Zoe Quinn #meToo / Alec Holowka suicide -- Update: Article questions ZQ's account of events (link in OP)

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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Well, yeah.

That's an interesting and nuanced take.

You can feel how she's trying to make a path between her woke ideology and the fact wokeness just straight up murdered her brother.


The very fact she wrote this article (and this is based on nothing really) kinda gives me the impression she doesn't really believe Zoe.

Was anything really proven? (genuine question).
I've seen Zoe's twitter posts from when they were together and nothing gives the impression of foul play between the two.

It's one thing to have hold the moral of "listen and believe". But then life might come at you fast and test that moral of yours.
I don't think anything is going to test you more that the death of a family member.

I think at the very least she's questioning the morality of mob justice around accusations.

I've known three people in my past that where in the thick of progressiveness but around different things.
One of them is in deep and I have little to do with. Another is on the surface levels of it. (She turns it off when she's in others company).
The third is well out now and has admitted that the only reason she started opening her mind up was because she was rejected by the circle.
She's said a few times that she was just terrified of becoming the enemy by people who knew her, so she just went along to deeper and deeper progressive thinking's.

I get the feeling Eileen is wanting to say something but is walking on egg shells. She doesn't want to loose her circle especially if her career is in with it.
On that point of her career. She may well torn in two for many years. If you break the conditioning then she will break everything and have to start all over again.
Think Westboro Baptist Church. If you want to leave, then you have to leave EVERYTHING.

But like I said. That's just an off the cuff theory i'm getting from some of these talking points.


The very fact she wrote this article (and this is based on nothing really) kinda gives me the impression she doesn't really believe Zoe.

Was anything really proven? (genuine question).
I've seen Zoe's twitter posts from when they were together and nothing gives the impression of foul play between the two.

It's one thing to have hold the moral of "listen and believe". But then life might come at you fast and test that moral of yours.
I don't think anything is going to test you more that the death of a family member.

I think at the very least she's questioning the morality of mob justice around accusations.

I've known three people in my past that where in the thick of progressiveness but around different things.
One of them is in deep and I have little to do with. Another is on the surface levels of it. (She turns it off when she's in others company).
The third is well out now and has admitted that the only reason she started opening her mind up was because she was rejected by the circle.
She's said a few times that she was just terrified of becoming the enemy by people who knew her, so she just went along to deeper and deeper progressive thinking's.

I get the feeling Eileen is wanting to say something but is walking on egg shells. She doesn't want to loose her circle especially if her career is in with it.
On that point of her career. She may well torn in two for many years. If you break the conditioning then she will break everything and have to start all over again.
Think Westboro Baptist Church. If you want to leave, then you have to leave EVERYTHING.

But like I said. That's just an off the cuff theory i'm getting from some of these talking points.
I just hope Zoe doesn't get to unlock the 2 for 1 achievement.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
It's insane how fragile these people act. I'm a man and I've been working in games for a long time. I've dealt with *much* worse than either Scott or Albertine are detailing here, and probably just about everyone in the industry has. Everything they're describing is fairly standard interpersonal drama that comes from working on a project for a long time with a small team.

Was Alec difficult to work with sometimes? I don't know, maybe. Scott and Albertine seem to think so, and that's fair enough, I guess. But it's also none of my business. It's no one's business except theirs. I've dealt with tons of difficult coworkers. To other people, I've probably *been* that difficult coworker. I do my best, but I'm not perfect, and no one is. We're all human. We all get frustrated and have personality clashes sometimes.

One thing that I think is telling about Zoe, Scott, and Albertine's accounts is that they all reference Alec getting frustrated with them. They each attempt to use this as a cudgel, as if him being frustrated with them indicates some sort of huge, glaring character flaw on his part. Not one of them turns that lens inward and wonders if maybe his frustration was valid, and what *they* could have done. Ironically, they're attacking him for expressing his own feelings of frustration... in their own essays expressing their frustration.

