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Your top 10 albums of 2003

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I haven't seen it in NeoGAF so here we go. Sorry if it's been done before (redirect me).

The right time to judge a year, musically speaking, is halfways through the next. I've been kinda "off" in 2003 and am still catching up, so this is a good way to see if I'm missing out on something. Specially being able to read the *whole* list, so you know what to expect.

Don't give it too much thought, it's for fun! Done in about five minutes:

1. Manitoba, "Up in flames".
2. M83, "Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts".
3. Sufjan Stevens, "Greetings from Michigan: The Great Lakes State".
4. Kraftwerk, "Tour de France Soundtracks".
5. The Exploding Hearts, "Guitar romantic".
6. Broken Social Scene, "You forgot it in People"
7. The Cinematic Orchestra, "Man with a movie camera".
8. Four Tet, "Rounds".
9. The Books, "The lemon of pink".
10. Emak Bakia, "Frecuencias de un rojo devastador".

It's mostly electronics, good for a change. I'd like to toss in some jazz but I'm only listening to classics right now.

If you feel up to it I'd say no album covers please :p.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Can't come up with 10 right now, but here's a few:

The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our When You're Gone?
The Shins - Chutes too Narrow
The Decemberists - Her Majesty The Decemberists


1) The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow
2) The Rapture - Echoes
3) Tomahawk - Mit Gas
4) Distillers - Coral Fang
5) The Long Winters - When I Pretend To Fall
6) The Thrills - So Much For The City
7) Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It In People
8) Grandaddy - Sumday
9) Calexico - Feast of Wire
10) The Mars Volta - Deloused in the Comatorium

Still need a lot of albums from that year though.. I suspect my list for Best Of 2003 will look really differnt next year, when I've managed to track down albums by The Wrens, The Decembrists, Microphones, Cat Power, The Thermals, Erlend Oye, The Exploding Hearts, The Books, etc etc.. lotsa catching up to do...
Yep, I know what you mean, I have The Shins', The Wrens', Cat Power's and The Mars Volta's around, but I just cannot find time for them.
aerodynamik said:
1. Manitoba, "Up in flames".
2. M83, "Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts".
4. Kraftwerk, "Tour de France Soundtracks".
8. Four Tet, "Rounds".

Awesome list. I just got the M83 album last week and I can't stop listening to it. It's just so deep musically...just layers upon layers of sound.
These are in no real order, I hate ranking stuff that I enjoy enough to consider my "top" anythings. I had 13... I can't pick 10.

On the Might of Princes - Sirens

I am not a fan of emo in general, I'd say. I don't even know what the hell it includes anymore. Every other band today seems to put out emo stuff. Most of it's whiny, another section of it is nothing but yelling. On eBay, seemingly any old clothes some idiot wants to get rid of are marked as "emo". Don't ask me why.

This band seems to fall somewhere on the outside of that, thus making them worth my time. This is better produced than their previous two releases. I think it's for the best, as it sounds great. They lose that home-recorded, intimate vibe, but they come out with some really great sounding, vibrant songs.

Worth checking out.

Marilyn Manson - Golden Age of the Grotesque

Being a big Manson fan, I had been looking forward to this since Holy Wood. I actively searched for news and by the time it leaked, I had to have it. I couldn't stand the idea of people enjoying this while I got to wait. It didn't help that it leaked nearly 3 months before it was to be officially released.

At first it was hard to be impressed. The audio was basically FM radio quality, thanks to the the recording method (it was ripped via a PC's line in thanks to the CD's copy protection). I'm really anal about audio quality, especially in this case because the bass was nearly non-existant. With a release as beat-centric as this one, bass is rather important lol.

Anyway, I finally got the CD and made my own final opinions. I have no clue how some magazines (Kerrang for example) could call this the band's best. It's hardly bad (in fact, it's quite good), but it has nothing on Mechanical Animals or other previous releases.

