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Your order has been posted (Halo 2)

From : PLAY <orders@play.com>
Sent : Tuesday, August 17, 2004 06:45 AM
To : *************@hotmail.com
Subject : Your order has been posted


To: Mr Thomas *******( **********@hotmail.com)
Your order for Halo 2 (Limited Edition) has been posted.

Please allow 3-5 days delivery.

Please check the following order information:

Order reference: 297*****
Title: Halo 2 (Limited Edition)
Price: £39.99
Delivery Cost: FREE
Payment: Credit Card

Delivery Address:
Thomas *******

If you have any queries in relation to the above order, please contact our
Customer Service department at info@play.com

If you wish to cancel this order, please email info@play.com with your order
reference within 7 days of receiving the goods.

Thank you for ordering with http://www.play.com

By receiving this email from play.com you are accepting our terms and
conditions, a copy of which can be found on the website at:


I am guessing this is just a mistake, but a very annoying one! Stop taunting me Bungie!!!
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