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Zenless Zone Zero ༺*|OT|*༻ Gotta Waifu 'Em All ♡(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭♡


Tears of Nintendo













































No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I’ve watched three trailers and I still have no idea what kind of game this is. But damn, the style and animations are absolute fire.
Gatcha game, therefore art-less trash, but people will dick ride the hell out of it, because waifus and it has an art style and character designs you have seen on a fuckload of games on the Play Store.

For a reason, because they know that's enough to please the suckers. They don't need to actually try.

I don't know about Gacha games in general but I've enjoyed all of Mihoyo's games. If they aren't even trying and put out as much free content as they have in Genshin then that's impressive.
There's a whole lot of game here, currently lvl 22, finished chapter 1, took about ~14 hours; ask me anything before I log out again.

edit: my UID is 1500562359 if anyone is looking for friends.
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Ohhh this is a Genshin Impact kinda game, that makes sense now. I just played the first 20 minutes and the art and premise are really cool. The gameplay isn’t too bad either. But gatcha games aren’t my thing at all, so I don’t know how much more I’ll play.

It’s kind of a shame this isn’t just a high quality single player game. Either way, it’s worth a download to give it a try.


Im enjoying the game way more than i was expecting. The combat mechanic based on perfect assist and perfect dodge is pretty cool with great and flashy moves.

I love the urban art and setting. Also love the way the story is presented.

Alot of stuff and game modes is locked and only unlocks as you advance in the story, so you only have a good idea of what the game has to offer once you put some hours into the game story.


Tears of Nintendo
I think many people won't even play the game enough and dismiss it as another trash gacha game.

So, I've played some of 'em gatcha games before and this one is much more single player-like action oriented game with some really cool mechanics, combat and pretty unique stuff when it comes to story, how you progress through it and all that. From what I've played so far, I can't believe it's free, cuz it's much better than some of the paid games which'll cost you $60-70.

As for the characters. The game just launched, I'm sure they'll add some more adult ones at some point along with new factions etc.

Give it a chance, people, don't dismiss it just cuz it's HoYo game :messenger_relieved:


Gold Member
Gatcha game, therefore art-less trash, but people will dick ride the hell out of it, because waifus and it has an art style and character designs you have seen on a fuckload of games on the Play Store.

For a reason, because they know that's enough to please the suckers. They don't need to actually try.

One of the dumbest posts of the year. And the worst thing of it is that you will believe yourself smart by typing this bullshit.
One of the dumbest posts of the year. And the worst thing of it is that you will believe yourself smart by typing this bullshit.
Dude, the shit that gets posted by some of these visitors in every Z-Z-Z thread is so fucking cringe and reeks of sheer ignorance.

I hoped that they would've kept their shitty takes in the review thread and not bring them here in the OT were you know it's for people who actually have interest in engaging with the game in good faith.
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Ohhh this is a Genshin Impact kinda game, that makes sense now. I just played the first 20 minutes and the art and premise are really cool. The gameplay isn’t too bad either. But gatcha games aren’t my thing at all, so I don’t know how much more I’ll play.

It’s kind of a shame this isn’t just a high quality single player game. Either way, it’s worth a download to give it a try.
Just what I wanted to read. I might give this a chance later on, game seems cool and fun.
The only way it's like genshin is that they are both "gacha" games, but ironically all mihoyo makes are "high quality single player games".
Wuthering waves is closer to genshin than this game, this one is closer to honkai, just a pure combat story driven game, it's not open world or whatever; I've played all of chapter 1 in one go without running into any progression blockers, and if chapter two is just as long, that's nearly 30 hours of high quality single player gameplay entirely for free.
Combat wise I'd say wuthering waves and honkai are still a bit better, but the feedback in ZZZ is really good, like metal gear rising levels; overall the combat reminds me the most of transformers devastation.
As a cat person, I'm so happy that only SSR character I got is the catgirl. Today I will try my luck with the shark maid. Unfortunately, my Hoyo account is bricked and I lose every 50/50.
Damn, congrats! I hope to get Nekomata too since she has super flashy combat moves, but the only SSR I got so far from that banner is Koleda. I've been pulling on the special banner more though since I want the shark girl Ellen as well. Hopefully, I'm lucky on that soft pity, the 50/50 one. 😅
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Gold Member
Damn, congrats! I hope to get Nekomata too since she has super flashy combat moves, but the only SSR I got so far from that banner is Koleda. I've been pulling on the special banner more though since I want the shark girl Ellen as well. Hopefully, I'm lucky on that soft pity, the 50/50 one. 😅

I'm resigned to miss out on Ellen. However, if I get Koleda I'll be mad because it's the only character whose gameplay I didn't like at all. In the training room I couldn't even pull her moves, lol.

