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Youtube video's that de'serve more view's


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Joe said:
instantly obsessed with this song
Same thing happened to me :D I've been playing it on repeat for the last 2 hours.

Tim-E said:
Work Safety Video - Think About This

I have no clue how this only has 3,000 views. It is so awesome.
That was awesome.




Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Because im a giant self promoting whore. Even if what im promoting sucks!
Got bored one day and threw a bunch of neogaf gifs and random pics into the movie maker over a song me and my buddy made. Tried to match the images to the lyrics.


sorry ahead of time! :lol
Ha, well here goes nothing. Hope someone here checks this out (well maybe lol, I could always get hate too lol.)

It's a video I made for production class a year ago. Called The Game Boy


It's a about a fake disease called Virtual World Syndrome. Similar to that First Person Shooter Disorder, this takes that idea, but makes it far crazier, has lots of cool game references. Starts out slow with a twilight zone/DHARMA style intro video to explain the symptoms and then does a day in the life style documentary.

There's some really cool parts here's a list for those too lazy

-Short mario themed skit at 2:00
-Awesome Zelda sequence with surprise game skit during it beggining at 3:10 (My fav part of the video)
-Funny & short zelda joke/mii sequnce followed by a quick pong part
-Awesome interview with his parents about the disease at 6:15

Hope this doesn't just get ignored lol. Well hope you enjoy it whomever gives it a chance!
MetalAlien said:
HA, that was pretty clever. I liked the quest to find the key to get into the basement... :)

Oh hey thanks, glad you liked it. I know it's a little long for the standard internet video, as far as attention span. Glad you gave it a shot! I was nervous about posting it on here, wasn't too sure if people would give it or me a chance being a junior. Especially with how critical people can be online. :D


To be fair your videos are well put together unlike the retarded shit that gets 1 billion views on youtube these days..
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