Even taking these accounts entirely at face value, the worst thing Benson and Watson can level at Holowka is that he was moody, occasionally aloof, and occasionally rude (and in Benson's case, he seems frustrated that Alec pushed him to work almost-standard hour work days, which is one of the most asinine things I've ever heard). Watson alleges that he made some kind of romantic advance on her and then stopped when she told him not to. I'm not saying these are good qualities. I'm sure Holowka was no saint; that much, I believe. But they're not crimes, either. If anything, they're fairly mundane. Many of these things, in one form or another, are probably things they themselves have done to others.

If the mood struck me, I could write similar petty diatribes about lots of my old bosses and coworkers (many of whom have been women, for whatever that's worth). I'm not going to, because I'm an adult, I handled my own shit, and I recognize that other people have their own problems and they don't need to hear about my interpersonal drama from years ago. I also recognize that there are two sides to every story, and that even my old coworkers who annoyed me don't deserve to have their every failing blasted onto the internet for total strangers to see.

I'd never heard of a lot of these people before this, so I don't particularly have a dog in this fight. I'd like to think I've approached it with an open mind. But every single time one of them has written more on the subject, I've become less and less convinced that they're victims. They don't sound brave or beaten-down. They sound entitled. I wish them all the best. I get that they're probably dealing with a lot of heavy shit right now, and that there are also a lot of assholes on the internet who want to attack them for it. That's not okay. But neither is enabling them.

Just quoting this to reemphasize why it is without doubt the single best and most on-point in this entire thread.
Bravo. Nail hit on head perfectly insofar as providing as polite and considered a rebuttal of the recent claims made against Holowka as anyone could reasonably ask. It articulates perfectly why I was so incensed and insulted by Benson's miserably self piteous and simultaneously loathsomely self aggrandizing screed.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I'd also add regarding Eileen's post on Medium, you can see a substantial shift in tenor over the month following Alec's suicide, and I'd expect it to move even further over the months and years to come.

Over time, I'd suspect she'll come to the unpleasant realization that the cliques and ideological circles she is still appeasing and defending are just as flawed and perhaps even less accountable than the "broken" legal system.

People are people. You can be an activist or advocate for any number of noble causes and still be a shitty human being,

A long time ago on GAF, back at the height of the "Nerds are cool" fad in the media, I wrote that how that a lot of the worst, most vindictive, petty, and spiteful people I've encountered over the years were "geeks", "nerds", etc. How It isn't a badge of honor and personal integrity, its just an umbrella term for people who share certain common interests, appearances, and as such had a particularly slanted social experience in their youth.

I see the exact same thing happening with the LBTQ+ designation. Just because a person faces discrimination for something about their lifestyle it should never be conflated with personal integrity and virtue. On trait does not confer the other, people are so much more complicated than that.

Right now, ideological minorities are using actual minorities, the oppressed and injured as a rhetorical human shield to effectively immunize themselves from criticism, and to impose their socio-political will on the majority.

They use the dogma of intersectionalism to create a illusory scale to their constituency, weaponize their grievances of that larger community, and use that to leverage their infleunce using a combination of emotional/legal manipulation and in extreme cases terroristic threats.

That may sound hyperbolic,. but I believe that is an accurate reading of the situation.

Go back and look at what happened to Bret Weinstein at Evergreen, Benjamin Boyce has an extensive documentation of that particular debacle on Youtube. When you watch that, I'd urge you to consider two things. Firstly the psycho-dynamics of the people involved with both the faculty and student body (mindset, motivation, response to the spiralling shitstorm), and secondly, and most importantly, consider the number of active participants in the scenario/protests and the relative size of the entire student population at the institution.

What you'll see is how a literal handful of activists effectively manipulated a student body and faculty of nearly 4 thousand members and created a national sensation.

It shows how powerful ideological minorities' influence can be when the majority does not assert itself.


I'd also add regarding Eileen's post on Medium, you can see a substantial shift in tenor over the month following Alec's suicide, and I'd expect it to move even further over the months and years to come.

