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Youtube Demonetizes The Act Man's Entire Channel Over Petty Reasons


Gold Member
Who's that and what happened?

What's the lore around that?
Basically the dude‘s videos got demonetized for seemingly no reason. When asked to point out where exactly is the problem, he gets crickets. This happened for years. I think he has been on Youtube for more than a decade and has millions of subscribers yet he still earns peanuts and lives in a shitty one room apartment because Youtube has bad content checkers.

No wonder people flock to Patreon nowadays.

I consider him pretty big too. I think he was responsible for one of the biggest bumps of Steam sales of Terraria.
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I stopped a while ago making content because YouTube wants a very specific kind of content and lot of content we see is actually endorsed by YouTube's behaviour.

I had a small income for years with YouTube, didn't do much but had some videos with good clicks and comments, videos that were clicked even years after its upload. No issues for a very long time.

Then I noticed that payments stopped (it took a while for me to notice because it was small sums and only two times per annual). Then I saw that monétisation for my whole channel was disabled because of "repetitive content". They didn't tell me which videos were the problem, they only refered to official guide lines which didn't help at all. No further explanation whatsoever, only that I should delete some content that is "not meaningful" and "repetitive", and that delisting or setting it to private won't help.

Since I've lost the YouTube partner status I've lost access to the support so I couldn't ask anyone directly.

The only thing you can do is to reapply which is handled manually and you can only reapply after a certain period which grows longer the more you reapply.

They give you the option to upload and explanation video why your channel should be kept monetized and what kind of effort goes into your uploads.

Sorry but I don't spend hours explaining myself so I get the same benefits I've had before. I shouldn't even explain myself because people liked the content I've had and clicked it and generated ad revenue for YouTube, too.

Probably too little for the upkeep and server cost, I don't know.

Then I realised that when I removed some gameplay content of video games that I could monetize my channel again so I thought it's video game walkthroughs YouTube has a problem with and sees as "repetitive content" because it even shows you how much of your content is used by other users. And because games are often the same, especially with cutscenes I often got flags of 80-99% matching. Now if others got that too, then you could argue, according to YouTubes guide line, that this is "repetitive".

Why this is an issue, I don't know. Also, lots of my videos were in Germany and the notification stated clearly that my explanation video has to be in English or Indian and is manually evaluated.

Great. So some Indian's watching my channel, doesn't understand a single word of German except for "Bier" or "Tschüss" maybe but has to evaluate my channel; then sees it's all video games with a >80% match. Of course he says "repetitive" or "not meaningful" and flags my channel for demonization.

But when I would make videos about opening loot boxes or card packs and hold my ugly ass face into the camera it's of course """unique""" and not repetitive at all because it doesn't have a high percentage match.

And that's how you flood your platform with this kind of shit.

I've heard from a lot people making film analysises and reviews suffer from the same problem because their videos got a high percentage match of material that is "used in other videos".

It's a shit show and I know why many people have a patreon account or switched to Twitch where you can earn money by sitting in your chair or tub unless (only applicable if you're hot, mind you).

I stopped trying to cater to YouTube anymore. Channel is again demonetized. But it's way too much effort and trouble for the small amount of money I've got out of it so I'll just leave it.

fuck off YouTube.
LOL Act Man played himself when keeping it real goes wrong

This ^

Act tried to get that QTV guy taken off YouTube and ended up screwing up his money and YouTube channel in the process.

This is what happens when you don’t mind your business and get into bullshit drama. Act man has over 1million subs why was he beefing with that QTV guy in the first place. Just stupid….


So youtube is ok with a bigot like QuantumTV but god forbids someone calls out shitty practices from Blizzard/Activision and talentless hacks that all they can do is abuse copyright rules from youtube?
I think this just highlights again that YouTube has zero support systems in place through there own website.

Then as soon as someone with any clout shows up on twitter, lo and behold they backtrack, showing that the original decision was never reasonable.

They need to get there house in order.
You say like youtube has any desire to change. They have proven time and time again that they're just going to keep pulling shit like this because not every instance goes viral. They keep pushing to see what they can get away with before the backlash hits, and they're able to push just a little bit further each time.
Wow, Act Man is one of my favourite gaming commentators too. Don't agree with everything he says but to destroy him over something as trivial as this...? It's actually shocking how petty YouTube is these days. I wonder what's going on behind the scenes over there? Some people are saying it's because it's because of his critiques but there are plenty of channels with far more spicy and vindictive opinions than his. I reckon he's being targeted for crossing an ideological line of some sort.
By the way, I notice there are plenty of other Youtubers are defending AM but once the outrage dies down the rest will fall into line and pay extreme attention whatever they publish in future. Their incomes depend on it. Act Man is being used as an example and Youtube will get away with this because they are, effectively, the only game in town.