There's some really solid songs on here. Tim Skold's (ex-KMFDM) influence is extremely apparent. Sometimes I wonder if his inclusion (I believe he was originally on as simply the producer), was part of the reason Twiggy departed -- a lot of it makes traditional bass almost pointless. The shift in music is expected, as none of the band's CDs really sound very similar. They're all decidedly Manson, but they have their own edge. This is no different.

My main issue was that of the writing. A good deal of the songs are up with what I expect. Even if you don't enjoy the subject matter, I'd have to say that Manson himself is one of the better actual lyric writers around right now (at least in that genre). Spade, for example, has some really nice verses. There is some great wordplay in here (particularly in Ka-Boom Ka-Boom, which is my favorite track), which has always been one of my favorite things about the band. Metaphors still abound, but they're hardly something you can't figure out yourself with some digging.

Despite the good points, there was a lot of the CD that just feels really self-serving. In particular "The Better of Two Evils", which I still cannot get into to this day. From what I can tell this CD's theme is simply a "**** you" to pretty much everyone that has been in his way, but at times it gets too straightforward, I guess.

Still, solid work and surprisingly better than most other stuff I've heard this year.

The Blood Brothers - ...Burn, Piano Island, Burn

Sometimes I wonder what exactly I see in this release. It's not exactly a marvel of musicality (is that a word?), it's not accomplishing anything new. It just manages to work a lot of energy into a nice punk/hardcore release that pushes a lot of the boring mall punk ******** that permeates popular music out of the way.

Plus they get bonus points for being one of the few bands that put something out in the past couple years with two singers that doesn't include some white kid trying to rap. Instead you get some scream-y, punk-ish vocals (which aren't unlistenable, I actually like them) and another guy who does a little more subdued stuff. It's a nice combination and I think it is pulled off well.

Instrument-work is nice. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it remains fresh and interesting. Plus they have some cool synth worked in from time to time, which ups the fun for me :D I'm not big on hardcore, but this is some really solid stuff. In fact, after a few listens, some of seems downright brilliant.

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Take Them On, On Your Own

The fact that I got this for less than $10 new is a travesty. I don't know why so many seemingly haven't bothered with these guys, but they're among the best of the dark-minded rock bands I've come across.

Their last release had a lot of problems. One thing I don't like on CDs is when vocals are constantly buried under the wall of sound that the rest of the band creates. That was the problem with their last CD.

With this one, they've managed to overcome that... and somehow by doing this, and becoming a bit better at what they do, they've managed to totally surpass the average quality they previously had. Some might disagree with me, but I stick by this

This is really great stuff. It's far more edgy than BRMC and that, coupled with what I mentioned, makes it a great release.

Ween - Quebec

I'd have to thank Lambtron from Gaming-Age and his constant mentioning of Ween for this. I only own this and Chocolate and Cheese at this point, but god these guys are awesome. For some reason I always figured they were some ****** 80s rock act and never gave them any attention. I admit my stupidity.

Quebec is awesome. It has the weirdness that I grew used to with Chocolate and Cheese, but it also keeps the rocking qualities too. The opening track makes me feel like I'm listening to bizarro-Motorhead.

After that, I don't really know how to describe my feelings on this. It just rocks.

David Bowie - Reality

If any other band put this out as one of their first releases, it would be freaking amazing. However, being David Bowie, I guess different things are expected. He can no longer get away with "good" material thanks to his heyday.

A lot of people probably thought that was returning thanks to Heathen, which was excellent. The only problem with it was that it was so mellow that I couldn't bring myself to listen to it all that often. I can see why Bowie did a full tour with this release rather than Heathen, it's just more concert-material.

Reality goes in a totally different direction, but I wouldn't say it totally forgets what was accomplished on Heathen. It's really solid stuff, and definitely deserving of being put in here. It's upbeat, fun to listen to and well composed. Some of it seems a bit odd, but that adds to its fun. No complaints.

Plus if you got the limited edition copy, you get a really nice revision of Rebel Rebel. It's a more subdued, "lounge" version. Nice stuff.

Constantines - Shine a Light

Another fine Sub Pop release. I prefered Modern Sinner Nervous Man, but that was rather short by comparison (3 tracks versus 12). As such, I play this more often... more good stuff to listen to in an equal amount of space.