Over time, I'd suspect she'll come to the unpleasant realization that the cliques and ideological circles she is still appeasing and defending are just as flawed and perhaps even less accountable than the "broken" legal system.

People are people. You can be an activist or advocate for any number of noble causes and still be a shitty human being,

A long time ago on GAF, back at the height of the "Nerds are cool" fad in the media, I wrote that how that a lot of the worst, most vindictive, petty, and spiteful people I've encountered over the years were "geeks", "nerds", etc. How It isn't a badge of honor and personal integrity, its just an umbrella term for people who share certain common interests, appearances, and as such had a particularly slanted social experience in their youth.

I see the exact same thing happening with the LBTQ+ designation. Just because a person faces discrimination for something about their lifestyle it should never be conflated with personal integrity and virtue. On trait does not confer the other, people are so much more complicated than that.

Right now, ideological minorities are using actual minorities, the oppressed and injured as a rhetorical human shield to effectively immunize themselves from criticism, and to impose their socio-political will on the majority.

They use the dogma of intersectionalism to create a illusory scale to their constituency, weaponize their grievances of that larger community, and use that to leverage their infleunce using a combination of emotional/legal manipulation and in extreme cases terroristic threats.

That may sound hyperbolic,. but I believe that is an accurate reading of the situation.

Go back and look at what happened to Bret Weinstein at Evergreen, Benjamin Boyce has an extensive documentation of that particular debacle on Youtube. When you watch that, I'd urge you to consider two things. Firstly the psycho-dynamics of the people involved with both the faculty and student body (mindset, motivation, response to the spiralling shitstorm), and secondly, and most importantly, consider the number of active participants in the scenario/protests and the relative size of the entire student population at the institution.

What you'll see is how a literal handful of activists effectively manipulated a student body and faculty of nearly 4 thousand members and created a national sensation.

It shows how powerful ideological minorities' influence can be when the majority does not assert itself.

So you're saying you hate women? ;)

Good post in all seriousness.

It genuinely worries me that rational thinking these days is being pushed aside for outlandish logic and hoop-jumping mind games, and that those theories are now trying to become 'rational' thinking.

Part of me think crazies are trying to make everyone else crazy so they can seem normal in their little bubble-world.

If some people are so keen to prove a link between gaming and misogny/hate because of a few examples, then drawing a link between Trans/LGBT and Mental Illness should hardly be shocking considering a number of them encourage mental illness, self-harm and upsetting the establishment. Therefor why are so many people taking LGBT-think as 'the final word' when those thoughts come from a mentally imbalanced place?

I think Greta answered that: " I want you to feel the fear I feel every day ". Those aren't words anyone would want to hear.

I hope that made sense, im not the best at articulating
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Alec's sister has posted another blog.

Why the change? Before she was seemingly more consoling of Chelsea than her own brother.

How is this still trending? Has she killed another dude by stress again or something?

It should be kept going as long as possible. The industry does not need to forget Alex's suicide and how they covered it up ("Alec died") and protected a person with a history of being a lying sociopath. Hell, she just faked another rape allegation against Max Landis before this that went from "He raped me!" to "Well, he was just an asshole when I met him, but it was like rape!". This albatross needs to hang around their neck as long as possible, and TBH I hope it torments some of them. I'm sure Chelsea doesn't care because she doesn't have emotions other than wanting attention, but maybe some of her allies will change.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
So much of this stuff can be boiled to down to simple ego-tripping.

I don't believe there's a great ideological plan or political vision behind the overwhelming majority of social justice activism, its just a convenient vehicle to feel superior to others, and get that "space-cadet glow" of being with the crowd. They have demands but no real plan, its why when you try and pick it all apart its just a mess of contradictions and mutually-exclusive statements.

Trouble is, while its all fun "knocking down the statues", what they aren't considering who's going to step into the rubble they lead behind and exploit the situation in the future. Its why their assault on civil liberties and freedom of speech is so dangerous. I have no worry of a future dominated by SJW's and Feminazi's, what scares me are real authoritarians/totalitarians stepping into the breech to "save us" and using the precedents set by these fools to seize control.