One long-term problem I see with this game is that the credits for pulls seem scarce compared to other hoyo games, unless it has many side quests and events where to get them.


Tears of Nintendo
The combat in this game, Jesus.

They basically looked at what Platinum did with their melee combat games and dodge mechanic, added tag elements, character switching in real time back and forth, all out attacks with insane looking ultimates and as a cherry on top, warped it all up into state of the art animations, excellent responsiveness and extremely satisfying visual and tactile feedback. I FUCKIN' LOVE IT! I mean, yeah, you've got like 3 moves (incl. Ultimate), but everything I just mentioned above kinda makes it relevant. Maybe there'll be more with W-Engine upgrades (it's kinda hard to tell cuz they're locked and there's no info on what they do) and there's 9 skill upgrades which are locked behind level 15, so there's that as well. But there's many characters with unique playstyles and you can combine their moves with moves of other chracters into chain attacks, all out attacks and ultimates.

And there's so much you can do....

Okay, so let me explain how the game works, cuz it looks like not a lot of people get it and can't tell by watching videos just what kind of game it is.

So, it's basically Persona where you have your character living a double life, except you're not a student who needs to study in school and participate in school activities, you're running and managing a video renting store (which provides income for you know what) and at the same time providing support for various groups with your hacking skills both in and outside of operations / mission (sometimes you can switch to a bangboo and help agents during fights). Also and unlike in Persona, you don't need to explore dozens of randomly generated levels, engage in dozens of fights, catch personas / demons, look for treasure etc. (which can take up to 1,5-2 hours with all the dialogues, cut-scenes etc.), here you have 3 types of missions - Story, exploration and combat. The first one is self explanatory - heavily story/narrative-driven, lots of cutscenes (the mix of visual novel-like, realtime, conversations), the combat one is also pretty self explanatory - someone asks you to do something and it involves fighting enemies, exploration one is for the most part combat free, you're just exploring the net via real time signal searches through a mini=game where you move through television screens, solve pretty easy puzzles (move crates to activate switches etc.) find / unlock some rewards etc. and story missions also have this.

I think it's a brilliant idea and much less time consuming overall, there's literally zero grind for resources, healing items (there's safe zones on the path which restore your health - I'm playing on the challenging difficulty), participate in needless fights which can become repetitive cuz you're doing the same shit over and over for way to many times cuz you need to level up and all that. None of the JRPG grind and complicated systems are in this game and it's super refreshing to see and experience. So what are you doing then if you don't need to grind, fight a lot and shit? Well, as you can guess since it's a gacha game too, you unlock characters, level them up and their gear and there's a shit ton you can do with that. Like, you can level up character, you can level up their individual skiils, you can equip W-Engines which various effects and of different rarities, you can upgrade them, you can add different modules to them, you can add other shit to them outside of W-Engine upgrades, you can unlock passive skills and buffs if you got a duplicate of a character durign channel searches, you can scrap W-Engines for parts and upgrade your A-S rank ones, you can check your phone for news and stuff and see what's going in on in the world, participate in comments to these news (not all, but still), there's an arcade with various games you can play and they have their own achievements and rewards, there's like miltiple battle pass-like things which rewards you for this and that to help you in search of better W-Engines, unlocking characters, upgrading stuff and all that and that's just on one fuckin' prologue area! You'll be unlockin' shit left and right by just playing a story-driven single player game which is really fuckin' good. Did I menton already that unique W-Engines also have a-fuckin'-mazing animations (you can clearly match them with various characters which is cool as well), as well as characters have changing poses for different screens on real time as you switch? You can move to various districts via metro stations just like in Persona games, but there's a lot more locations and most of them are locked and will be unlocked the more you progress through the story. There's also character specific missions which I'm yet to even start and see what they are.





















