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Sony: PS4 Demand Will Outstrip Supply Into the Summer

When Sony6758.TO +1.50%’s PlayStation 4 launched in November, it sold out on its first day. It may be the summer before the consoles are fully stocked on shelves.

An employee of an electronics chain promotes the release of Sony’s PlayStation 4 in Tokyo.

In an interview at the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco, Andrew House, head of Sony’s PlayStation division, said the company is seeing robust sales in all the regions the PS4 is being sold.

“We’re struggling to keep up with demand,” which has been highest in the U.S. and Europe, House said. “Conservatively, as we get into the early summer months, we’ll be closer to a full supply situation.”

Constrained supplies have led some retailers to trumpet when they are able to stock up. In January, MicrosoftMSFT +2.70%, which in January said it had sold more than three million of its new Xbox One consoles through the end of 2013.

Microsoft hasn’t updated its figures since. A spokesman said the company is planning on updating numbers in its quarterly reports. Sony also declined to offer new sales data.

A key moment for Microsoft was the launch of “Titanfall,” a highly anticipated space-age war simulation game from Respawn Entertainment and Electronic ArtsEA +0.05%. The game was made exclusively for the Xbox One, older Xbox 360 and PCs, a move analysts had said could draw some customers’ attention away from PlayStation while juicing demand for Microsoft’s devices.

House said demand has remained steady in the U.S., including during the launch period for “Titanfall.” Sony will be launching its own exclusive PS4 title Friday, a superhero game called “Infamous: Second Son.”


pretty amazing when you think about it


I don't doubt this at all. My area's been pretty well stocked, but the demand is still up there. I'm impressed.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I wonder at what point they lose potential customers over availability. If it is like this up to E3 and MS announces some sort of price but, they've messed up.


you can't put a price on sparks
I wonder at what point they lose potential customers over availability. If it is like this up to E3 and MS announces some sort of price but, they've messed up.

You always lose "potential customers" everyday.

All they matters is how much they actually sell and they are selling everything they can make. What else can be done?
I wonder at what point they lose potential customers over availability. If it is like this up to E3 and MS announces some sort of price but, they've messed up.

I'd say any customers fitting that MO have already given in, whether for TF or something other.

That being said, stock is starting to accumulate. It's been in stock for several days on both amazon and best buy websites. Gamestop and Wal-mart have bundles available online. Gamestop is starting to allow in-store reservation. Most of the Best Buys in the Los Angeles area have PS4's for pick-up. It's getting there.

I renew my request for this gif to first have the Xbox logo on the hand, then Forza, then Titanfall, or some similar sequence of logos. The faucet has the PS4 logo of course.
I wonder at what point they lose potential customers over availability. If it is like this up to E3 and MS announces some sort of price but, they've messed up.

Pretty much never.

Demand is definitely outstripping supply, but not to the extent that we saw with the PS2 or the Wii, and there were no signs that those consoles lost potential customers over it.

People want what they want.


I can imagine stock being scarce for a while, but I bet anyone who wants one will be able to find one after checking a couple stores.
Depending on how watch dogs takes off maybe

I think supply will almost fully stabilize in april unless Infamous takes off big

Not necessarily a bad thing though


There's demand but its not the 200% ebay markup kind. It looks like people are patient and not really willing to give in on an xbone. The resupplies seem to be good enough to keep people happy.


For all my most recent trips to Gamestops to pick up preorders I have only seen PS4 behind the counter once. It was 1 box and the only they had in store.


I have my doubts. They're always on amazon now.

On amazon.com, but there are also other countrys in the world. ;)
He is clearly speaking about worldwide stock situation and expects it to be low until summer. Doesn't mean that you can't find it already in some (online-)shops in some countrys.


For the people that want them, if they are smart they will be signed up to get them when available. With each big release, there will be the folks who pop in to grab one. Infamous will be a nice time to jump in, and I imagine so will The Order 1886. We will really see some action after the summer (Destiny, Batman, The Order, etc.)

I just bought one off Amazon.com (one I have has that blue light problem where it will refuse to output to the TV and you have to hard reset the console).


Stock seemed to be fine in the UK for a few weeks and then it went crazy again. I walked into a store at the beginning of February and got the Killzone bundle for £389. Now, it's out of stock everywhere and Game are price-gauging with £450+ bundles again
I know now that my March NPD predictions are going to be so wrong

Do think it suggest Sony had a good March in the US though

I think they'll hit 7 million by the end of it

Still waiting for my Ps4 that I've ordered in december last year

Damn PS4 is so supply constrained it's starting to impact PS3 stock :p


Just flash the firmware of the the next Japanese shipment. Jeez, Tretton leaves and everyone forgets how to sell a console.
Not too surprising considering the supply hasn't been increasing all that much from month to month if Jan and Feb are any indication.

But I've seen PS4s in stock at retail stores from time to time, so there's that, too.
I have a feeling that this month will be the exception to the rule. Logically it'd make since for them to hold back stock for Titanfall's launch when Infamous and MGS release in the same month. Just closing the gap in console sales this month will have a huge impact. I also bet at the end of the month they ship some units by air to boost NPC numbers. If they even have a chance on winning this month, they should pull out all the cards. If a free game/game changer can't save the Xbox One, the negative press will be hard to overcome.
Readily available on amazon now, but retail still seems to be constrained. I think in the coming weeks it'll get to the point where you can walk into a best buy or target and just pick one up whenever you want. If anyone really wants one now, they can get it easily on amazon.
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