So much of this stuff can be boiled to down to simple ego-tripping.

I don't believe there's a great ideological plan or political vision behind the overwhelming majority of social justice activism, its just a convenient vehicle to feel superior to others, and get that "space-cadet glow" of being with the crowd. They have demands but no real plan, its why when you try and pick it all apart its just a mess of contradictions and mutually-exclusive statements.

Trouble is, while its all fun "knocking down the statues", what they aren't considering who's going to step into the rubble they lead behind and exploit the situation in the future. Its why their assault on civil liberties and freedom of speech is so dangerous. I have no worry of a future dominated by SJW's and Feminazi's, what scares me are real authoritarians/totalitarians stepping into the breech to "save us" and using the precedents set by these fools to seize control.

AKA “useful idiots.”
I'd also add regarding Eileen's post on Medium, you can see a substantial shift in tenor over the month following Alec's suicide, and I'd expect it to move even further over the months and years to come.

Over time, I'd suspect she'll come to the unpleasant realization that the cliques and ideological circles she is still appeasing and defending are just as flawed and perhaps even less accountable than the "broken" legal system.

People are people. You can be an activist or advocate for any number of noble causes and still be a shitty human being,

A long time ago on GAF, back at the height of the "Nerds are cool" fad in the media, I wrote that how that a lot of the worst, most vindictive, petty, and spiteful people I've encountered over the years were "geeks", "nerds", etc. How It isn't a badge of honor and personal integrity, its just an umbrella term for people who share certain common interests, appearances, and as such had a particularly slanted social experience in their youth.

I see the exact same thing happening with the LBTQ+ designation. Just because a person faces discrimination for something about their lifestyle it should never be conflated with personal integrity and virtue. On trait does not confer the other, people are so much more complicated than that.

Right now, ideological minorities are using actual minorities, the oppressed and injured as a rhetorical human shield to effectively immunize themselves from criticism, and to impose their socio-political will on the majority.

They use the dogma of intersectionalism to create a illusory scale to their constituency, weaponize their grievances of that larger community, and use that to leverage their infleunce using a combination of emotional/legal manipulation and in extreme cases terroristic threats.

That may sound hyperbolic,. but I believe that is an accurate reading of the situation.

Go back and look at what happened to Bret Weinstein at Evergreen, Benjamin Boyce has an extensive documentation of that particular debacle on Youtube. When you watch that, I'd urge you to consider two things. Firstly the psycho-dynamics of the people involved with both the faculty and student body (mindset, motivation, response to the spiralling shitstorm), and secondly, and most importantly, consider the number of active participants in the scenario/protests and the relative size of the entire student population at the institution.

What you'll see is how a literal handful of activists effectively manipulated a student body and faculty of nearly 4 thousand members and created a national sensation.

It shows how powerful ideological minorities' influence can be when the majority does not assert itself.
Good post....don’t often say that but u have a good head on your shoulders


Neo Member
Meanwhile Scott Benson is tweeting jokes about cancel culture

The first of these was made immediately after Alec's sister made her recent Medium post.

Personally i'm starting to hate this twat more than Zoe.


The first of these was made immediately after Alec's sister made her recent Medium post.

Personally i'm starting to hate this twat more than Zoe.
That... is scary.

Personally, I know few people that would go immediatly to jokes about the subject matter when someone's death is involved. Actually, no. Personally, as in RL, i (hopefully) know none closer. Even if a similiar situation happened to my worst enemy, even if I'm completly innocent. Someone's suicide would lie on my mind for a while. I would need time to get over it.

I've been saying this for a while..., but. Do these people see their fellow men even as human?
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Dr. Claus

That... is scary.

Personally, I know few people that would go immediatly to jokes about the subject matter when someone's death is involved. Actually, no. Personally, as in RL, i (hopefully) know none closer. Even if a similiar situation happened to my worst enemy, even if I'm completly innocent. Someone's suicide would lie on my mind for a while. I would need time to get over it.