FUCK! And that's just one area you start the game in with a bunch of shit locked and waiting to be discovered and unlocked by you playing and progressing through the game normally. There's shops of course where you can spend real money but why the fuck should you, it's pointless!


There's literally no point in spending real money, cuz from the looks of it, you can't get S rank of A rank characters, you can get A-S rank ones by just playing the game (which is again - single player heavy story/narrative driven) normally. I honestly don't know what they're expecting from the game, where there's a shop, but literally nothing in the game which could force people to spend real money on anything. Like, I've so much stuff and money, that I can upgrade all characters and W-Engines to level 10 which I haven't even unlocked yet, and the rest of the stuff is not even available yet at such quantity cuz I'm only at chapter one story-wise.

So, yeah, it's not your typical gacha game and even though it has gacha elements, it's much more than that, it's more like Persona-lite mixed with Astral Chain without grind and only the fun stuff and I LOVE IT. What an effin' surprize, cuz I haven't even expected much from this game and for it to be this good, so well and lovingly crafted as a single player game is even more unexpected to see. It'll definitely be on my Top 5 of this year, easily. Such a shame it's not available on Steam but you can directly download HoYo launcher and don't have to deal with EGS which is a plus.

And it looks very good with stylized 3D visuals and exellent animations during cutscenes (faces, emotions, eyes, everything!). You can use camera to make photos as well, though I wish for the Photo Mode to capture some cool shots during combat, but oh well, maybe they'll add it later.





Anyway, if you even remotely interested in the game by watching official videos, if you like the artstyle, characters and all that, don't listen to haters and just fuckin' play the game, it will surprise you. The thing is though, with so many games to play now (not to mention backlogs), it won't be so easy to dedicate a lot of time to just one game, but just give this one a chance and don't dismiss it, it's not your regular 195871987156918356 gacha game with predatory GaaS stores and micros, it's much more than that and it's free, unlike $70 ATLUS games (I'm looking at you P3R) which aren't even new and have predatory DLC practices and just their regular thing - releasing complete edition later at the same price with everything included.
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I like the visuals, but I won't try this game, Genshin Impact was enough Gacha for a lifetime for me.

I say this as someone who didn't even put money in the game, my frustration isn't about wasted money, it's just that I despise the time gating in these games, all the different systems typical of mobile games (which I never play).
At some point in Genshin Impact, I had like 170 wishes in stock, but I just stopped summoning because I didn't even want new characters, trying to grind for the ones I already had was enough of a struggle.

It's terrible having to rely on so much RNG to upgrade your characters, on being limited to 15 minutes of play time per day, and if you miss a day, you miss that day of ressources. Absolutely horrible game design, I want to play when I feel like it, and as long as I want. Feeling forced to play every day for a little amount of time ends up making the game feel more like a job / task you have to do, rather than just having funs when you have free time and feel like it.

It's a shame because I loved the art style, visuals, atmosphere in genshin impact, the open world was great, but everything else in the way the game structure is designed... nope. (And these endless repetitive dialogues :messenger_astonished: I wonder if it's the same here since it's Mihoyo again)

I'm also surprised that people are willing to spend 50, 100, 200$ or even more for just a character. I don't mean this as an insult, I'm just confused and curious, but do people who do this, ever play "normal / regular" games? Like how would they feel if they try a Final Fantasy and they realize they can play the whole game without any limit, they have access to all characters and everything, just by purchasing the game.

I don't know, it's a very strange world to me, the world of gacha / mobile games.

I did play Genshin for quite a while because the open world and other few things were great, but I gave up because of the artifacts and the resin system (and the endless dialogues, but that's another topic), and I don't want to experience these type of artificial limitations again, it's just too frustrating compared to regular games where you have the whole game available to you.


Gold Member
I'm also surprised that people are willing to spend 50, 100, 200$ or even more for just a character. I don't mean this as an insult, I'm just confused and curious, but do people who do this, ever play "normal / regular" games? Like how would they feel if they try a Final Fantasy and they realize they can play the whole game without any limit, they have access to all characters and everything, just by purchasing the game.

You are kidding, right?

So in "normal games" you get EVERYTHING paying 70 USD retail price???

