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Your worst injuries...

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Mine worst injury was when I was playing basketball during PE in 2000. Guy was being a showoff, so I dove for the ball. On the plus side, I managed to hit it out of his hands. On the negative side, he tripped me and I flew through the air (according to a friend), landed on my elbow, and rolled a little until I sat up. First thing I saw was my friend running. Then I felt a numb pain in my arm. Then I saw that it was bending twice: once at the elbow, and once mid-forearm (towards me).

My friend, being a smart guy, ran to get Spotty, the old guy who worked with the PE coaches, but wasn't a PE coach. Spotty had me get up and walk to the nurse's office with him while I held my arm. From there, my dad was called down to drive me over to the hospital. They had me go and get an X-ray, and I told the nurse working there that there was blood on the table where I had rested my arm. She didn't listen. The doctor who looked at the X-rays said that I'd have to wait about 14 hours before going into surgery (the radius and ulna which are usually crossed were uncrossed in the X-rays). Then he noticed the blood on my shirt and splint, and said I'd have to go in right away because the bone had gone through the skin.

Now I have three scars on my right arm: two six inch scars on either side where they had to put pins in, and an inch long scar where my bone cut through the skin.

Also think that was the most I've ever sweared at school.


I've got a subluxed shoulder.

Basically, it's like a loose joint, but not completely dislocated.

Playing football this year was hell, because the slightest thing could cause my shoulder to come completely out of the socket for a second, before going back in.

this resulted in probably the worst pain I've ever experienced.


Lawnmower ran over my left foot when i was about 13yrs old. Pretty gruesome, left my big toe dangling by the tendons. Luckily it wasnt that badly damaged despite that it was barely attached. They put my toe back in place and all was well after about a year of recovery.


rc213 said:
Lawnmower ran over my left foot when i was about 13yrs old. Pretty gruesome, left my big toe dangling by the tendons. Luckily it wasnt that badly damaged despite that it was barely attached. They put my toe back in place and all was well after about a year of recovery.

[Captain Obvious]That must've fuckin' hurt![/Captain Obvious]

White Man

After a car crash, I had a concussion. It was my 5th concussion in the span of about 10 years. There were also broken ribs and knee surgery, but that concussion was the worst. A couple weeks afterwards, I started having scattered seizures. This was 3 years ago. I still have seizures, although I haven't had one in a number of months.


I was hit by a car going may be 15-20 mph(notice I was hit, just me and her car). Didn't break any bones(which is funny because I am really skinny), but I got bruises and it hurt like hell. I didn't sue the chick though since she seems to be a new driver and I didn't feel like being an asshole.


AniHawk said:
[Captain Obvious]That must've fuckin' hurt![/Captain Obvious]

Not really, i dont remember any pain whatsoever. My body went completely numb, almost felt like i was dreaming. I do remember screaming for all that is holy when they were cleaning out the wound.


hmm probably not the worst ive been hurt but have a nagging back injury i blame on taking some nice tumbles while snowboarding and then being stuffed in a plane for 14 hrs... sometimes get some irratating sam cassell like backspasms
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