant I avoided it because of the 2B Coomers damaged the games image. I put 50 hours into Automata. Want me to post the play time?
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