I am confused and curious, in what reality of the multiverse this happens. Not in one where Ubisoft, Capcom, Atlus or Square Enix exist.

I won't bother to post hundreds of examples of DLCs, costume packs, "new chapters" and bullshit that almost every "normal game" has nowadays.


Tears of Nintendo
I won't bother to post hundreds of examples of DLCs, costume packs, "new chapters" and bullshit that almost every "normal game" has nowadays.
Yeah, just look at all the load of shit DOA6 has for example, fuckin' hell, it's not even funny.... but it is :messenger_tears_of_joy:

What he meant (I think) was buying Deluxe, Ultimate or Gold edition of some game (most likely a fighting game) which has 1 or 2 characters under a paywall - Tekken 8, MK11, MK1 for example. So it's not like you need to play 50/10/200$ for a character, more like for specific edition of the game which has this character. The thing with characters are mostly related to fighting games, regular single player games are not locking characters behind paywalls.


But anyway, you don't have to buy characters in ZZZ, you'll just unlock them np by playing the game normally and you don't even need all the characters. Like, I've tested some of the characters which they offered me to test, I've seen what they do and all that and they I decided that... ya know what, I don't want to play as a bear kuz he's too slow or I don't want to have this super shy little girl in my party cuz I don't like her. Period. You don't even need to unlock all the characters and you may not even like some of them anyway and thankfully you'll get a chance to test them out. To me, some of the characters I unlocked in ZZZ are just a nice bonus, but I won't be playing as them or adding them to my squad.

C'mon, people, it's not a regular gacha game, JFC, just play it and see for yourself.
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You are kidding, right?

So in "normal games" you get EVERYTHING paying 70 USD retail price???

I am confused and curious, in what reality of the multiverse this happens. Not in one where Ubisoft, Capcom, Atlus or Square Enix exist.

I won't bother to post hundreds of examples of DLCs, costume packs, "new chapters" and bullshit that almost every "normal game" has nowadays.
Ya may want to swim in some cooler currents Meg.

There are tons of games you can buy for cheaper than $70 that don’t require you to shell out $100 to get a single character; that’s the point. Nobody said all $70 games are worth your money.


You are kidding, right?

So in "normal games" you get EVERYTHING paying 70 USD retail price???

I am confused and curious, in what reality of the multiverse this happens. Not in one where Ubisoft, Capcom, Atlus or Square Enix exist.

I won't bother to post hundreds of examples of DLCs, costume packs, "new chapters" and bullshit that almost every "normal game" has nowadays.
I mean, you're talking about a part of modern AAA that I dislike too, I'm not defending 100$+ titles, but complete games do exist, and if not, you can buy them cheaper complete after some time.

What I meant is that in regular single player games, outside of the DLC stuff, you still have access to multiple characters (if that's the style of the game) by default. I don't see what makes characters in gacha so special that they are worth so much money. Like take FF7 Rebirth for example, you have multiple characters that you can play in combats, or Baldur's Gate 3. All these characters are part of the base game. What makes characters in gacha game stand out in a way that people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on them, compared to the characters of the games I mentionned? This is what I don't get.
It's the same, but because they are "gacha", they get a pass to sell everything at crazy prices, it's just strange.

Even in Fighting games, which really are victimes of DLCs in a bad way, characters are maybe 10$ at most, very far from what people are putting in these gacha games to get a guaranted pull on a character.

Someone above said that apparently you don't have to buy characters in ZZZ, so maybe it's not the case here, I'm just talking about this type of game in general, and wondering why people think characters and weapons from these games are worth much more than in traditional single rpg for example.
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Tears of Nintendo
I don't see what makes characters in gacha so special that they are worth so much money.
May I ask how this sentence relates to ZZZ specifically?

Again, it's not your typical and 100% gacha game where you need to deal with timers, buy characters, grind a lot and all that. Have you even played the game for at least a few hours or better yet - 10 or so?
You literally can't even buy characters and there's no point in it as well. Like, I've got S and A rank characters in just one day by just normally playing a single player game and not spendig shit on anything. It's not a fighting game with a chraracter pass you need to buy or buy a character separately, there's no such thing here. You don't even need all of the chracters in the game as I already said and do fighting game even let you try characters so that you can see if you even like them or not?

