Zoe Quinn #meToo / Alec Holowka suicide -- Update: Article questions ZQ's account of events (link in OP)

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She doesn't. Nobody does. Harassment is not justice.

Yeah I’m sort of all for talking shit about garbage people like ZQ here in our little zone but I ain’t about to log into twitter for the first time in seven years to tell her personally that she’s a horrible waste of carbon and, I’m assuming, taxpayer money in the form of welfare.

For one it just gives her ammo. For two she probably already knows.
She let the internet tear the guy apart over shit he wasn't even guilty of for sympathy.


I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time sympathising with a known liar who recklessly destroyed another person's life almost a decade after a failed relationship for internet fame points. She's now fishing for empathy in the vain hope that her grave mistake is being forgotten, but things don't work like that.

I don't want ZQ to harm herself, but the bad conscience of having indirectly contributed to the suicide of another person, after instigating a social media witch hunt for another egotistical shot at standing in the limelight, should absolutely stick to her like a scarlet letter. Let this be a lesson that such issues don't belong in the court of public opinion and certainly should not be handled by a twitter court of law.

Her absolute unwillingness to even recognize her part in this is absolutely the reason why so many people think that she is indeed a bad and self-centered person. She pleads for grace and mercy, but had none to share when it mattered most. ZQ might have lost her peace of mind, but Alec frikkin' lost his life. To make this whole situation about her and herself only is not only disgustingly narcissistic, but also the reason why so many people have serious doubts about the veracity of her one-sided accusations.

If ZQ didn't want her tweets to be retaliatory in nature she wouldn't have made them in the first place. Nobody with a shred of remorse caused by this dramatic incident, would be back on twitter after two months only to post angry screeds like that. Most decent people would have taken a very serious lesson from this and quit twitter for good, but not ZQ who is desperate for internet attention. She needs her fix, like a junky needs his drugs.


Unconfirmed Member
I know it's long but you should read the previous 77 pages of this thread. It might take a while to get through but we managed to go through nearly the entire history of drama around Zoe Quinn and then you can see our live reactions to all the weirdness and inexplicable bullshit that followed in the wake of her accusation.

The only conclusion you can possibly reach at the end of it is that Chelsea Van Valkenburg's entire life is her own fan fiction, staring her self-insert, Mary-Sue protagonist Zoe Quinn. Her whole life story rivals My Immortal for sheer incompetence.
Check his post history. He just wants to get a (you).

She doesn't. Nobody does. Harassment is not justice.
But she wants to be harassed.
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Then wouldn't she lose if she does not get what she wants?

She's baiting people into harassing her so she can get more victimbux. By not falling for it, her coffers will gradually dry out.

Eh if nobody actually harasses her she’ll just lie and say they did like she did during GG.



Man it's been quiet. I hope it stays that way. She most probably won't pay for her crimes, but let her at least fade into obscurity. Once and for all.


Gold Member
The end of this month officially marks 2 years since we last had an update. Over 600 days without a word.
hey remember when we all collectively threw $85,000 into the void? That was fun.

Also I've noticed that most of her supporters are from Seattle and Portland... makes sense 🤡
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She hasn't been relevant for a while, her attempt at comics fell apart for obvious reasons and DC definitely dropped her, people are mad the trash looking Kickstarter game has been dropped after she dashed with the bag.

Everything she does falls apart and yet she's still pushing forward, human cockroaches find a way no matter what.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Wow, it's already one year since she murdered the guy. Time flies by.

Legit though she murdered again since it got bumped. Maybe September was a Murderous Quinntember.
It's been a year and the scandal that cost a man his life seems to have been forgotten.

The only reason I remembered was because of this excellent video I just watched by our very own competent journalist Sophia Narwitz

Will Quinn ever be held accountable for all the shit she's caused, or disowned by the same journalists that so often lambast our lack of morals? No.

Brutal. And entirely deserved.

I'm already looking forward to next year's video.


Can't this cunt fade away into obscurity for the good of us all?

She and Anita Sarkeesian deserve to be forgotten, but no doubt they'll try to stir up drama again just to stay in the limelight.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
She hasn't been relevant for a while, her attempt at comics fell apart for obvious reasons and DC definitely dropped her, people are mad the trash looking Kickstarter game has been dropped after she dashed with the bag.

Everything she does falls apart and yet she's still pushing forward, human cockroaches find a way no matter what.

Her failures only make it all the more likely this con artist attention whore will come up with another horrendous stunt to again be the center of attention that is oxygen to this bitch.


This cunt and Anita Sarkeesian are prime examples as to what is wrong with gaming media today. It is a far, far crazy left bubble of fucking loons who back each other no matter what. Like the great Sophia says in her video, fucking loons like Jim Sterling seem to have conveniently forgotten about what this bitch has done in stealing 1000's of people's dollars, yet he is quick to give it to "triple Ay" developers for their misgivings. Fat fucking piece of shit.
Either way, it would be nice if the mainstream started making more of this complete fucking psycho, but we know they won't. Well done anyway to Sophia for flagging it again. Great video.
People are trying to disprove a sexual assault they weren’t involved in. It’s nothing short of psychotic.

Yeah, that's not how this works. It's unnecessary for anyone to "disprove" the accusations, because they have never been proved it in the first place. As the accuser, the burden of proof is on Zoe. She clearly hasn't carried this burden. To believe Zoe (or anyone else) even though the evidence clearly suggests that they're lying is nothing short of psychotic.


Well i hoped this would be a better bump. Just a nothingburger...

Oh well, now the topic is up please remember to shit on this Alien game:

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