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Your longest gaming session ever?


What's the longest time, without any substantial breaks, you've ever played a game?

Mine is around 9-10 hours. It has happened a few times, mainly with RPG's such as Wild Arms, Final Fantasy IX and Xenogears. I also remember back when I was younger, I played Toe Jam & Earl with a friend. We rented the game and kept playing all day until we finished it. Must've taken us around 9-10 hours. :)


Hehe, I had a feeling dinner for one'd would make an appearence in this thread. :p

EDIT: Nooo, it was edited out! :/

EDIT 2: Huzzah, it's back!!


Party Pooper
i remember playing zelda 2 when i was younger with a friend, we spent all day until we beat it, had the maps from nintendo power laid out and everything.

since then, the longest i can remember is like, 6-7 hours of KOTOR at a time when that came out.


Dark Age of Camelot for about 17 hours straight. Im thinking. I was in a Soul Calibur Tournament that lasted 14 hours but I wasnt playing the whole time.


GTA3 (PS2) - around 6 hours

Super Mario Kart (SNES) - roughly 8 hours straight competition

Final Fantasy XI (PC / PS2) - 10-12 hours

Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2, Killer Instinct (Arcade) - from opening till closing

Ultima Online (PC) - Didn't count... at least 18-20 hours.


I can't really tell. I remember being sucked in morrowind, starting the game on the late morning and realising it's the early morning of the day after when I stopped. Coca was used as food and drink at the same time.


on the 15th floor
Long weekend.

Dragon Warrior 4, started playing at 10pm Friday night, quit around noon on Monday.

Friday - all nighter.
Saturday - went to sleep at 3am (sunday). Woke up at 10am (sunday)
Sunday - all nighter.

Stopped to eat a few times. :p


on the 15th floor
Datawhore said:
Long weekend.

Dragon Warrior 4, started playing at 10pm Friday night, quit around noon on Monday.

Friday - all nighter.
Saturday - went to sleep at 3am (sunday). Woke up at 10am (sunday)
Sunday - all nighter.

Stopped to eat a few times. :p

My friend and I took turns playing. One played, the other watched.


I think I played through all of MGS in one sitting before. That took 12-13 hours. Otherwise, my longer gaming sessions usually go for 5-7 hours. Last night was the first time that happened in months.


Either Tekken 2 or MGS2. First time I booted them up, it took 12 hours until I ejected the disc and went to sleep.


I can't play a game longer than 3-4 hrs (because I get bored), except when that game has Metal Gear Solid into its name. I started playing at 20:00 and around 1:00 AM, my gf wanted me to go to bed and I said I would come soon. I finally skipped that and went to bed at 5:00 AM. So that would be around 9 hrs of MGS2 and yes, I was at the end.

Otherwise, my dad is worse. I was working nightshifts and left at 22:00 and my dad was playing Starcraft. I did my shift and came back the next morning around 8AM to go online before going to bed and my dad was still playing SC! From that day, he never told me I was playing too much video games.


straight, ssx tricky ps2, 7pm-3am 2 player.
broken up-sega rally 2, 1 week, every day after work from 6 to midnight.


usually i tend to do 6-10 hour sittings of RPGs when i like them.
i played 25 hrs of symphonia in a weekend when i was reviweing that. and that was for fun, not out of "have to get it done" desperation. i hadn't marathonned an RPG for awhile and went overboard. my hands actually hurt on saturday night.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Smash Bros Melee with my friends for about 12 hours the day it came out...

I don't really do any marathon gaming sessions anymore, unfortunately... too many social responsibilities and a full time job :p


Chili Con Carnage!
Couldnt put KOTOR down once i got to
The twist
next thing i knew it was 9am and time to get ready for work

that was about 16 hours


Unconfirmed Member
I have marathoned on Monkeyball, Soul Calibur and Smash Bros for over 12 hours before. Smash Bros one was by far the worst offender, though I played monkey target untill 4 am on multiple occasions.

I <3 Multiplayer.


MrAngryFace said:
Final Fantasy VII back in the day, like 14 hours I think. Yuck.

We were all young and stupid once.

I hadda sacrifice a whole weekend to Legend of Dragoon, but that was the job's fault.

I once played Ultima IV for the Amiga for almost three days straight -- no sleep, occasional potty breaks, took the phone off the hook. I was 15, the parents had gone on a camping trip with my brothers, and I GEEKED THE HELL OUT. It rocked.

Recently (pre-baby), I did an 8 hour stint with Disgaea, although it pissed my wife off because I was supposed to get some chores done. D'oh!

Musashi Wins!

