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You know what's amazing?


Zelda Wind Waker is a great game, but also criticized by some people. (Etc the sailing, the art of link are some compliants.)
Still it holds a 9th place on gamerankings with a score of 95.1%.

It just shows how amazingly high standards the Zelda games have.

http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/simpleratings.asp?rankings=y (on a side note Zelda lttp is now third)

I am glad Nintendo made this game, because the celshading is superb, and Nintendo themselves said that It's easier to make the current GC Zelda than Wind waker.
I hope the recent comments indicate another cel shaded game will be made someday. And not on handhelds only or for another franchise as is the usual realistic loving Ocarina of Time fan's hopes.

Had this been two dungeons longer like it was meant to be, it would be coming ever closer to LttP for being my favourite Zelda ever.
I think it shows that many reviewers will give any Zelda game a score of 10, even if it has tedious sailing, a challenge level of 0, and not enough dungeons. It's a good game, but 10's are given out like candy these days.
You know what is also amazing?, that 18 people were lame enough to vote Astro Boy 1/10 in the User voting. I bet none of them played it.


First tragedy, then farce.
I think the Zelda name helped the scores personally. It is an enjoyable game that has some significant flaws.. I would give it around an 8-8.5. God help the site that gives it less than a 9 though, they would have about 30K internet petitions asking for the reviewer to be fired.


dog$ said:
You know what's amazing?

People actually use gamerankings.com to prove a point.

I know it's kinda lame, but at the same time it actually indicate if a game is worth playing or not.


Hates quality gaming
All it really inidicates is if a bunch of reviewers can agree on a game's supposed worth. As far as it "indicating if the game's worth playing or not", that couldn't be a bigger pile of horseshit.

I don't care how many people gamerankings.com gets to participate in a (i.e.) Mario Sunshine circle-jerk, the game's still empty to me.


It just shows how amazingly high standards the Zelda games have.

I disagree, all it shows to me is how over-rated games can be, just because it's another sequel from a great series.

Sailing was an incredibly huge flaw that was hard to overlook. I agree, the rest of the game was excellent, but that one flaw should have taken down most scores down to 8 out of 10.
I don't care how many people gamerankings.com gets to participate in a (i.e.) Mario Sunshine circle-jerk, the game's still empty to me.

Just as Ocarina of Time is to me. Yet the circle jerk going on around that has it as one of the best games ever. To each their own. Neither are perfect, but they are undeniably head and shoulders above many games out there.


Sailing + triforce hunt ruined the game for me. Everything else was good though. The design was pretty cute, especially on Link.


dog$ said:
All it really inidicates is if a bunch of reviewers can agree on a game's supposed worth. As far as it "indicating if the game's worth playing or not", that couldn't be a bigger pile of horseshit.

uh oh. Ok Let's not review games anymore.


dog$ said:
All it really inidicates is if a bunch of reviewers can agree on a game's supposed worth. As far as it "indicating if the game's worth playing or not", that couldn't be a bigger pile of horseshit.

*rolls eyes*


Geez. When I noticed who started this thread as I clicked on it, I like totally had no idea it would be a Nintendo praise thread.


Sailing and the Tri-Force shards were majorly bad bits of game design.

So was the segmented, and poorly made ocean/overworld itself. And all the little redundant, pointless bits it contained.

But most importantly, the non-existant difficulty and severe lack of dungeons are what really hurt Wind Waker in my eyes.

Was still jaw-droppingly gorgeous, and the good bits were really good bits. I bought it the day it come out, still own it, and I've played through it twice. Don't regret it at all.

That said, Game Rankings is trash. And I'd rather read a good set of impressions on GA and from previews and make up my own mind than the atypical, vague review from paid and non-paid slobbering fanboys alike.

Ranger X

You know what really is amazing?
It's to remove at least 2 dungeons in the develloping process and that i can't seem to find much island that are more than 4 Links wide...

Fantastic art but this game is overrated.

Musashi Wins!

These are the threads that make you feel like you've been reading GAF FOREVER.