People who say "oh too bad now they have to go get a real job" is just sad old boomers, angry because they've made bad life decisions and can't play video games all day, make videos about it and earn money. Or jealousy.

Either way, this is actually people's livelyhood that gets taken away by unfair means. I would like to see how you guys would react if something like that happened to you.


I never watched a video of this guy, neither know details of this whole drama. But it seems to me the biggest problem with Youtube, just as with any Google service, is that there's pretty much no human support you can reach, other than that shit community help forum which you can never find a single helpful advice for anything. If something happens to your account or your content, well, no one is gonna help you. At least I never could find any.

This QTV guy seems the worse piece of shit though, and a producer of the exact type of content that is destroying Youtube. But the biggest lesson out of this if you're a Youtuber seems to be "stay away from drama".
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Gold Member
Oh dear, time to get a real job.
Comments like these show how out of touch people are. Act Man spent years building his channel making money doing what he loved while providing entertainment to subscribers. Its no different than building any other business.
This ^

Act tried to get that QTV guy taken off YouTube and ended up screwing up his money and YouTube channel in the process.

This is what happens when you don’t mind your business and get into bullshit drama. Act man has over 1million subs why was he beefing with that QTV guy in the first place. Just stupid….
I guess that’s the world we live in. Very China-esque. “See me doing terrible shit, shut your mouth.” I guess we should apply that to Ukraine, and China, and other areas where being silent helps those who are terrible assholes.


Gold Member
Is he lying? Because I still can watch ads over his videos.
They will still play ads, but he won't get a dime from it.

One of the many reasons I run a SmartTube apk for the TV app. Fuck their ads every 2 minutes to get you to spend money on premium, when there's data they already collect and sell on you.

The app is more feature rich, and runs 10 times faster than their bloated shit.
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From what it says in the OP, seems a shitty decision on YouTube's side first to strike the first video and second to monetize the entire channel.
I didn't agree with him at all on the Halo TV show (check my tag), but this is complete and utter bullshit what was done to him. You had this other youtuber named Quantum TV literally track down the dude's mother in real life, called her and threatened her pretty much, and then even basically provided instructions on how his supporters could do the exact same thing.

He has also been previous ban evading on youtube, something that's suppose to be the worst thing you can do according to YouTube, this is Quantum TV. Quantum TV even has external links to content that YouTube deems worthy of having your channel removed. Actman, using YouTube's own executive's words and their own guidelines, proved that, for whatever reason, they were choosing to take no action at all against a youtuber who had violated many of their biggest rules, even fraudulent copyright strikes.

The whole thing is completely fucked up.


Been following since the beginning. AM is far more popular, but QTV is clearly smarter in knowing YouTube’s specific rules most likely verbatim and has proven to be adept in weaponizing said rules to his benefit. Was a one sided fight from the beginning



Just a free piece of advice after working with different types of tech support over the decades: don’t badmouth the very people you need help from and are requesting assistance from like Act Man was doing to YouTube while needing them to follow their own rules.

It doesn’t matter if you are correct and have all the receipts, if you start off like Gran Pumba Asshole Karen to those who are supposed to help you they are going to actively work against you and do all they can to make you fail. It’s goddamn human nature and AM ban is just an example of this. Not that it makes it right, it’s just the expected results due to human nature. hope he gets it reversed when said low level YouTube employee on a power trip calms down thier emotions

Rat Rage

Once again Youtube shows how little it cares about its content creators

That's why the world needs a non profit, jointly funded, open source youtube alternative, where creators can be creatively free. I could share it's profits accross all indiviuals equally. Something like that would work just as well as youtube. The only problem is the get the huge amount of money to start such a thing. On the other hand, it could start small and then become big.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
YouTube long ago started de-monitizing "drama" channels that seemed to exist to just talk shit back and forth between each other. That seems to be what this is about at it's core.


This is why youtube sucks now. It's all people with drama channels. I really don't care if Tim the Wizard "calls out" a company.
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Comments like these show how out of touch people are. Act Man spent years building his channel making money doing what he loved while providing entertainment to subscribers. Its no different than building any other business.