Why some of you here think that in ZZZ you need to buy characters and spend a ton of money to do so, to grind and all that? It's not true at all. Play the goddamn game before you write such stuff and don't just assume that if it has some gacha elements, then it's like the rest of the gacha games. C'mon, people! It's free! Don't you have a few hours to spend and see for yourself if you don't believe me or others?

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May I ask how this sentence relates to ZZZ specifically?

Again, it's not your typical and 100% gacha game where you need to deal with timers, buy characters, grind a lot and all that. Have you even played the game for at least a few hours or better yet - 10 or so?
You literally can't even buy characters and there's no point in it as well. Like, I've got S and A rank characters in just one day by just normally playing a simgle player game and not spendig shit on anything. It's not a fighting game with a chraracter pass you need to buy or buy a character separately, there's no such thing here. You don't even need all of the chracters in the game as I already said and do fighting game even let you try characters so that you can see if you even like them or not?

Why some of you here think that in ZZZ you need to buy characters and spend a ton of money to do so, to grind and all that? It's not true at all. Play the goddamn game before you write such stuff and don't just assume that if it has some gacha elements, then it's like the rest of the gacha games. C'mon, people! It's free! Don't you have a few hours to spend and see for yourself if you don't believe me or others?


Someone above said that apparently you don't have to buy characters in ZZZ, so maybe it's not the case here, I'm just talking about this type of game in general, and wondering why people think characters and weapons from these games are worth much more than in traditional single rpg for example.
I was talking about gacha in general, and I haven't tried ZZZ because of my experience with Genshin, which is another gacha, by the same studio / publisher, which is why I've been cautious, don't want to fall in the same trap again.


Tears of Nintendo
I was talking about gacha in general, and I haven't tried ZZZ because of my experience with Genshin, which is another gacha, by the same studio / publisher, which is why I've been cautious, don't want to fall in the same trap again.
In this particular case, the fact that it was made by the same studio / publisher doesn't mean shit cuz it's far better than Genshin and is nowhere near the same experience.

Unless you play the game yourself, you'll never find out how wrong you are and it'll also help if you've played Persona games or Platinum games before, cuz if you like / loved them, you'll like / love ZZZ and it's also different in many positive ways than one.

You don't have to buy anything with real money, you don't have to wait for timers, you don't have to do stuff you may not like for some reason, no one is forcing you to log in each day - there's literally no reason for this unless you've FOMO for some stupid reason unknown to mankind.

I don't even like gacha games for crying out loud, I haven't played a lot of them, but I've played them enough to compare them to ZZZ. I even stopped playing Elden Ring DLC, decided to delay playing DOA6 after buyig the game and all characters (and I really want to play through and see its stupid ass SP story mode :messenger_tears_of_joy: ). I haven't even wrote a single thing about gacha game on this forum over the last 14 years (I've been here longer than 12 years) until ZZZ came out.
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Gatcha game, therefore art-less trash, but people will dick ride the hell out of it, because waifus and it has an art style and character designs you have seen on a fuckload of games on the Play Store.

For a reason, because they know that's enough to please the suckers. They don't need to actually try.
That's hardly a game by definition and from my pov.
Ya may want to swim in some cooler currents Meg.

There are tons of games you can buy for cheaper than $70 that don’t require you to shell out $100 to get a single character; that’s the point. Nobody said all $70 games are worth your money.
This game doesn't require you to spend $70 for a character though. So unless you have a severe case of FOMO and "need" that shiny new SSR character right away, you can simply unlock it by playing normally (progressing through story, leveling up, doing side-activities, doing daily/weeklies, etc.), especially if it's in the permanent banner.

Anyway, I've played 13 hours so far, and I have obtained all the available SR characters (e.g A-rank agents) except for one, as well as one SSR character (e.g. S rank agent).
There's no need to "buy characters", because the starting three are actually very strong, and they give you one character of each relevant type for free to cover all bases:
attacker: billy
stun: anby
support: nicole, soukaku
defence: ben
physical: billy (and corin)
electric: anby
ether: nicole
fire: ben
ice: soukaku

The only one that's missing is anomaly, but I'm guessing piper will be given for free at some point, or even someone else; chances are high you get at least one copy of piper though through all the free summons.
The s rankers are more powerful overall, but won't make that much of a difference unless you're really deep in the game after several dozens of hours.
Gacha games are great, people must have some kind of hidden trauma and/or lack of self control I guess.

