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Your Top 3 pet peeves that sinks your enjoyment in games

What's the top 3 things you hate in games?

  • Bad loading times (although its good if you got next gen console or PC SSD)

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Graphical issues (motion blur, chromatic abberation, sketchy FR, faux-K etc...)

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Unskippable cut scenes (and other canned sequences)

    Votes: 31 27.9%
  • Shitty MP servers

    Votes: 13 11.7%
  • Unpolished games getting released needing patch, patch, patch!

    Votes: 45 40.5%
  • Games getting bigger in file size hogging storage space (ie. posterboy COD)

    Votes: 16 14.4%
  • Too many remasters or remakes lately

    Votes: 13 11.7%
  • Big companies playing too safe. Not enough big new IPs and variety like old gens

    Votes: 41 36.9%
  • Price trending up to $70 US/80 Euro/$90 CDN

    Votes: 29 26.1%
  • Microtrans galore

    Votes: 51 45.9%
  • Too many timed exclusives, exclusive betas and other partnership deals

    Votes: 14 12.6%
  • Cross platform MP gaming is totally hit and miss among developers

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 25 22.5%

  • Total voters


The nicest person on this forum
1. I hate, HATE famous actors face in games, it destroys my enjoyment.
2. Too many open World games, it has become western developer's default choice.
3. Not every game need to be RPG, don't put RPG elements in games that doesn't need it.
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1. Control bloat. Just because gamepads have 19+ buttons, plus nearly infinite combinations, doesn't mean that a game's control scheme should seek to map every unique movement/action to its own button combo.

2. Lack of "save anywhere" feature.

3. Lack of FOV slider.


1- Anything that has to do with luck
2- Anything that has to do with luck
3- Anything that has to do with luck

Honestly, 2 would be endless fetch quests, and 3 would be when you’ve defeated 3 forms of a boss, and then it turns around and says...

Dj Khaled And Another One GIF

(With full health)
1) 'un-skippable' cutscenes.
2) hand holding, excessive directions on where to go.
3) excessive linearity in "open world games" or games where the publisher/dev claims the worlds are vast and explorable.


Well, two of my three aren’t on the list.

1. Slow paced movement sections that are poor excuses to listen to yet more dialogue. Limiting the players movement speed, climbing a wall while having a heart to heart; shit was old ten years ago.

2. Tutorial pop ups. Nintendo figured out how to explain their mechanics to their players through gameplay twenty years ago - get on their fucking level you clowns.


Gold Member
I changed my vote. I initially had 3 of the bullets, but then changed one to OTHER.

1. Unskippable cut scenes

2. Shitty MP servers

3. Other --> Predictable plots/tropes -->

- Save the world, or save the princess
- As Quazar77 said fetch quests (and other canned missions that have been going on for decades)
- Russians and Arabs are evil warlords, while USA and UK are intergalactic heroes
- The main hero is usually a white guy with dark brown or black hair and scruffy facial hair (where's that montage someone made 5 years ago?)
- You start as a level one drone and become uber hero
- Most adventure and platform games have a fire/lava, water/ice, and earthy levels
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Gold Member
One thing I’d add is “Too much bloat”.
Stop making games 100+ hours (Ubisoft is the worst in this regard), even open world games. It’s awful. We don’t need endless fetch quests and poorly written, throw-away side quests. Give us half the content but make it 2x better.
Good point.

The problem with cutting content and subbing in higher quality is that once you give (quantity), its hard to scrape back.

That's why for open world games, the maps always get bigger, never smaller. If you go smaller, it makes it look like you're cheaping out on effort.


I hate the moment of Suddenly expanded options, when after a tutorial you just get confronted with a giant range of tasks and stuff. I know boardrooms would think that's theoretically crucial, but to me it's about the moment i go to another game.


Neo Member
I hate big open worlds that just exist to be big. Overly repetitive quests, 500 collectibles, 15min travel to next objectives, etc….

Just give me a tightly knit narrative, linear story


1. Hand holding. It comes across as the developer seriously thinks the player cannot understand their game/game mechanics which is rarely, if ever, true.
2. Repetitive dialogue - when characters say the same thing, in slightly varying ways over and over.
3. Meaningless side quests. Ones where you may get a small reward but they don't add anything meaningful to the overarching story. Especially repeating ones.

Honorary mention to games that are buggy and glitchy even years after release. I've only encountered that with one company, though.


This doesn't have a selection, but guess it can go under unskippable cutscenes, but games that start in-game without going to the main menu make me extremely angry. BF1 and BFV being the two biggest culprits. I want to play multiplayer, not go through your fucking tutorial stage before I even get to choose what I want to do.


