outside of millenials on the internet, most people did not like the fountain. not a good sign for Noah.
outside of millenials on the internet, most people did not like the fountain. not a good sign for Noah.
There are two views that are held regarding this incident (one being the one you mentioned). Here is a short commentary on both views:
I think it's unrealistic that anyone would survive a month long boat ride with Russell Crowe.
Nice to see The Fountain is still really divisive.
outside of your small "friend" group of lame-oids many people of many ages enjoy/ed The Fountain.outside of millenials on the internet, most people did not like the fountain. not a good sign for Noah.
Some will scoff at the idea of doing a Bible story at all, others will not be pleased by the fat that's it's more of a fantasy story based on Noah rather than a strict Christian movie.
I think this movie is going to bomb pretty hard lol.
I want to see it when it hits redbox though.
I'll be seeing it in the theaters. I love The Fountain, and I like Crowe, and I'll watch Jennifer Connelly any day of the week. And a score by Clint Mansell simply secures a ticket from me. And Emma Watson because she's so awesome. Day One for sure.
There's no way it's View #2. That's just dumb. Was he supposed to be laughing at the fact that his dad was drunk or was he making fun of his small penis or something?
I think it's unrealistic that anyone would survive a month long boat ride with Russell Crowe.
Is there a reviews embargo? Rottentomatoes is showing 0 reviews.
Is there a reviews embargo? Rottentomatoes is showing 0 reviews.
Dont usually shit movies have embargo until the release date? I was hoping there would be a few revies by now.Yep. I think it's the day before release. I'm seeing it a week from tonight.
I've heard Aronofsky and Paramount are really at odds when it comes to marketing. They are being really picky about who sees it and he's openly inviting his friends to screenings. I could've accepted an invite last week but couldn't make it![]()
Dont usually shit movies have embargo until the release date? I was hoping there would be a few revies by now.
Come on, bro, there are still some great stories that come out of religion.
I'm not against spirituality, but I'm not seeing a lot of good coming out of perpetuating fairy tales, least of all ones that delude people into believing that they're gods chosen people or that the word of a woman is worth half that of a man or any of the other outdated and redundant nonsense that makes up the bulk of most religious texts.
OT though. Zero interest in this regardless of how great it maybe as a film, because the one thing the world doesn't need is more religious movies.
I'm not against spirituality, but I'm not seeing a lot of good coming out of perpetuating fairy tales, least of all ones that delude people into believing that they're gods chosen people or that the word of a woman is worth half that of a man or any of the other outdated and redundant nonsense that makes up the bulk of most religious texts.
I'm not against spirituality, but I'm not seeing a lot of good coming out of perpetuating fairy tales, least of all ones that delude people into believing that they're gods chosen people or that the word of a woman is worth half that of a man or any of the other outdated and redundant nonsense that makes up the bulk of most religious texts.
You're trying way too hard.
A regular person can enjoy a fantasy film on its own, with no thought given to the fantastical/unrealistic/whatever aspect's lack of relavance to real life. I'd imagine this film, like all of Aronofsky's films, will speak to a variety of human emotions and concepts. Dismissing it outright because it's a "religious film" - even though by most accounts it's not really a biblical retelling of the flood - strikes me as agenda driven nonsense.
Aronofsky isn't trying to convince anyone the flood happened or convert people.
i'm Atheist and i totally want to watch this movie.
I hope Aronofsky gets his way. He was able to get his cut for theatres. Its not like bible literalists are going to be attending the screeners.Usually, but this one seems to be a special case. I've heard it's not a knock-out, but it's still quite good. I think it will defy expectations (a la The Fountain), so for Paramount, that means just let audiences see it opening weekend to get the biggest reach possible and not let divisive reactions crowd. We'll see though.
Its not like bible literalists are going to be attending the screeners.
I thought mostly the NY/LA snobbery critic circle gets free passes to attend screeners, not willy nilly joe schmoes.Wait. Why not?
I wonder if this is going to be worth watching as a non-religious person. I don't want to be propaganda-ed but I'm happy to enjoy a well told story.
I thought mostly the NY/LA snobbery critic circle gets free passes to attend screeners, not willy nilly joe schmoes.
Something minor likeSix-Armed Angels.
I had no idea that was the case. Makes sense now regarding the studios being apprwhensive.Oh, no they are literally handed out to everyday schlubs (at least here in los angeles). Usually only people with free time during the day can make it though.
I thought you meant that aronofsky and co were only screening to select crowds.
In the Bible,Angels take on some forms that would scare people shitless. For example there are ones that have many pairs of wings and their entire body, including wings, are covered with eyes. There are really only a small number who look like humans and their role is to interact with humans so people don't freak out.
So what you're telling me is, Frodo really didn't save the Shire?
My mom is quite religious and is interested in seeing it, but disappointed it has been turned into a big Hollywood blockbuster (her words). She's fine with the crazy fantasy elements though. After all, the biblical story is that god started the flood to kill off the nephilim.Yup! But I know people, including my own father, who don't care to see the movie anymore after learning of this information. Which baffles me, but whatever.