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You have a time machine! What are you going to do?!

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Man, if I had a time machine I'd be scared shitless to go into the future. Who knows what kind of shit is going to happen beyond here.

I'd probably travel into the past and give all the necessary proof that I am from the future without giving away the technology, and play some kind of shitty cruel joke. Like travel before Independence Day came out, and provide an offical looking historical copy of the dramatization, passing it off as non fiction text. OHZ NOEZ! The aliens!

Now that I think about it, the possibilites are endless.
Go to the library, find a winning lotto number for sometime in 1985 in an old newspaper, then go back and win it and then buy every damn MS stock available.

way more

I'd go back about a year and warn myself about all the stupid shit I'll get into.

I'd also make a bunch of crazy-true predictions in the 1500's just to freak with the world.


Lure people into it at parties. I'd make them put on gimp masks and stuff to get it it. Hopefully no one would fuck it through a hole in a sheet.
1. Fucking dinosaurs. Have to see that for myself.

2. Mt St Helens. I want a chopper a few miles out of the blast, just to watch things unfold. Oh yeah and maybe warn a few soon-to-be-dead peeps.

3. JFK. The name "Zapruder" will be forever supplanted by "Flanders" when I get tight angle footage of the grassy knoll gunman on a digital camcorder.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
shoplifter said:
Lure people into it at parties. I'd make them put on gimp masks and stuff to get it it. Hopefully no one would fuck it through a hole in a sheet.




Unconfirmed Member
In Before John Titor!!1

I would seriously like to see some dinosaurs, Julius Ceasar, the real Jesus and Einstein.

Ghandi if I had som extra "time"...... o_o

Ferrio said:
You know those planes that flew into those buildings? I'd try and make that not happen.
Best real answer.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Ferrio said:
You know those planes that flew into those buildings? I'd try and make that not happen.
You'd rather try to stop 9/11 before stopping Hitler and the Holocaust and WWII? Of course, then we wouldn't all be born, but...uhh........good point.


I wouldn't change history ONE BIT. I can try to fix the injustices of the past...but being the religious man I am, I know that in the end all wrongs will be corrected. I'd probably destroy the time machine before it got into the wrong hands. :p
I'd go back to the beginning of the universe with a camera of course, tape the formation then, provided it turns out not to be god, send a copy with the words "OWNED!" to every religious leader on the planet.


- do what shogmaster said.

- Go to the future and buy the latest Nintendo.

- Go into the near future and buy all One Piece and Naruto DVDs.

- Go the farthest into the future I can until I reach the end of time... if there is one.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I'd go back to 1999. The new millennium has thus far sucked :( Or do the Microsoft thing as others have mentioned ;)
I'd go back in time to before I started getting fat, and tell myself, "Stop eating fatass!" then bitchslap me into last Tuesday, literally.



First off, I am hoping that this time machine can fly and has a fully-operational life support system installed... I don't want to drive 88 MPH in a car or stand-still and find out I transported into a mountain or hill that did not exist in my time.

I would seriously like to see dinousaurs...

I would want to see some of the old Roman cities and get some pictures...

I would like to win tons of money gambling on sports events and give the money to my family in the past... I would also invests in Microsoft early and cash out whenever their highest point was... is that now??

With all of the money I have I would watch all of the Bulls Championships courtside...

I would probably be screwing up my own timeline and I might disappear... but as long as I am rich in the other timeline... I will be happy.
I would see Nirvana in concert for the last time.

I would rescue Gunpei Yokoi.

I'd buy a bunch of Fender Jaguars and Mustangs back when they were considered shitty and thus sold for cheap.


Chili Con Carnage!
Id do a bit of everything, some sight seeing, some meddling in historic events, id steal ideas and go back in time and claim them as my own, id take and give stock tips, father at least one child in every continent every decade, and be the perfect father to them all, you know, an active life, then in the second week i had the time machine....


I would go back to the mid 80's when the NES launched and bring all the current generation consoles to blow everyone away. (PS2, XBOX, GBASP)

And buy some Microsoft stock. ;p
jenov4 said:
I would go back to the mid 80's when the NES launched and bring all the current generation consoles to blow everyone away. (PS2, XBOX, GBASP)

And buy some Microsoft stock. ;p

I've thought of that scenario myself. Make people pay $10 a play.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'd take a bible and show it to jesus. then get drunk on some red wine with him.

After I was sure that hell isn't the story we made up, I would give in to greed and profit.


i would be too afraid that i would be thrown into another dimenson where the world is controlled by damn dirty APES!!!!


Grandma's Chippy
I'd basically have to seek out answers to questions that bother me...

- Being the fun loving athiest that I am...I'd want to meet Jesus and get the real scoop on how he scammed people. I'd maybe have to investigate the Noah or Mosses stories as well.

- Definately would need to visit Egypt around the time of the pyramid construction to see how it was really done.

- Would want to see dinasaurs, if it was safe enough (IE not getting eaten ;P) and hopefully see what really happened at the mass extinction time.

I'm sure there are lots of other things I'd like to witness....but I can't think of any right now.

As for changing events? I'm not sure...

The temptation to change 9/11 is there of course, but would stopping 9/11 just put off an inevitable disaster of an even greater scale? If the world wasn't bent on catching Osama after 9/11, what could he have planned? It would be a tough call....

I'd rather be a time visitor, and not a history changer.
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