I've been saying this for a while..., but. Do these people see their fellow men even as human?

Clearly not. This person was supposedly friends with Alec, and yet he acts in such a continued repugnant and vile fashion.

I am having a harder time separating art from artist and I may just start to actively tell people not to bother with NitW anymore.
I'm not sure how you can come away from that article thinking Eileen is selfish and threw her brother under the bus for what he did. If anything, she's acknowledging the issues with turning accusations into social media circuses of stupidity.

There's nuance to the discussion, and she understands the current climate and cancel culture in general has completely sapped out that nuance among the greater public. It's very clear she's having an internal struggle with her beliefs and the actual reality those beliefs bring about. Even with those sincerely held beliefs, she's realizing so many people that aren't sincere including people that create media with that sincerity about mental health as a basis. When you come to the conclusion that so many around you are totally fake in their socially aware musings, yeah, you're not gonna take it super well at first. I don't expect her to stand with people like Zoe Quinn as time goes on, not just because of the very human reaction of resentment setting in, but because it's clear those methods aren't working.

She also liked this tweet:


Gold Member
I am having a harder time separating art from artist and I may just start to actively tell people not to bother with NitW anymore.
Yeah, people should avoid putting money in Scott "Judas Iscariot" Benson's pocket. The game doesn't look my style despite the fact I really like the artwork and the music. Regardless, the OST has some real gems like Possum Springs...
I'm not sure how you can come away from that article thinking Eileen is selfish and threw her brother under the bus for what he did. If anything, she's acknowledging the issues with turning accusations into social media circuses of stupidity.

Another example of "rules for thee but not for me", as in, according to social media, you're not allowed to question the narrative but when we do it, it's fine.

I really think those studies that always come out about Facebook being terrible for your health are absolutely true, and we've been seeing it ramp up quickly since Trump got elected. Social media didn't get who they wanted as president and with social media breeding narcissism, they start to censor and vilify people who don't agree with them.
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One reason they hate the former members who see how things are over there and leave even more than the actual fascists
The Cheka were formed and then were replaced by the GPU briefly, which was replaced by the OGPU, which was replaced by the NKVD, which was replaced by NKGB, then MGB, then MVD, then finally the titular KGB that Westerners all know from the movies.

At each stage, portions of these groups were thrown into gulag and eventually executed. Each transition to a new state agency erased the worst crimes (and the people who knew about them) from history.

Former members are more than just baggage to them, they know.


Yup, they are fucked up in their sad heads.
But don't worry. They are just edgy, none of them would dare to say it in your face. They are easy target for bullying.


She still sounds too scared to actually say what she thinks. That's my main takeaway from this sad blog. She's still letting them dictate what she thinks and says.

Sounds that way to me too but I don't blame her. The internet has become a really poor way for people to express how they truly think and feel over the past few years.

It's really far removed from what seemed to be the original intention of having so many people communicate and express themselves together.


I'm not too sure there is a lower form of scum than what Zoe Quinn is. A liar. A manipulator. An abuser. How she continues to get away with what she does from people in the fucked up video games media is beyond my comprehension.


What you'll see is how a literal handful of activists effectively manipulated a student body and faculty of nearly 4 thousand members and created a national sensation.

It shows how powerful ideological minorities' influence can be when the majority does not assert itself.

There is a well known cognitive bias that explain that.
It is called "Pluralistic ignorance".

“a phenomenon in which you feel like you’re different from everyone else, but in fact you are exactly the same. It’s a kind of illusory deviance,
a sense that you are not with the majority that everyone in the majority can have simultaneously.”

There is a really good podcast episode about that from the "you are not so smart " podcast.

Ideological minorities exploit that bias to their own interest, time and time again.
The episode is totally worth it to listen to, but also kinda scary.
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I just want to know if there was any evidence that he did indeed rape her. I'm not willing to dig through 76 pages so somebody just give me a TL;DR, please.

