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Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Is Tic Tok the only competitor to Youtube? Which has less Spiderman 2 ads? I've seen that ad a gazillion times on Youtube. It makes me NOT want to buy the game.


My Chrome browser has been having hiccups during YouTube too. Something odd is happening. And this is why we should want more competition in the market, not only in internet, but gaming too. Monopolies suck.


Ehhhh this isnt even remotely true. I can use PIP mode with my Xiaomi without any issue?
Weird, because I have it enabled but it only ever worked when I had youtube premium trial.
Never worked otherwise. (and for the clarification, I'm not confusing pip with background play)


It always cracks me up how archive.org has shitty download times if you use a browser.

If you use a downloading app, it goes faster.


Chrome itself also pulls this bullshit of blocking files flagged as a virus. It usually happens on cracked game executables that don't have any.


Gold Member
They have been doing this to select videos on select channels as well. If certain videos go against "the narrative," I notice they load slower and buffer way more than another video on that very same channel that is talking about a different topic.

Grimy shithole company that harvests your data and sells it, then pumps ads through the roof and asks for more money from you.

SmartTube goes vrrrrooommmmmm 🖕


Reverse groomer.
That includes Microsoft and Apple right?
no shit it does. Google, Amazon, MS, Apple, Netflix, every last one of them. I want them all broken up, they're all monopolistic douchebags who thrive off of being the biggest/only one in their markets. And I want legislation passed similar to the EU to prevent any more BS like no headphone jacks, chargers, SD cards or sealed batteries. These guys have turned their services into greedy junk over the past 10 years, something's got to give.
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Gold Member
In the EU, they were sued for having IE bundled with Windows.
That's why, to this day, there is the Windows N. For example, Windows 11 Pro N.
That was the the media player and not IE. See https://support.microsoft.com/en-au...ion-1607-b657cb70-33e7-1f11-7119-3b4b50be4e89.

The "N" editions of Windows 10 include the same functionality as other editions of Windows 10 except for media-related technologies. The N editions don't include Windows Media Player, Skype, or certain preinstalled media apps (Music, Video, Voice Recorder).

Power Pro

Another thing I find peculiar about using Youtube on Firefox, is that youtube seems to be fully aware of using adblockers on firefox. It comes up with the pop up before playing a video, with a count down before you can close the popup. Both adblocker plus, and ublock origin do nothing to prevent it.

Yet, the same adblockers on chrome seem to work just fine for me at the moment. I don't understand, you'd think they'd better detect them on their own browser.


if you use ublock origin, add this to your filter. I never had ads there since.
www.youtube.com##+js(nano-stb, resolve(1), *, 0.001)


Gold Member
We desperately need an alternative to YouTube.
It's funny, cause when Google was buying YouTube, we all said way back then this would happen.

Can you suggest one so we can see if it's a replicable experience?
If I come across ones again, I will. They happen a lot on ASP and the like. Was replicable between my buddy who is 3 hours away on a different ISP for select videos. And these are channels with millions of followers being selectively throttled. Especially when they demonetize the video.
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Holy shit.... Is that what the 5 second delay is?

I thought it was a bug or something.

Edit: Hmmm, i don't have this delay anymore. I did for a couple of days but now it seems OK?
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I was getting a similar delay (on firefox) while I had ABP, and it was blocking each pre-roll ad. It would show either "future" or the name of the ad on a black screen, and after 5 seconds the video would play. Now I have premium (free trial for now), and there's no delay. I notice the video in the OP also is using an ad-blocker, so I wonder if that's the reason for the delay.


I thought I was losing my mind over this shit. I thought my Internet was having issues, but when I used YouTube on Edge, it had zero issues and loaded immediately with no buffering. I've had to lower the quality of the stream on Firefox, otherwise it buffers constantly. I have 25 Mbps, so I should be able to stream 720p no issue... But nope.

Oh, and this is with YouTube Premium, too. Fucking Google.


Gold Member
Is that even legal?


Reverse groomer.
Remember when google wasn’t like this? Seems like they changed about 15 years ago
It's the natural route of all startups.
1. New company starts up that takes jabs at big tech and promises a good, pro consumer experience
2. they gain an audience through pro consumer moves and genuine care for your userbase. This gets them a lot of money and a lot of users
3. cut costs, lay off people, sell user data and make user experience worse. You're well recognized and everyone uses now, you can afford to be a dick
4. Repeat back to step 1.

google has been at step 3 for almost 2 decades now. It's a fucking ouroboros of startup, rise, decline, restart.


Yea sounds like google is heading into illegal areas with the shit they're doing. Maybe governments need to start looking into their practices.


Gold Member
Youtube has said it was to detect ad blockers and there was apparently no browser specific code involved.
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Same as they did with Windows Mobile.

I don't have a lot of love for the EU, but I hope they slap Alphabet with a massive fine for bullshit like this.
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