  • Unpolished games being a normal thing now
  • Toilet water Multiplayer servers
  • Games being jacked up in price despite record profits
Not only are you releasing video games in beta form, but you have the audacity to say we need to raise prices? lol, eat my dick. I'll wait till your shit is $20 and the "Definitive Edition". Day one patches can go to hell.


Gold Member
This doesn't have a selection, but guess it can go under unskippable cutscenes, but games that start in-game without going to the main menu make me extremely angry. BF1 and BFV being the two biggest culprits. I want to play multiplayer, not go through your fucking tutorial stage before I even get to choose what I want to do.
All EA Sports do this. The first time you boot up the game, they assume you're a retard and need to play a warm up match between last years teams in the finals.

I try to quit that asap and get to the main menu.
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Excessive focus on loot.
Any game that showers you constantly with items, often expecting the player to spend a lot of time in the inventory screen comparing all that trash to pick the better one of of dozens of virtually identical items, is almost immediately disqualified as garbage in my book.


No option to quickly reload a save game. That's my big pet peeve. (No, I shouldn't have to quit out of the game then restart it to load a save game.)


3rd person climbing highlighted ledges shit, squeezing through a narrow corridor to hide loading, ripping off gameplay from another studio but doing it worse.

Fallen order is very bad.


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Stamina bars.
Encumberment/Limited storage.
50 hour tutorials.
Unnecessary complex systems.
Limited ammo that makes you not wanna use your weapons.
Stupid control schemes.
Too much and too slow dialogue.
Loot boxes/MTX.

And the list goes on. I can't just pick three...


1. Forced walking sections. I don't care that it's a story/plot dump. I don't care that you're hiding your world loading in. I hate forced walking.

2. Cut-scene, 2 seconds of moving forward, cut-scene. Was it too much to just go from one cut-scene to the next? Had to make me think we were going back to gameplay? Fuck off you asshole devs that do this.

3. Rogue-like mechanics. Can't count the number of times I've seen an interesting looking indie game just to find out it's another rogue-like/lite. Great for fans of the genre. Endless frustration for someone that isn't.
Unskippable cut scenes.

Games that start with you being powerful and then rip that power away and make you wait 30 hours to get back to that level, like Destiny 2.

Long, slow, forced tutorials. There are certainly worse offenders but the most recent that pissed me off to the point that I started to hate the game before it began was outriders.


just one, unobtailable Trophies/Achievements without tricks such as AC:Valhalla (no tricks in that one just missing collectibles and bugged mysteries) also last week i platted Everybody's Gone to the Rapture had to delete whole game and save files to get 1 trophy, there is more but im lil drunk so cant remember all of em :p
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Suff they force me to watch to I can't play.
Logos, cut scenes, intros, whatever.

The next is buggy games.
Like the RPGs, where the skills won't work.
Cyberpunk and Outriders are the best examples. The latter is 2 months old soon and some passives are still broke and don't work. Give you no benefits, yet they nerf other shit

Cao Cao

Games getting released unfinished is my biggest problem I have with gaming right now. Absolutely disgusting work ethic.



Artificially bloating the lifespan of a short game, by adding needless grinds.

Buggy unfinished games on releas date seems to be the norm now. Which is why I rarely get hyped to play a game on day 1 anymore.


I wanted to choose all, but top 3.
Patches - I understand if after release, bugs will be discovered and it will need fixes but releasing a game that requires patches on day one just takes the enjoyment. Also makes me wonder if I did not had internet access would the game even work?
Companies playing too safe -
this got worsen on the xbox 360 era and still goes on, if it wasn't for the Indies influence and the lesson that people want new IPs, we would be in a time where no risk was taken.
Microtransations -
Basically greed, more effort is put into make us buy things in game than to actually make a good product.


Locking story mode progression behind a grind. Also I despise grind in general.
MP trophies.
Unskippable company logos when you start the game.


Open world games they are all most always generic and a grind - sorry Ubisoft but you are the case study on this. I lasted about 15 hrs in Ghost of Tsushima, I knew before I played it it was a Ubisoft game with Sony polish but couldn't help myself when it hit the bargain bin.

Games that are too long - I just don't get why they think it's a better game if it's really long, often padded out anyway which makes it even worse.

Poor HDR support - it's pretty much the best part of gaming on consoles so why do so few games get it right.

And a special mention to PS5 game launch prices, have gone up by about 50% in Australia.
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1. Control bloat. Just because gamepads have 19+ buttons, plus nearly infinite combinations, doesn't mean that a game's control scheme should seek to map every unique movement/action to its own button combo.
One more reason I loved Bloodborne.
Such simple combat. I went through half the game and then realized the extra moves you could perform other than the 3 basic ones.
Also why I hate Fighting games. I just can't do it.

