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Yoshi's Touch and Go seems VERY familiar...

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!

Yea, ok I am late. Didn't really read up on the DS stuff until now, but the description of drawing rings around enemies, tapping yoshi to jump, and collecting loot by doing everything BUT controlling the protoganist is so Gumshoe-esque.

Could work really well too, but the lightgun never really popularized the NES...
Have I mentioned how ridiculously happy I am that this is going to be a consumer product? It was perhaps my favorite DS tech demo at E3, but I wasn't too optimistic about it going much further than that.

Deku Tree

You just gave me a crazy Gumshoe flashback.

I had forgot how much I used to love that game, in fact I had all together forgotten about it.
Dragmire said:
Me too, but where's my submarine demo gone game? Where's my Yoshi's Submerge and Pilot?
Considering how much Miyamoto apparently enjoys that demo, I'd assume it'll become a game too.
All I want is the air hockey demo to become a real game. I actually found the original Touch and Go tech demo rather boring. But the full game does look better.
FortNinety said:
All I want is the air hockey demo to become a real game. I actually found the original Touch and Go tech demo rather boring. But the full game does look better.
They should release some kind of DS minigame collection. I realize that would be kind of a bitch to market, but there are just so many small-scale ideas that are perfect for the DS but just wouldn't work as full-fledged retail products.


Apparently, Super Mario 64 DS has a different collection of minigames for each character. Do we know what they are yet? If not, maybe an air hockey game will be in the mix.
impirius said:
Apparently, Super Mario 64 DS has a different collection of minigames for each character. Do we know what they are yet? If not, maybe an air hockey game will be in the mix.

Well as stupid the idea behind Mario Pinball Land was, it was made, so you might be onto something.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This might be the reason I buy a DS. It's definitely my most anticipated game for the system. Very glad to see it being made.


Fuck that Gumshoe screenshot brings back some memories. That was the first (and last) game I ever played with my mom. We played that sucker for hours. Wow...


Kobun Heat said:
They should release some kind of DS minigame collection. I realize that would be kind of a bitch to market, but there are just so many small-scale ideas that are perfect for the DS but just wouldn't work as full-fledged retail products.

Good idea. They could call it Wario...something.... :D
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