90+% of gacha games (and every single one I’ve ever played) you can complete nearly all content with whatever is provided for free. You don’t need to spend a dime to enjoy the main story and game play.

If you decided to have a mental breakdown and spend your rent and food money on digital characters that’s a you problem, not the genre of game. Get control of yourself.

The internet has given people brain rot.
At this point it’s just blind hatred of f2p and gacha games because that’s the “team” they are on, it’s like those democrats who “vote blue no matter who”
Zero thought, zero ability to discern, zero ability to critically think.

ZZZ had been absolutely great so far. IMO, it’s another hit for MiHoYo. They are literally hit makers.

And regardless of how much hate the genre gets, Genshin was a cultural milestone, and will likely be remembered as such. It’s fine if you don’t get it, I don’t watch golf, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t huge for certain people, and it certainly doesn’t make golf shitty or worthless.
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Gacha games are great, people must have some kind of hidden trauma and/or lack of self control I guess.

90+% of gacha games (and every single one I’ve ever played) you can complete nearly all content with whatever is provided for free. You don’t need to spend a dime to enjoy the main story and game play.

If you decided to have a mental breakdown and spend your rent and food money on digital characters that’s a you problem, not the genre of game. Get control of yourself.

The internet has given people brain rot.
At this point it’s just blind hatred of f2p and gacha games because that’s the “team” they are on, it’s like those democrats who “vote blue no matter who”
Zero thought, zero ability to discern, zero ability to critically think.

ZZZ had been absolutely great so far. IMO, it’s another hit for MiHoYo. They are literally hit makers.

And regardless of how much hate the genre gets, Genshin was a cultural milestone, and will likely be remembered as such. It’s fine if you don’t get it, I don’t watch golf, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t huge for certain people, and it certainly doesn’t make golf shitty or worthless.
Like I explained above, my problem, not with ZZZ since it's apparently different and I haven't tried it, but with Genshin Impact, wasn't really the gacha pull, it was other things tied to the usual "mobile" design of these games. The daily tasks, the stamina (resin in genshin) system, things like this that really remind you that you are playing a free to play / mobile game, and not your typical single player experience.

In Genshin it was particularly horrible because of the heavy RNG to upgrade your gear. You had to grind for artifacts, it could take weeks to get the right artifacts you wanted, and once you got it, you had to level it up (by sacrifying other artifacts), and the upgrade could end up being horrible because it was random, making your artifact that took weeks of grinding, now totally worthless.

There are some very frustrating and limiting barriers that make everything a lot more tedious than it would be in an offline paid game. The stamina systems are really one of the worst aspects for me.
I ended up not pulling for any characters anymore at some point because I just didn't want to re do this whole grind loop for new characters for several weeks again.

I never paid for anything in Genshin, never put money in it, so I don't have any money trauma or something. I just find the systems too tedious.
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Gold Member
In Genshin it was particularly horrible because of the heavy RNG to upgrade your gear. You had to grind for artifacts, it could take weeks to get the right artifacts you wanted, and once you got it, you had to level it up (by sacrifying other artifacts), and the upgrade could end up being horrible because it was random, making your artifact that took weeks of grinding, now totally worthless.

This is a valid criticism: the gacha game loop. Hoyoverse has a "trademark formula" while others have something different, but it boils down to doing dailies, seasonal events, and new story chunks The game design revolves around this and impacts the story, gameplay, and progression. Some do it right; others don't.

The artifact system is very bad. Also, not being able to synch characters, a feature that could be well implemented as part of the lore. I see that problem, too.

However, I could say the same about the tiring open worlds that follow the Ubisoft template. Many games we pay full price leave some of the best content for DLCs (this is very clear in AC Origins and Odyssey). Sometimes there's a valid economic reason behind it, but in most occasions is pure greed. And people pay regardless.

On the interest in getting a particular character, it goes from their design to the role in the story. Or because they are meta (extremely powerful). Or just because "catch them all" (only for dolphins or whales).
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