NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]


PS4 + Tomb Raider PS4 doubled Xbone + Tomb Raider Xbone?




Welp, I overguessed both next-gen machines hugely. At least it looks like I had the right percentage breakdown.

Waiting for Wii U numbers. Masochist, I guess. What really jumps out, though, is the inability of the 3DS to sell outside of holiday times. That'll be a very big figure to see. Nintendo needs to have their next handheld at least ready to put in the oven.


So who will be the first to make a "congratulations [X]" post?

Congratulations Sony! You sold 300K PS4s even though you have no games and PSN goes down every two minutes!

Congratulations Microsoft! You sold 146K Xbox One even though it causes leprosy, the internet is mean to it, and the Power Adapter has a fan in it!




It was expected that the PS4 would maintain the lead, nothing new happened to change that.

March will be really interesting since we will have two major exclusive releases and we will see how Titanfall will affect the X1's sales. Looking forward to that.

For me the major news here is the Tomb Raider sales, the next-gen version barely cracked the top 10. I thought the enhanced version would give the franchise a nice boost but it seems that didn't happen. I don't think SE will be happy with that.


People are really saying ps4 sales are bad? I know people who couldn't find one until the end of January. It's still not on amazon. Supply issue


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Nintendo can't be happy with those 3DS sales. Down YoY Japan, no momentum in the US...


So Microsoft's PR headline was Xbox One led game sales in January, while the PR lumps Xbox* together. Meanwhile from that Venturebeat article:

It’s clear gamers are choosing PlayStation as the best place to play with PS4 software sales ranking No. 1 in January, highlighted by strong sales of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, which sold twice as many units on PS4 than any other platform,” Sony spokesperson Guy Longworth said.

I will buy them ALL

I will run down the aisle at a Gamestop and add them ALL to my cart. I will hold my arm out and buy them ALL. They will come tumbling down from the shelves into my cart like supermarket sweep.

Gears of War
Far Cry
CALLADUTY volume 1
CALLADUTY volume 2
Gran Turismo
Resident Evil
Ninja Gaiden

Hell I'll buy STAR OCEAN 4 HD+ just for more LYMLE

He's off his meds!


Ouch... for MS, losing ground in their most important market has gotta hurt.

Sony really has their shit together this round.
Congratulation Games Industry. There is a slight difference in sales between the Xbox One all-in-one entertainment system and the PS4. The real news story is that everything is bad.

in comparison with previous systems January after launch the ps4 is doing very well. The xb1 is doing worse but not horrible
Yeah. It's a fucking bloodbath so far. Probably around 500k~ combined between current gen? That's awful, and that's even without taking into account that last gen sales are nowhere near what they would've been around this time in 2007.
The PS4 is doing fine so far. Selling 280K in conditions of limited supply. It doesn't have a $500 price tag hanging like an albatross around its neck and should Microsoft see sense and drop their price they'll do better too.

It doesn't at all serve as example for those who kept saying "wait until post launch, you'll see" about the other consoles (to try and imply the Wii U's abysmal failure was a product of the market rather than a product of the product.)


People are really saying ps4 sales are bad? I know people who couldn't find one until the end of January. It's still not on amazon. Supply issue

They're ok for Sony, but 280k is not enough for a leading platform in the USA to lift the market.

The PS4 is doing fine so far. Selling 280K in conditions of limited supply. It doesn't have a $500 price tag hanging like an albatross around its neck and should Microsoft see sense and drop their price they'll do better too.

It doesn't at all serve as example for those who kept saying "wait until post launch, you'll see" about the other consoles (to try and imply the Wii U's abysmal failure was a product of the market rather than a product of the product.)

Sony's number isn't bad, but that Xbone number is a complete and utter disaster. My issue is not with any individual console though, but more the market as a whole. I wonder how much up YoY in terms of hardware sales this January is. I somehow doubt it's even up on 2011 or 2012 though...


People are really saying ps4 sales are bad? I know people who couldn't find one until the end of January. It's still not on amazon. Supply issue

Next month should also be interesting then. The stock tracker site does have the PS4 as still mostly sold out everywhere, so clearly supply is still an issue.
Welp, I overguessed both next-gen machines hugely. At least it looks like I had the right percentage breakdown.

Waiting for Wii U numbers. Masochist, I guess. What really jumps out, though, is the inability of the 3DS to sell outside of holiday times. That'll be a very big figure to see. Nintendo needs to have their next handheld at least ready to put in the oven.

And what will that next gen handheld do ?

It will sell even less than 3DS unless there are major changes in software pricing policy.


Better than awful, with a bargain 2DS model and Pokemon out, and the Vita as the only other dedicated handheld competition probably selling like 5 units doesn't inspire confidence in the health of the US handheld market.

It could also be on par with last year's awful if it's around 120K...

Ugh that's what really depresses me. Handheld market is just falling away :/
Not impressive for both next gen systems, imo. Was expecting way more from both. March should be the real test, since both systems are getting major exclusives and big releases.

def sim

Even with a pricecut, why would anyone buy the weaker console over the more powerful one?

They want to play the games on it?

The only real problems with the Xbox One are the confusing and buggy party system and skewed price/performance ratio. The kinect is worthless to anyone that just wants to play games. An SKU without it and a price reflecting the hardware relative to PS4 would do wonders.

Realistically though, I think they can only match the PS4's price. IIRC, the Xbox hardware isn't cheap because of the ESRAM.


So Microsoft's PR headline was Xbox One led game sales in January, while the PR lumps Xbox* together. Meanwhile from that Venturebeat article:

Xbox One + Xbox 360 sales probably are higher than PS4 sales by itself.

That PR spin is definitely in full effect though.
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