Play Waifu games. Both problems solved
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I voted for

Unpolished games getting released needing patch, patch, patch!
Big companies playing too safe. Not enough big new IPs and variety like old gens
Microtrans galore,

and it turns out they are the top 3 so far, what a surprise!.


Other: Stagnation. Creativity is in a slump. Or probably more likely creativity is stifled by safe big budget efforts.
Indie? Sure, but even most indie stuff feels like a retread of old ideas to a fossil like me.
It just feels like there is no imagination or excitement left. (Although I look at the enemy design in Scarlet Nexus, and they look sweet).

Unpolished games getting released needing patch, patch, patch!​

Developers not taking risks and playing it safe too often.

Western developers creating too many cookie cutter open world games and linear games being considered a bad thing now.

Too many microtransactions and DLC. I’m especially looking at you fighting games which are now glorified service games. Hey guys!! Buy 6 of our current and future DLC packs for only $50 each with all the characters 6 months before the full game even comes out!!! Please understand and enjoy the handful of characters and minimal content for your paltry $60!!!! The colors and taunts for the characters are sold separately. We’ll add more later of course…..if you keep paying that is.
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1. unskippabel cutscenes. Those can me make stop playing a game if they become to obnoxious (didn't even finish the MGS2 demo because of the codecs and other scripted moments). I play a game to play, don't take controls away from me.
2. loading times. Stopped playing the last Just Cause game because of that. See above, I'm supposed to push buttons and see stuff happen on the screen, not watch a progress bar filling itself.
3. lack of variety. Sequels are ok, but there's nothing like a completely new experience, different univers, different gameplay... If I wanted "more of the same", I could perfectly go back to the old games I already own.


Since I can pick only 3 it'll take:

Unpolished games getting released - all sorts of technical issues, whether with graphics, framerate, frame pacing, or other, more serious, game-breaking ones, like constant crashes, black screens, logouts, party breaking etc. this is the number one killer of enjoying the games. It's not big of an issue when it gets patched quickly, but sometimes it takes MONTHS before you can actually play the game you bought, literally.

Unskippable cut scenes - this is a pain in the ass, especially when you're booting the game and you have to go through all the logos you already know by heart. Replaying just a section because you died and watching the same shit over and over. Replaying a game/its sections because of how awesome they were and being forced to watch the cut-scenes again when you already know the whole plot.

Other - lack of normal/auto saves. Take Nier Automata for example - you start playing the game, you spend like an hour and a half with it, you absolutely love it, you quit because it's time to go to work already, you come back later and want to continue the game, only to notice you have to start from scratch, and to get worse it's paired with the previous point, the unskippable opening... Needless to say my love for the game died instantly and I'm not touching it ever again. For me no manual/auto saves means the game doesn't respect me and my time.


Since I can pick only 3 it'll take:

Unpolished games getting released - all sorts of technical issues, whether with graphics, framerate, frame pacing, or other, more serious, game-breaking ones, like constant crashes, black screens, logouts, party breaking etc. this is the number one killer of enjoying the games. It's not big of an issue when it gets patched quickly, but sometimes it takes MONTHS before you can actually play the game you bought, literally.

Unskippable cut scenes - this is a pain in the ass, especially when you're booting the game and you have to go through all the logos you already know by heart. Replaying just a section because you died and watching the same shit over and over. Replaying a game/its sections because of how awesome they were and being forced to watch the cut-scenes again when you already know the whole plot.

Other - lack of normal/auto saves. Take Nier Automata for example - you start playing the game, you spend like an hour and a half with it, you absolutely love it, you quit because it's time to go to work already, you come back later and want to continue the game, only to notice you have to start from scratch, and to get worse it's paired with the previous point, the unskippable opening... Needless to say my love for the game died instantly and I'm not touching it ever again. For me no manual/auto saves means the game doesn't respect me and my time.
Ghosts of Tsushima didn’t get a replay from me due to the cutscenes
Another thing I want to add are tutorials/HUD elements/button prompts you can’t turn off individually.
Take RE8, or any of the newer RE games. I’d like to turn off the button prompts and ammo/health HUD so it can feel like the classic games, but if you do that it turns off the aiming reticle. And since the first person RE games don’t have the option to aim down sights, and the newer third person games don’t have a laser sight option, you have to aim by just looking at the center of the screen and hope you guesstimate it right.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Parts which feels like does not belong in games, plays vastly differently, etc
Chris gameplay in VILLAGE

Bugs, unfinished gold copies

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