Not sure I'm following. No price cut, unit sales have been dipping all year. This is why Switch 2 might have problems if the cost per unit is substantially higher and people aren't looking to upgrade. Not sure whether or not Mario Kart is enough to get people to spend 450+ dollars (including the price of Mario Kart), it could easily be 500+ dollars at the end of the day. Tough pill to swallow just for double the number of cars.
I meant that I'm surprised Switch was -38% in December when it was -3% in November (and doesn't look to have been -38% in Europe or Japan in terms of units).
So I was wondering whether this was because:
1. Unit sales for Switch were 38%; or
2. Unit sales were down less than that, but retailers were offering Switch for less than standard price (like they did in November).
And I agree on Switch 2. A single big Mario game by itself is not enough (see Wii U). For the first 7 months it needs to have a steady stream of big releases like the Switch had, and for some of themto not be cross gen (I'm expecting a June release date).
Definitely a good idea, but I have to wonder how anyone enjoyed the game on Switch. I like the game but I thought it felt archaic and I played it on the PS5 Pro. I couldn't imagine playing it on the base PS5 or hell the PS4, so the Switch is even worse... Sub 30 fps and crazy load times. I wonder what impact that might have on future sales. Would they have been better off not porting the game and hoping people bought it on home console instead?
I played on base PS4 and apart from some annoying load times in the castle it ran fine.
To me the Switch port can only have a positive impact on future sales, especially given the legs. I don't see any PS5 + Switch 2 owners saying "I won't buy HL2 on either platform based on how HL ran on Switch."
Ragnarok being back on the charts two years later is nasty work. Crazy how Sony games are beginning to be evergreen even before the transmedia strategy takes full root
I'd say it also shows that Sony's PC strategy is working well for them (the game came to PC in September).