I personally think he committed suicide because his life was over but I'd like to see evidence.


Gold Member
IIRC, Chelsea accused somebody else of rape in the same pass as accusing Alec of hard fingering and mind games. What she described doesn't even constitute Coercion(forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by threats of force/intimidation). One of her Twitter "friends/contacts" did a deep dive and found hundreds of Tweets she made during that time, many of which directly contradicted her claims.

Anna Slatz from The Post Millennial covered the story quite well.
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Nope as in that I don't deserve to know or nope as in there wasn't any substantial evidence? Lol.

Honestly, everything that you need to read is in the very first post. He was never accused of raping her (she met him after she'd been raped by someone she didn't name). However, according to her, she fell into an abusive relationship with him but there are some serious doubt.gif questions over the realities of that given her very own social media presence at the time seemed to suggest otherwise. YMMV on where you fall on these things. The inherent problem with human memory is, its scientifically fallible. Whenever you remember things from the distant past, not everything gets recalled, so the brain fills in the gaps a little as to what it thinks was going on. Which then becomes the new version of that memory, rinse repeat. If you've ever returned to a place you went to as a child you'll understand the discordance.


A new low from nitw creators

Comparing a video game character to an actual person

Happy Halloween, everyone (and the NITW reddit, you dirty spies). It’s been a rainy, pleasantly chilly autumn here. Given how often we’ve recently had hot humid Octobers, we are very very pleased. We’ve been very busy but we’ve managed to get out to some interesting remote places. In some future update I’ll show you some pics.

So it’s been a couple months since the last update, as is standard. It seems like several years. Many people have reached out to see how we were doing, but we’re the least vulnerable and affected people in the radius of this whole thing that happened. So I’ll keep this part very brief- we’re fine. It’s been hard. We’re still very sad and angry, not gonna lie. Not sure when that will pass. Can’t rush it. But we’re fine. Thanks for your support. Please continue to support all of the other people in this situation who were a lot closer to Alec, and the folks who will never get any closure now. It’s all the furthest thing from neat and uncomplicated. Sometimes that’s how things are and you have to do the best you can with that. But we’re fine, don’t give us another thought.

I’m going to talk a bit about Alec-related things, so if you’d rather not, please skip to after the second divider.


There isn’t a lot more for me to say in some big forum. And you didn’t back a kickstarter to watch us unpack our shit for months and years. And since we can only really speak for ourselves, we have to lay it to rest. We said what we needed to get out about Alec. It felt horrible, but for us and several other people something like that needed to be said. So you do the best you can. I hope that years of us talking publicly and here about his good qualities and how grateful we were to him for the contributions he made when he was actually engaged paints a complicated picture of the guy. Because people are complicated. But like I said, no one has some all-encompassing view of anyone, particularly in our situation. I will say that I think anyone’s take on the Alec they knew is valid. None of those snapshots are necessarily in conflict, just things taken from different angles. So if you’ve got great memories of the guy, by all means keep those memories. I have some, and I wish I had more. I wish there were more to go around in general. Some people had way better experiences than we did. Some people had only painful ones.

Aside from the next several paragraphs there’s not much more for us to say going forward about it. We’ll continue to deal with our end of it privately, as most everyone does. I do want to address one thing, though, a question we received several times in the past 2 months from fans of the game:

Wasn’t Alec just like Mae? Doesn’t your response go against the spirit of Night In The Woods? Do you not care about people with mental health issues?

I understand this question! It initially took me by surprise, since Mae was very much based on myself and Bethany and a couple other people we’ve known- Margaret, who was a grade ahead of me in high school (briefly, she was soon kicked out) and got into fights and was super cool, if very troubled. Amber, a friend of ours from a decade ago who angrily asked one day “why do we have to grow up???” as if it was an injustice. She played bass in a punk band. Both women were glorious dirtballs at the time, like a lot of people we love most. Mae’s dissociation issues were based on my own from childhood, as well as her depression stemming from both internal and external issues. I’d like to think I was a more mature and less pain-in-the-ass 20 year old but that’s probably wishful thinking. I did have the same cutoff jean shorts though. Art truly imitates life, and jorts.