I played KOTOR from evening until next morning not too long ago.

Yesterday I played Dynasty Warriors: Empires for about 6 1/2 hours.


43 hours, non-stop with UT2K3, Battlefield:Desert Combat, Counter-Strike and Quake3 (only piss breaks)

My 3rd lan-party ever, every year I try to beat my record, this was the longest of them all. I slept for 2,5 hours and continued gaming for about 12 hours or so until they closed the venue.


A friend an I played Final Fantasy 2 on the good old SNES for 13 hours straight. This was at his house. His mother had 4 very large long-haired cats. I'm alergic to cats plus I'm asthmatic. All I remember about the final battle was casting Meteo and my wheezing. :D

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I stayed up playing the SNES version of Mortal Kombat II for ~20 hours with a friend when it was first released.


Hmm, I actually have four:

Metal Gear Solid 2 -- the entire game form start to finish in one sitting (my guess is something like 14 hours)
Final Fantasy VII -- all of disk 1 in a sitting
Halo -- beat it on legendary in one sitting

Then of course there's the eight hour sessions me and my friends have (and still have) with various Street Fighter games ranging from Alpha 1-3 to Sf3 3rd to Marvel vs Capcom 2.


When I bought my Playstation, I played FFVII all night, called in sick the next day, and played until the next evening. I'm surprised the stupid thing didn't melt.

I once rented Pocky and Rocky, and played it from like 3pm on friday until about noon on Sunday, only stopping to sleep a little bit.

5-6 hour gaming sessions are not uncommon when I get into a game, but those 12-hour+ ones are pretty rare...

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Longbow 2

With one of my sweden buddy that i have lost contact with, back then we would play with headsets on and roger wilco for voice over IP. Anyway, we played longbow 2 from 11am to 9am the next morning, only eating, and quickly i might add, taking a piss and thats it, constant coop gaming in what is arguably the BEST flight simulation ever created.


Multiple 24+ hour sessions with Gabriel Knight: Sins of The Fathers.

I got the game, and happily sat down for a weekend gaming marathon. I plowed through the first half .... only to find a bug. I could not progress farther. I got a patch finally (can't remember how .... Compuserve?). However, in those days the Sierra patches would always invalidate saves, so I had to start again.

I then did another marathon session of re-doing my previous gaming, the progressing firther, until near the very end of the game. Where I hit another bug, waited for another patch, etc.

Then one final marathon to re-do everything and get all the way through to the end. :)


Quake 2 - God knows how long.... but the sun was up when I started, went down while playing came up again and was about mid afternoon (i.e. about to set again) when I stopped.


Moo2, Civ2, Civ3, CivCTP, The Sims, Sim Earth, and all the other assorted Sim type games have been played in manners that I can't even count. I'm generally unaware of when I start playing. Food shows up when my wife checks on me to see if I'm alive. And sooner or later I realize that I need to take a shower and get ready for work. With these sorts of games I schedule vacation... which is something that pissed me off about that steaming pile of Excel MOO3.


Unconfirmed Member
I know the first day I got Final Fantasy IX I played for about 14 hours or so, consecutively. Got WELL into disc 2 in one sitting.


Yeah, I forgot, I beat MGS2 in one sitting. 7PM to about 6AM, give or take. I may have been the first American to finish that game, sit back, and go "WHAT THE FUCK?"

At IGN, when the Battlefield 1942 demo came out, we used to regularly play on our own server with the board kids all night. Finish work about 7-ish, play Wake Island until sometime in the morning.


Funky Papa

Six hours straight playing the Quake 3 demo with just a friend (1 vs 1 LAN deathmatch) The same level over and over.

It was not the longest but easily the most mindless, senseless and lastly excruciating gaming sesion of my entire life. At the end of the day I fell sick, my skin became red and I got some fever, it was probably some kind of nervous reaction to the stress.


Funky Papa said:
Six hours straight playing the Quake 3 demo with just a friend (1 vs 1 LAN deathmatch) The same level over and over.

It was not the longest but easily the most mindless, senseless and lastly excruciating gaming sesion of my entire life. At the end of the day I fell sick, my skin became red and I got some fever, it was probably some kind of nervous reaction to the stress.

Reading this and looking at your avatar, I couldn't help but think... :|
13 hours straight of World of Warcraft.

This was this weekend. My longest play session with a console was 5 hours with Ratchet and Clank 1.


Me and a friend played through Final Fantasy II/IV in a single sitting... something like 20 hours straight.

The other one I remember is Sanitarium in a single sitting. Something like 12 hours straight from beginning to end.
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