I've seen them compared to the Pixies. I suppose the wall of sound they go for at times could be comparable, but overall I just don't see the relation. I don't think that these guys have what made the Pixies as special as they were... that said, they're sure far better than what Frank Black/Black Francis has become with the Catholics. "Show Me Your Tears" managed to interest me though, so I'm sticking that on this list too lol.

Really solid release and I don't know that much I could say would do it justice. Great stuff. Again, another must own.

Menomena - I am the Fun Blame Monster

I don't remember why I bothered with these guys. I remembered hearing about them somewhere, and upon seeing the booklet art... I just felt some need to own it. It's very, very hard to find, although I eventually stumbled into it online.

The thing I like about them is that unlike a lot of recent bands that rely on long instrumentals, they still have lyrical sections that are actually worth listening to. I could listen to this all day, it's just really relaxing and great to listen to.

Plus they use saxophone. Who the hell does that anymore? Not many bands that I can think of. Bonus points for the excellent use of xylophone and piano.

Anathema - Natural Disaster

It's amazing how little I see these guys spoken of. They're one of the front-lining metal bands out right now, I'd say. Natural Disaster probably doesn't compare to the amazing releases known as "Judgement" and "A Fine Day to Exit", but it's pretty damn close. If you're in the US, you'll have to import, sadly. I feel it's worth the price.

The sound has changed over the years... I'd say it was black/death metal at first, but at this point they've moved onto bigger and better things. That has been evolving more and more over the past few releases. The same basic core remains, obviously... it's just somehow different, even from the last release. There's a new edge to it. They've managed to do what they do best, but made it more accessible without actually taking away any of their integrity. I think it was pulled off well, I'm sure others probably don't.

Entire thing is amazing, some of the tracks really stick with you. Must own, I think.

Frank Black - Show Me Your Tears

When I first got this, I can't say I was disappointed. That's not because the CD was amazing, but simply because Frank Black and the Catholics just really haven't been anything special. A few good Frank Black albums and some subsequent average-stuff doesn't leave one optimistic.

And so I wasn't. The CD was good, but it didn't blow me away. Sometimes it still hard to realize that this is the same guy responsible for the Pixies. The sound and writing style have changed dramatically.

I gave it more chances though, as in the end, Black has rarely let me down. This CD grows on you. Especially the obvious irreverence to so many things that it presents. Don't give up on it too quickly. It's pretty damn good, but no "Teenager of the Year".

Muse - Absolution

Another CD I had to pay import prices on. I'd have to say it was worth my $24.99 though. I doesn't compare to "Origin of Symmetry" due to some points where I feel it falters, but I much prefer it to "Showbiz" (strangely the only local release of theirs... I'll never understand that).

It's really great stuff though. When listening to it on the street, I sometimes smile to myself. So many things about it are just done so well. It makes me giddy just hearing parts of it. Even the intro with it's marching sound is something I play, while I usually skip intros and outros on other releases.

There are a few tracks I don't listen to as much, but on average I love it. The use of non-standard instruments in this type of music is always a nice thing too. Any band that uses grand piano (or what I assume is grand piano, who knows) kicks ***. Plus there's some great use of mandolin in here too.

String Cheese Incident - Untying the Not

Another band makes use of sax, thus deserving of being on my list. The rest of the release is pretty kick *** as well... the instrumental sections in particular can be simply excellent. I could listen to Orion's Belt all day for just that reason. The way it completely jumps around genres at times, and still manages to pull them off flawlessly, is great. There's even an Irish sounding song called "Valley of the Jig".

The vocal areas are great as well, and I don't know that this encompasses one thing either. Parts sound almost like a country barbershop quartet and others sound just like rock. It's all great.

I think this is totally worth owning.

You Am I - The Cream and the Crock

Yes, it's a greatest hits collection. No, I don't give a ****. You get a nice mix on here, and that's all that matters. I guess they're similiar to what people would think of when they think of 60s/early 70s rock. Most of it is upbeat, it's all well written, well played... good all around. I'd play these guys over most of the current "the" bands going for a similiar sound.