I guess that’s the world we live in. Very China-esque. “See me doing terrible shit, shut your mouth.” I guess we should apply that to Ukraine, and China, and other areas where being silent helps those who are terrible assholes.

Don't see how you can compare this to things like the war in the Ukraine.

Getting on a platform were you have 1 million subs to bash someone especially with a smaller channel isn't a smart approach to solving a disagreement.


advanced basic bitch
This is crazy.
The quantum TV fuck is a scammer, criminal and generally a racist idiot.
And even when you only care about his "tv calibration content", he's got no skills and changes his mind every day
It’s a shame youtube is bending themselves in a pretzel to defend the absolute piece of shit that is Quantum TV.
I don't know this act man at all but quantum is a horrible piece of shit human with no calibration skills who somehow tricked people into believing is outright bullshit.
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The Act Man is a very popular gaming youtuber. Youtube decided to demonetize his entire channel after he complained about getting an unfair strike for one of his videos.

Charlie explains the whole situation pretty well in his video:

  1. Act Man gets a strike for "nudity and sexual content" for photoshopping a cucumber into somebody's mouth
  2. He never gets a chance to edit the video
  3. He then complains on Twitter about the whole situation because he has nobody to talk to at Youtube
  4. Youtube then decides to basically nuke his entire channel out of spite
The Act Man has recently produced some critical videos about Blizzard, Halo and various other companies. Dude is legit funny, produces some well thought-out content and we need independent content creators like him.
Once again Youtube shows how little it cares about its content creators. Your entire existence can be snuffed out in the blink of an eye.


Can't he just make a Patreon and point people towards that?
NGL this entire thing is hilarious AF. Kinda hard for me to feel bad for grown-ass men acting like teenage boys on YT when they have verified platforms and millions of subscribers. Tho I'm sure it's entertaining for their fans, this whole drama saga.

I'm partly aware of only a few things on both sides but to me it seems like both of them have been acting kind of 🤡mode in this whole thing. And again, hey, it's probably genuinely entertaining for lots of people. But if it took you until this moment to realize YT's become a compromised, excessively stupid website when it comes to almost anything related to management, copyright, parental safety, censorship etc., you've probably been living in one of Amber Heard's penthouses.


Gold Member
I've been following this story, absolutely insane that YouTube is protecting a homophobic piece of shit bigot like QT and lashing out and punishing those that are pointing this out.
Yeah this basically. It's insane that Youtube has sided with QTV. YT is basically saying if you break the TOS on multiple occasions but you delete all the videos (the evidence), you're fine. ???


Can’t Git Gud
NGL this entire thing is hilarious AF. Kinda hard for me to feel bad for grown-ass men acting like teenage boys on YT when they have verified platforms and millions of subscribers. Tho I'm sure it's entertaining for their fans, this whole drama saga.

I'm partly aware of only a few things on both sides but to me it seems like both of them have been acting kind of 🤡mode in this whole thing. And again, hey, it's probably genuinely entertaining for lots of people. But if it took you until this moment to realize YT's become a compromised, excessively stupid website when it comes to almost anything related to management, copyright, parental safety, censorship etc., you've probably been living in one of Amber Heard's penthouses.
Qtv is a psycho and a criminal with 60k subs.
Act man is a fantastic videos creator with million of subs. He is one of the best and his videos are amazing.
Do your research.


So some gamers got mad that Quantum didn't worship Elden Ring and other gamers, including Actman tries to get Quantum removes but gets axed in the process by continuing to press the issue when youtube said no?


Youtube has been trash for a long time now. It's totally unwatchable without an ad blocker and sponsor skip as well.
He also implied that Elden Ring fans are all losers that should kill themselves...
That's like standard internet banter.

Edit: Didn't see he tracked down some dudes mom. That's fucked up.

Youtube has a huge monopoly issue it has to stop.

There needs to be a real competitor for YouTube. There are lots of small ones but another big one needs to rise up

All of the big tech companies have a huge monopoly. They must have some politicians in their pocket. You get us votes, we give you a monopoly.
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Qtv is a psycho and a criminal with 60k subs.
Act man is a fantastic videos creator with million of subs. He is one of the best and his videos are amazing.
Do your research.

I've seen enough from both of them to know I don't really care for either of their style of content. But the way they've both been dragging out this whole thing is both hilarious and embarrassing at the same time, to me anyway.

But I'm not interested in demonizing QuantumTV or TheActMan, or defend them either. Just wanted to give my quick two cents before Summer Games Fest kicks off 😁👍
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