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Your favourite/recommended game from every console generation you've owned/played.


Ps1: Front Mission 3
N64: Clayfighter 63 1/3rd
Gameboy colour: Pokémon Yellow
This game can be played easily with Dolphin and a USB gamepad... Just one of those epic games that feel like you're really inhabiting the world, with extremely age'able graphics.
GBA: Golden Sun/Advanced Wars
I don't wanna be too obvious and say MGS 3 or SotC or whatever, and San Andreas Is better, but if you want to understand how game caché and exclusivity held power back in the days of these consoles, consider that while you're playing this slick and bling title on PS2, with its cool cars and interactive world, nobody who owns another console is.
PSP: Valkyria Chronicles 2
Actually i played and loved this on GameCube, but i did play it on xbox once or twice and it certainly was the prettiest version. The game is bar none the best in its genre. Undoubtedly my favourite sports game of all time. Halo was fantastic but i can't put it here because this thread is as much about recommending as rating and it hasn't aged well in its xbox OG incarnation.
I honestly can't think of a single title that i think needs to be revisited. I didn't fully explore the library of games here before i traded in my Wii to help me get a ps3 but what i did explore was unmemorable.
This was maybe the first and last great console experience i ever really enjoyed. I had the best console (imo at the time) and (imo) the best game and a whole 4 month long uni holiday summer to play it in. You don't get those feels back. Unhappy, not long after completing this game i ceased playing the console and l traded it in for a good keyboard and mouse.
I read just earlier today that MGS 5 was released for both 360 and xbox one... i may be wrong there , if i am then i withdraw this entry from my list. But if it is a 360 title then i have to name it here, even though i own it in PC, because i can't remember any other games i gave a toss about during my 6 month ownership of the console.
Ps Vita: Grim Fandango Remastered
... Those are the consoles i have experience with, i learned my lesson and stuck to Steam and Gog after i bought every game i could ever have wanted for PS3 and xbox 360 and played neither console more than a few hours a week. Considering getting a PS5 though.


Gold Member
8-bit: Super Mario Bros. 3
16-bit: Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
32/64-bit: Super Mario 64
Gen 6: Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Gen 7: Super Mario Galaxy 2
Gen 8: The Witcher 3
Castlevania 3 - Dracula's Curse
A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Resident Evil (2002)
Super/Ultra Street Fighter IV
Final Fantasy VII Remake
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ChatGPT 0.1
Metal Gear Solid games are typically system sellers (MGS1, MGS4) I think Ocarina of Time defines the N64 to some extent but there's so many games.


Gold Member
Didn't own all these systems. Some my brothers owned and some played at a friends.

Apple II: Wings of Fury
Intellivison: Slam Dunk Basketball
NES: Bionic Commando
Genesis: Shinobi III
SNES: Axelay
DC: Armada

PS1: Tekken 2 or 3 (2 has better music, but blocky polygons. 3 has better shaded 3D graphics, but generic techno music)
PS2: Ace Combat 4
PS3: Dead Nation

360: Mass Effect 2
One/X: Gears 5

PC early 90s: Ultima Underworld 1 or 2
PC mid 90s: Crusader No Regret/No Remorse
PC late 90s: Kingpin or Heroes of Might & Magic 3 Complete Edition (yellow box)
PC early 2000s: Unreal Tournament GOTY Edition (red box)
NES: Super Mario Bros 3 but I don't care much for this gen
Genesis: Streets of Rage 2
SNES: Yoshi's Island
N64: Star Fox 64
PS1: Symphony of the Night
Gamecube: Eternal Darkness
Wii: Sin & Punishment 2
DS: Knights in the Nightmare
PSP: LocoRoco 2
X360: Dead Space
Wii U: Mario 3D World
Switch: Breath of the Wild
PC: Soma


Pong: Uh, Pong
Atari 2600: Pitfall
C64: Pool of Radiance
NES: Nobunaga's Ambition
*Long gap of gameless adult life here*
Xbox: Brute Force
X360: Enslaved
XOne: Dying Light

PC: Its "generation" is infinite, but my most recommended PC game is Deus Ex
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8 bits: Ghost'n Goblins
16 bits: Super Castlevania 4
32/64 bits: Zelda ocarina of time
Gen 6: Resident Evil 4
Gen 7: The Last of Us
Gen 8: BloodBorne (for now, I will surely get over it shortly The last of Us 2)
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