If you're into rock and haven't checked these guys out, do yourself a favor and do it. Just do it. I NEVER see anyone talk about them. When you have a band that's fans include Sonic Youth, I think that's a good sign. I don't regret the $25 I paid for this 2CD set.

I have others I'd like to add, such as My Morning Jacket, Holopaw, Grandaddy, The Wrens, Death in Vegas, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Funeral for a Friend, Mogwai and The Raveonettes.... but too bad lol.
I decided to name only ten to make it readable and I had to leave out Menomena and Muse. "I am the fun blame monster" is a truly fantastic album, among the most fascinating I've heard in one year or so. They record concepts, fragments of music, and toy with them using a software designed by one of the group members, combining and looping the different pieces until they find a "song" they like. Then they "learn" it and play it as a band. When I heard about it everything fit much better. That's why the sudden changes, the insane number of instruments, the level of detail. Besides, they are just talented musicians.

I recall having read somewhere the quote "We are a cover band of our own songs". Lol.

I recommend taking a look at their website, it's really funny.

Thanks for the comments, I was too lazy to do it myself. I think I'll check your list this summer (urgh, I need holidays urgently), skipping Manson and BRMC :D. And Bowie's quite possibly, I tried, though not very hard, and I know it's not my cup of tea. I've heard good things about Constantine, particularly, but never picked it up.


I did this list near the end of last year on the old board, and I can't remember what I put on my list at the moment. #1 was It Still Moves by My Morning Jacket, though...and after six more months of reflection, I wouldn't change my mind on that pick.
Radiohead - Hail To The Thief
Children Of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll
Arch Enemy - Anthems Of Rebellion
Falconer - The Sceptre Of Deception
Dreamtale - Ocean's Heart
Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death
Saves The Day - In Reverie
Denver Harbor - Extended Play
Muse - Absolution
Brand New - Deja Entendu

Honorable mentions:

Alkaline Trio - Good Mourning
The Real McKenzies - Oot And Aboot
Less Than Jake - Anthem
Mad Caddies - Just One More
Me First And The Gimme Gimmes - Take A Break
Ozma - Spending Time On The Borderline
Rancid - Indestructible
Reggie And The Full Effect - Under The Tray
Travis - 12 Memories
don't feel like making a list.. but these four are on it..





The Darkness - Permission to Land


Chutes Too Narrow - The Shins


Afterglow - Sarah McLachlan


Transatlanticism - Death Cab For Cutie (LOVE this one the best of all)
1. Alexisonfire - Alexisonfire
2. The Blood Brothers - Burn, Piano Island, Burn!
3. Armor For Sleep - Dream to Make Believe
4. Anatomy of a Ghost - Evanesce
5. Coheed and Cambria - In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
6. Gatsby's American Dream - Ribbons and Sugar
7. The Bled - Pass the Flask
8. The Kinison - Mortgage is Bank EP
9. A Static Lullaby - ...And Don't Forget to Breathe
10. Cursive - The Ugly Organ

Biggest disappointment: Thrice - Artist in the Ambulance
Cerebral Palsy said:
Biggest disappointment: Thrice - Artist in the Ambulance

Holy crap, I can't believe I forgot to put that on my list. It would have been number 2 behind Radiohead, seriously. I don't understand what was so disappointing about it. After listening to The Illusion Of Safety about 1,300 times, I felt that TAITA was a brilliant follow-up. Sure, it lost those rare solos, but the songs were great, the lyrics were great, and the production was 10x better.