I was dissapointed too, but for the love of all that is holy, let's all walk away :)


Hates quality gaming
*rolls eyes*
What, is something in error? Just the fact that one (very specific) SNES title somehow ends up among the list of other current-generation titles should make anyone question the worth of averaging averages in an attempt to compile a list of "games worth playing" (and furthermore passing the compiled opinion off as fact, as if I should own the games that appear on such a list since they've been consistently rated so highly). Their Top 20 games of All-Time are:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time  	N64	98.5%
Soul Calibur 				DC 	96.9%
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past	SNES 	96.1%
Metroid Prime 				GC 	96.0%
Halo: Combat Evolved 			XBOX 	95.7%
NFL 2K1 				DC 	95.6%
Tekken 3 				PS 	95.4%
Grand Theft Auto III 			PS2 	95.1%
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 	GC 	95.1%
Metal Gear Solid 			GBC 	95.0%
Super Mario 64 				N64 	94.9%
Gran Turismo 				PS 	94.9%
Half-Life 				PC 	94.9%
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 	PS2 	94.8%
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 		PC 	94.8%
Perfect Dark 				N64 	94.6%
GoldenEye 007 				N64 	94.5%
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 	XBOX 	94.4%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 		DC 	94.2%
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 		PS2 	94.1%
And the number of games I own in the above list is: zero. Specifically, some of those I like, and others I sorta don't, but I don't own any of these 20 games.

So that either tells me I have shit taste in gaming, or that...
dog$ said:
All it really inidicates is if a bunch of reviewers can agree on a game's supposed worth. As far as it "indicating if the game's worth playing or not", that couldn't be a bigger pile of horseshit.

Kon Tiki

dog$ said:
And the number of games I own in the above list is: zero. Specifically, some of those I like, and others I sorta don't, but I don't own any of these 20 games.

So that either tells me I have shit taste in gaming, or that...
Why do you torture yourself? Are you going through a rebel stage?

Ranger X

Well, this is working with me here though. And it must be working with alot of other people too. You can't go completely on the other and not consider reviews at all...

I own 11 of these games and played the all 20... If i look at that, i think those are 20 great games after all...


Wyzdom said:
Well, this is working with me here though. And it must be working with alot of other people too. You can't go completely on the other and not consider reviews at all...

I own 11 of these games and played the all 20... If i look at that, i think those are 20 great games after all...

I own 13 of them myself.


Hah. And just to further emphasize the point Dog$ is actually trying to make; I've actually owned or currently own every single title on that list. That isn't what he's trying to get at; the point is to have your own fucking tastes and opinions. If you have to have other people tell you what you can like, you're a tool.


One of these days people will realize that reviews are just opinions. Nothing more nothing less. A game's greatness is completely subjective.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I really liked Wind Waker's sailing. I chose to sail even when I had the ability to teleport.

I played Wind Waker the way a lot of people play GTA. I slowly but surely made my way through the game, but when sailing from point A to B I'd take a bunch of detours and do a bunch of other stuff like explore/map new islands, check out the pirate stand thingies, haul up treasure, etc.

Musashi Wins!

Korranator said:
One of these days people will realize that reviews are just opinions. Nothing more nothing less. A game's greatness is completely subjective.

You know...in a sense I agree. I don't think anyone here thinks game reviewer's are measuring "game goodness particles" with some sort of magic ruler and approxiamating what that rating is. People pounce on scores to make emotional points and more importantly, to help in issues of taste where large sums of money are involved in buying the product. Of course your mileage may vary based on the review source, but there is a certain consensus we see forming no matter how baseless the foundations of merit may be.

There's a reason why taste can be an educational experience....people deeply interested in their particular passions care more when a judgement is made by those who share their passion and history. And a taste can be altered and refined by recognizing the features brought forth by another in an intelligent way.

Obviously not all reviews meet that goal, but beyond the collected scores of GR are usually a text block or two arguing what those merits are. Made in the context of this whole gaming thing we're all obsessed with. They mark a consensus of say...that Metroid Prime will seem a better game to most people than Superman 64. I'd say that's likely even to a roomful of people who've never played a game before. But a well-written review often gives a few reasons, maybe emotionally involved ones, about why that's so. You can say "well, who cares, reviews are all subjective and useless" but really the first part doesn't imply the second. It's not a crapshoot with me and at least a general sampling of reviews, and it's not worth picking up just any game. Hopefully the reviewless utopia never comes, god knows I'd like more refined ones, I want more than just the specs.
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