But for a lot of people Mae is a broad symbol of mental health issues that interfere with life and relationships. And our rather blunt and unsentimental account of our difficult relationship with Alec might come off as in conflict with the story and themes of the game. But crucially the issue with Alec wasn’t that he had mental health and personality disorders. I’ve been pretty open about my own struggles, Bethany as well, and we’re surrounded by a great and wonderful host of people dealing with brains and learned behaviors and habits that don’t function as well as they should sometimes. The issue with Alec was power, and what he did with it.

Mae had a singular explosion of pretty extreme violence towards someone else when she was a child, and it scarred her (and him, most likely) and stopped her from growing up in a lot of ways. She wants to understand it and she knows the harm she did. And crucially, Mae doesn’t have power in any real sense, nor does she seek to gain and exert any over others. None of her friends rely on her for their livelihoods or security. Mae can’t hire or fire anyone, or put herself in the position where someone would have to endure whatever she threw at them in order to not have their lives upended. Mae had problems, but Mae didn’t do the things Alec did. For example- Night In The Woods, of all games, isn’t one that looks too kindly on bosses in general, let alone ones that make returning their romantic overtures a condition of employment. It isn’t one that looks kindly on people who abuse those with less power than them. Mae has very little power, and didn’t do the kinds of things Alec did. It would be a very different game if Mae was an abusive girlfriend, or boss, or someone with power over someone else. There’s a tooth floating around Night In The Woods that makes our stance on this kind of thing pretty clear.

Mae and Alec were alike in the sense that both had mental health problems, and Alec really connected with those aspects of Mae as he discovered them. But people with issues they didn’t ask for still do really shitty things. And while those issues can offer explanations for some of those shitty things, those things still are what they are. When we say we stand with abused people, and people with mental health issues (often the same people), we mean this. We stood by Alec during our time with him, partly out of real care and partly because he had the power to upend our lives. But we never stood by his actions, and we didn’t stand by them when the fuller scope of them became clear. Those things aren’t in conflict.

Mae and Alec were also different in that Alec had more options and help than just about any other person I’ve ever known who dealt with similar issues, and I have known a few. He had a whole lot of money, access to help and treatment, and a lot of folks around him who took it upon themselves to support him, giving him chance after chance for years, taking what he dished out, and eventually picking him back up again after he’d flame out. This isn’t meant to condemn Alec for being fortunate in having support, but just to say he was a guy who had more options and shielding than most people. More often people struggling with abuse, mental health problems, and personality disorders don’t have that, because they have no resources and no people around them and no way of avoiding very dire consequences. That’s something that desperately needs to change, but that is how it is at present. It’s certainly the reality we’re personally familiar with and it found its way into the game.

Mae has few resources with no access to good help for her mental health problems. Mae doesn’t have the financial means to solve or have much flexibility in regards to any of the big things happening to her and the people around her. And to be honest she is very young. We always refer to her as a young 20. But the age doesn’t matter so much. There’s plenty of hope for Mae. As far as I was concerned there was always hope for Alec, who was in his mid 30s and whose situation was about as different as could be from Mae’s. But Alec did what Alec did, right up to the end. It sucks. And it harmed a lot of people, not least of all himself. And it will continue doing so for a very long time.

I’m absolutely sure Alec did grow as a person and improve in some ways. He certainly seemed more stable and in control of some of his symptoms in recent years, at least as far as was visible to us. But the problems with Alec were his actions, often as someone with power over someone else. In that much more important sense, Mae and him were nothing alike. When NITW depicts that kind of power relationship, it’s not particularly subtle in its feelings on the matter.

