NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]


I'm honestly shocked it's not closer. I assumed Sony wouldn't have enough supply to thoroughly beat the XBOX* this month, since they would be stockpiling for Japan launch.

Good on Sony though!


So next gen as a whole is sub 500k?

This.... This is really not good at all

The first month after Christmas where everyone who wanted one, got it as a present.

Thats no excuse and you know it. Both being below 300k and one being below 150k is fucking awful for this new generation. Im going to hold out because hopefully PS4 would have been much higher if they weren't supply constrained... But if we don't see a pickup, this looks awful.

Velcro Fly

For what it's worth I could go to just about any WalMart or Target in my area and walk out with an XBone. PS4 I've rarely seen in the wild. Anecdotal for sure but it says something when a half dozen places all have a few of them sitting around unsold while the competition I can't find anywhere.


Nintendo can't be happy with those 3DS sales. Down YoY Japan, no momentum in the US...

Yep, I'm still not really convinced when people say the 3DS is doing "well", at this point its already peaked.

How does it compare to other Nintendo handhelds at this point in its lifecycle?
Why haven't we gotten actual hardware numbers the last two months?

People see absolute decreases and panic when it's the nature of the market to get huge decreases in January.

Microsoft / Sony only want to brag when they can demonstrate big numbers for their new consoles, and January is not a "big number" month.

We got a concrete Xbox One number last month, but Sony didn't because it was lower than Xbox's number.


PS4 dominating next gen in software as well. All Multi-platform games sold better on the PS4 except for Ghosts and Lego.


I'm genuinely curious if the PC and 360 versions damage sales of the XB1 enough to make MS regret making it multiplat. I doubt it, but I guess we'll find out in a couple months

The choice isn't MS as far as I'm aware, it's EA's. They were willing to forego the PS money but I don't think they were willing to make it exclusively on Xbox One by foregoing the PC and 360 as well. MS probably tried though.
Yeah 3DS numbers seem really poor. 2014 is going to be a really rough year for Nintendo.They've not been able to gather any real momentum outside Japan, and Japan is experiencing the usual decline at this point.

Basically bad news for everyone but the PS4 this month :p
Under 143k for 3DS/2DS is fucking pathetic. The timing of the Nintendo Direct tonight was pretty suspect, and here's the reason. Nintendo hardware sales have cratered.

So is it time yet for the chalkboard?

I do love the addition of the spellcheck error lines...


Not Banned from OT
The numbers are bad all around and should be troubling to anyone who loves this hobby. There should be more pent up demand for these consoles. Sub 500k already is a very bad sign. We could see market contract to PS2 era in total sales or even less.


Not impressive for both next gen systems, imo. Was expecting way more from both. March should be the real test, since both systems are getting major exclusives and big releases.

The Xbox One will probably lead March by a very thin margin, and then drop off the next few months again. TitanFall will offer it a momentary blip and not much more.


They're ok for Sony, but 280k is not enough for a leading platform in the USA to lift the market.

Sony's number isn't bad, but that Xbone number is a complete and utter disaster. My issue is not with any individual console though, but more the market as a whole. I wonder how much up YoY in terms of hardware sales this January is. I somehow doubt it's even up on 2011 or 2012 though...

It's more than what the PS2 and the 360 did while still being supply constrained. Sure, they aren't game changer numbers but are more than okay.


A supply constrained PS4 sold nearly 900k during the Christmas period, if these estimates are correct it would mean that it has sold under 300k in January, that's a fall of 600k or 66% to those who prefer percentages. Supply constraints didn't stop Sony pulling big numbers before why would it suddenly start stopping them now?

Sony airshipped production that was supposed to hit in January, but they wont be doing that anymore due to high costs... so part of January "production" was sold in December, hence out of stock during January... and in February problem will be Japanese build up, so we still have out of stock situation (in/out).
Nintendo can't be happy with those 3DS sales. Down YoY Japan, no momentum in the US...

No problem that Steel Diver F2P Lite version and that other F2P Huggle to Play baseball game, shows Nintendo is really improving their price options and facing these hard times with firm decisions.
Wow, both next gen numbers lower than I expected. Since PS4 was still somewhat supply constrained I thought meant it was still selling gangbusters, but I guess not.

144k will be quite concerning to microsoft I imagine. Will be interesting to see how big a boost they get from Titanfall.

XBox One is halfway between the 360's and WiiU's first January's. Much lower than PS3's first January. It's horrible.

I wonder if that analyst that predicted we'd have two 100 million selling consoles this gen is rethinking his analysis...


XB1 really bad. PS4 weak also. Seems like some major supply issues if they sell out but its a pretty low number. Console industry might be in some trouble if they can't sort that out soon.


Under 143k for 3DS/2DS is fucking pathetic. The timing of the Nintendo Direct tonight was pretty suspect, and here's the reason. Nintendo hardware sales have cratered.

I do love the addition of the spellcheck error lines...

You know I was going with a Fall 2015 4DS target since I figured you would have two years after all their biggest games were out, but Fall 2014 at this rate would be preferable.

That said, I don't think they can feasibly be ready by then.

The thing is also down 44.4% year over year in Japan with YTD sales so far.
I'm genuinely curious if the PC and 360 versions damage sales of the XB1 enough to make MS regret making it multiplat. I doubt it, but I guess we'll find out in a couple months

I'd say EA wouldn't have been comfortable on missing out on those install bases anyway. The PS4 was an unknown quantity, Wii U had no hope and cutting PS3 for whatever cash incentive probably seemed like a good idea.

I don't think EA are the losers on the deal though.


Gold Member
Sales are unimpressive across the board. E3 can't come soon enough. I'm finding it hard to get excited about any of the console lineups at this point.


You mean after a year of droughts with new consoles launching.

....we'll, no, that's not what I mean. I meant the Wii U library is better in January 2014 than it was in January 2013, and it cost less. But sold worse. Obviously what you pointed out is relevant as well.
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