Ill Saint

Monolake - Momentum
Niobe - Radioersatz / Tse Tse
Lab Rat XL - Mice or Cyborg
Remarc - Sound Murderer
Rhythm & Sound - W/ The Artists
Dopplereffekt - Linear Accelerator
Luke Vibert - YosepH
The Bug - Pressure
Prefuse 73 - One Word Extinguisher
Curse of the Golden Vampire - Mass Destruction


I still have some catching up to do, but here are six albums from last year that I really enjoyed:

Belle & Sebastian, "Dear Catastrophe Waitress"
Broken Social Scene, "You Forgot It in People"
Radiohead, "Hail to the Thief"
The Shins, "Chutes Too Narrow"
Super Furry Animals, "Phantom Power"
The Wrens, "The Meadowlands"


Unconfirmed Member
1. The Wrens - The Meadowlands
2. Ween - quebec
3. Sufjan Stevens - Michigan

Then after that ordering them is harder, so here's 7 more:

Songs: Ohia - The Magnolia Electric Co.
The Raveonettes - Chain Gang of Love
The Kills - Keep on Your Mean Side
Dressy Bessy - Dressy Bessy
The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?
Xiu Xiu - A Promise
Okkervil River - Down the River of Golden Dreams

Or something like that.
Songs: Ohia - Magnolia Electric Co.
The Wrens - Meadowlands (you seriously need to get to this is you own it already)
Calexico - Feast of Wire
Calla - Televise
Stars - Heart
The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow
The Books - The Lemon of Pink
BSS - You Forgot It In People
Do Make Say Think - Winter Hymn Country Hymn...

Are ones that are pretty significant in my book.


Hollywood Square
I can't believe only one person said Menomena. I hope the rest of you go deaf and never hear your shitty music ever again.


2003, aye? It's been awhile so in no particular order mine were:

* Radiohead - Hail to the Theif
* Motion city Soundtrack - I am the Movie (yeah, yeah, its a rerelease)
* Zwan - Mary Star of the Sea
* Mars Volta - Deloused in the Comatroium
* A Perfect Circle
* Streetligh Manifesto - Everything Goes Numb
Hard to pick, since I am never sure what I got and when, but I have to repeat the love for "The Meadowlands" by the Wrens. Its pretty awesome. Especially Per Second Second


Drunky McMurder
I've been thinking about this question since I first saw the post yesterday, and I still only know this for sure. Wrens-Meadowlands is at number 1.

So, there's the top of the list. Meadowlands. Okay, numbers 2-10? Well, that's why I haven't posted until now. This list is hardly certain after the first, and maybe second.

2. Shins: Chutes too Narrow
3. New Pornographers: Electric Version
4. Beulah: Yoko
5(If it counts...it was really released in 2002 I believe) Broken Social Scene: You forgot it in people
6.Menomena: I am the Fun Blame Monster
7.Radiohead: Hail to the Thief
8.Death Cab for Cutie: Transatlantacism
9.Ellen Allien: Berlinette
10.Dizzee Rascal: Boy in the Corner

Mogwai (Happy Songs for Happy People) and Do Make Say Think (Winter hymn...)both get honorable mentions....along with Unicorns "Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?" and the Postal Service "Give Up".

I'm having a tough time not bumping Radiohead and Dizzee Rascal off my list to put on Postal Service and Do Make Say Think, but I'm going to leave it the way it is.


Radiohead - Hail to the Thief
The White Stripes - Elephant
Blur - Think Tank
A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step
Pearl Jam - Lost Dogs (I know it's a b-sides collection, but I'm still counting it)
Zwan - Mary Star of the Sea
The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium
The Strokes - Room on Fire
Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism
The Distillers - Coral Fang


Drunky McMurder
Shit damn hell! I forgot about Elephant and Lost Dogs(disc 1, at least, is as good as almost any other album released last year).
Super Furry Animals, Phantom Power: ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. I DON'T CARE FOR IT AT TIMES, BUT WHEN I DO, IT'S PURE MAGIC. This is one of those albums I'll be listening to in 20 years.

Blur, Think Tank

I can't remember what else I liked. I'm kind of absent minded these days. Life goes on.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
No order:

The Darkness - Permission to Land
The Cooper Temple Clause
A Perfect Circle - 13th Step
Muse - Absolution
Dave Gahan - Paper Monsters
Kenna - New Sacred Cow
Marooon 5 - Songs About Jane
The Beatles - Let It Be Naked
The Mars Volta - Deloused in Comatorium
The Sounds - Living in America
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