Finished Asta's story. To be honest, I don't think it's as bad as
said. It's actually good and probably one of the best character stories so far. The main issue here is as aways - they rush things a lot as with everything else related to the main story as well, so there's barely any real character development and just enough of everything for a 20+m TV episode at best. We'll get more of Evelyn in two weeks of course, but the problems I'm having with the way MHY doing all this are not going away and it really makes me wonder if 2.0 will even change anything and in a way WuWa devs did, but I'm not holding my breath.
Do I want to pull for Evelyn after finishin's Astra's story though? Well, here's the thing, the problem with this is that they're really not letting you see or feel just how powerful she really is, cuz you're not having access to her W-Engine, you don't have good discs equipped on her and probably don't even have all her passives unlocked so it feels like you're just playing a bare bones lvl 60 version of her, just like you play bare bones version of Miyabi in the story and in the S6 event if you don't have her. I mean, Evelyn clears groups of enemies just fine even with all this considered, but I really don't think that her performance against elites and bosses are accurate and the same will be true with her special episode in a week or so from now.
So Idk what to think, honestly, cuz it's not that hard to clear groups of enemies in SD even without her cuz there's Burnice for that already, but will Evelyn also be great against elites and bosses? That's a real question here I think and probably the most important one, so I'll wait and see other people's experience with her after launch before pulling cuz there's no way to be sure otherwise. I mean, I like her design even though I would've added a lot more details to her outfit to not look so bland on the front (the inside of her jacket and shirt), but Idk, if she's not way better than S11 against bosses...
Also, the new outside of cut-scenes dialogues just don't work imho. I mean it's fine when you're alone, but if someone else is with you and you're having back and forth conversations it's just not working at all, cuz there's very long pauses between exchanges and... PEOPLE DON'T TALK AND HAVE CONVERSATIONS LIKE THIS IN REAL LIFE, MHY! LOOK AT WUWA, JFK!

How about some really well directed and animated character conversations not just with agents, but with random NPCs? WuWa also has somewhat similar conversations during quests, but while also having what ZZZ simply don't have
Oh and they're so effin' lazy that almost any character important to the story is always some random and awful looking dude, which has no place in a 3 trillion dennies worth company cuz he doesn't even look like it's part of it:
Good lord... ugh. WuWa also has this problem mind you even in 2.0, but c'mon, you're not even trying here.