One of the reasons I’ve since clarified Alec’s *huge* but more limited than publicly talked about role in NITW (initial enabler, coder with a whole lot of endurance, prolific composer, absolutely wild problem solver, sometimes pretty great collaborator) is that because we didn’t make all of that very clear up front, there are misconceptions about aspects of the game. And this is a game that has turned out to mean some very important and personal things to a lot of people, so this stuff turns out to actually matter. People think Mae was created or inspired in some way by Alec, and so what happened to him takes on some special resonance with her character, and therefore their own personal identification with her. But that isn’t the case, at least as far as our take on it goes.

Some folks have interpreted the song Die Anywhere Else as a personal cry for help, a foreshadowing for Alec’s death, when it was the product of a pretty fair amount of collaboration creatively. The title and much of the chorus, the treatment, etc- those came from others. We worked together. That’s one of so many examples. So how do you split that difference of who did what when you eventually need to because some bizarre and awful thing happened that colors the work itself, and therefore how people feel about what they’ve taken from it and its place in their lives? Alec did some amazing work on Die Anywhere Else! But others did just as much work on it. I was very bad at taking credit for things like that and thought that downplaying my own role in things that were more Alec’s realm would help him in his recovery. There are instances of this all over the game. And it didn’t really bother us too much, and until the past couple of months I never felt the need to clarify anything and it’s still very uncomfortable. Because we wanted to help. At the time I felt like it was for the greater good. In the end, it wasn’t. We tried our best to help Alec, because in some ways we had no choice, and because we also cared quite a bit about him even when he drove us literally to medical and psychiatric emergencies. He was a sweet guy and a complete terror. He did beautiful work and horrible things. As contradictory as that sounds, that’s not really all that uncommon to find. All you can do after the fact is try to tell the truth and hope it means something.

Like everything else in this situation, sometimes all of the options are bad, and beyond that they feel completely futile.

But to conclude where this started- Alec and Mae's situations aren't particularly similar once you get down to the very important details, at least as far as our view permitted. They never were meant to be alike. Alec discovered Mae much like anyone playing the game and connected with aspects of her, like many people did. NITW we hope demonstrates a great empathy for people (like us, who wrote it) who have brains and behaviors that can feel like they sabotage us, things that require a lot of attention, effort, and care to work with sometimes. Our problem with Alec was his actions, and the power dynamics involved. And NITW is I think pretty clear on where we land when it comes to that. I’d hope it is at least. Our intentions as creators don’t really matter much once the art leaves us and other people connect with it, but for what it’s worth those are our thoughts and experiences with Alec and with our favorite dirtball kid from around the corner, Mae Borowski. I sincerely think she’s on her way to something better. At the end of the game she’s in a place where she can perhaps go in that direction. After a song, and some pizza, and probably a good long sleep. There’s hope. There’s a future.

That’s my take, at least.

I don’t have much more to say about all of this. I can’t tell you how to feel about it, except to say that your experience with the game is yours, not ours. And we really and truly do appreciate that so many people have connected with the game, despite the circumstances of its creation. We appreciate that Alec’s contributions have meant so much to so many people. I hope good things continue to come from what we made. That’s something us and most certainly Alec himself would want. Do with that whatever feels best.
Are they for real?

I sincerely think she’s on her way to something better. At the end of the game she’s in a place where she can perhaps go in that direction. After a song, and some pizza, and probably a good long sleep. There’s hope. There’s a future.

So they helped push Alec into taking his own life, but at least this videogame character is gonna be okay, thank fuck for that.


I am not violent person by nature, but goddamn do I want to smack around whoever wrote that shit. The guy is already dead and you pricks devs still can't resist taking a shot at him. No respect or morals whatsoever.
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Holy shit, that dude doesn't know when to shut up (or when not to speak in the first place). Unreal. Someone needs to take a sledgehammer to his nutsack to stop the contagion of stupidity from ever spreading.
That dude? Was is that cunt Scott Benson who wrote this?


Gold Member
tldr: Scott "Judas Iscariot" Benson is butthurt people think the Mae character is Alec. Him and Bethany did lotsa important shit, just not the project concept, programming, game design, and music. Scott and Bethany are less than shit without Alec.
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