NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


With the extra XBO supplies on the shelf and Sony seemingly supplying about 300k units to NA per month... XBO has a solid chance of having a better March than PS4.

Unless Sony can get a ton of PS4's on shelves before the month is up, I'd say the safe bet is on the XB1.
The only reason I was hoping the Xbox One wouldn't do so well is to see it get a price cut or a bundle without Kinect. I don't want the system to fail, I want all consoles to be successful, but if it keeps selling well they'll keep that price tag on it. As they should, being a business and all, but I'd definitely get one at a cheaper price.


Junior Member
People are sleeping on Infamous.

I think Sony will have a perfectly good March as long as Sony can get the system in stock.


Decent month. Glad to see DKC do okay, though I was hoping it would have hit the top 10. PS4 and XB1 are close. To be expected. I still never see PS4s ANYWHERE. Literally. I have not seen a single PS4 at any store the past couple of months. I expect XB1 to sell more this month in NA.


Good moth. :)



The only reason I was hoping the Xbox One wouldn't do so well is to see it get a price cut or a bundle without Kinect. I don't want the system to fail, I want all consoles to be successful, but if it keeps selling well they'll keep that price tag on it. As they should, being a business and all, but I'd definitely get one at a cheaper price.

Even if it didn't do that well this month it probably wouldn't see a price cut for some time not to mention that they probably wouldn't release a kinectless one right away. I'm with you. I'm waiting on a more reasonable price without the kinect.


Next month will be scary for Wii U with no big release in sight

True, April will be a bad month as well.

Since MK 8 releases on 30th May, will it only be tracked for two days worth of sales in the May NPD or will it be tracked for a couple of days in June as well? Does anyone know?


I doubt much of the Xbox One bounce is because of Titanfall. Why buy a normal Xbox One when you can get a Titanfall bundle or Forza 5 bundle for the same price?

March numbers could be hurt if people who purchased in February return their consoles once they found out about the TF bundle or the Forza promotion.


People are sleeping on Infamous.

I think Sony will have a perfectly good March as long as Sony can get the system in stock.
Pretty sure they saved up some systems in the last 2 months.

March is gonna be massive for both next-gen consoles.


Still confused to exactly what caused XB1 sales to jump so much, unofficial price cuts (by bundling games)?

Yep. Selling almost twice as many consoles in February compared to January without a price cut or major game release is rather odd. It can't have been the Thief effect ...


I thought PS4 would dominate.

Lets have some perspective here. It's not like the PS4 did worse. Still in a virtual sell out shipping more consoles for the month than anything thought. Just the XB1 did better than anticipated.

Maybe people will shut up about lol consoles doomed mobile only future now.
So does the X1 not need saving anymore?

Unless I'm mistaken, the X1 has always sold quite a few consoles at least compared to the previous generation it's just that the PS4 has been selling more. I haven't been following the numbers too closely but it seems like both of them are doing fairly well.


Shitty sign to be honest. Basically means Wii U will be either the uber casual/family/child + first party machine. Sort of like the Wii only scaled back about 90%.

Kind of a terrible opinion, in my opinion. I haven't played the game but I heard it was pretty good. Better for Nintendo to have the Wii U showing signs of appealing to a younger audience than to no audience at all.
And people here "think" the Xbox one needs saving. smh

Free game packin doesn't hurt. Also Beta Titanfal.

I honestly expected Xbox to beat PS4 this month because of the supply constraint, Titanfall hype, and beta. Guess I was wrong. If Sony can win next month with huge supply and heaving Infamous advertising (real pushing better graphic power) kind of promotion.

It's over.


I was wondering...

Do you guys think that the Xbox One's February bump might be due to people wanting in on the Titanfall beta?

I mean - if the fencesitters were waiting for Titanfall, some might have already gotten their Xbox One to be in the beta. This would mean that Titanfall wouldn't have as large an impact on March NPD numbers,


really hope those bravely default sales are enough to convince square to make + localize more 3ds games of that ilk.

ps4/xbone sales are encouraging


In all seriousness, I was expecting Wii U to do worse, but I don't expect much to change until Mario Kart's out obviously.

Droughts suck.
Even if it didn't do that well this month it probably wouldn't see a price cut for some time not to mention that they probably wouldn't release a kinectless one right away. I'm with you. I'm waiting on a more reasonable price without the kinect.

Yeah-- I just don't want to sound like I want the sales to be "bad" because I certainly don't; however for me personally the price is way too steep considering the specs and the fact that I don't care about Kinect. I would love to own the system, but I just can't personally justify it at its current market state.


Btw Pokemon is a goddamn beast.. Even CoD has tailed off a bit in sales.. But not this franchise even on a console which is selling decently but down a good deal year on year..
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