but space captain tylor!
Gundam Build Fighters
Top 5 Gundam series for sure.
A show everybody should watch really.
but space captain tylor!
Gundam Build Fighters
Top 5 Gundam series for sure.
Ok you got my attention
[Captain Earth] - 1
I can't get into any kind of discussion about this first episode and my reaction to it without setting it in the wider context of what Studio BONES has produced over the last few years and how that compares with some of their more popular titles. You could argue that I'm not being entirely fair to the show as a result because I'm not judging it in a vacuum, but there's no point pretending that BONES haven't had a bad track record with these kinds of shows recently and as a person I am going to take that all into account when I watch a show by them.
As many of you are no doubt aware, BONES are a studio known for putting out a lot of high quality work whether it's FMA, RahXephon or Eureka 7 or Sword of the Stranger. However in recent years there output hasn't been particularly...stellar. I'm talking, specifically, about their 'Original' works that aren't based off of existing properties, stuff like Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor, Star Driver, Xam'd and Eureka Seven AO. Original works are, obviously, trickier to develop than straight forward manga adaptations because you have to create and write the whole thing.
This, I feel, is where the problem lies. Those original works have all, at some point or another, collapsed under the weight of their own nonsensical writing. Rather than making simple, solid and straightforward stories these writers for these shows decided to make incredibly convoluted stories that lack form and elegance. They seem to confuse having lots of characters, factions, buzzwords and twists for good storytelling and as a result they aren't satisfying or enjoyable to watch because the stories degrade into various degrees of nonsense. I know I'm generalising a little here but if you've watched some or all of these works I imagine you'll understand what I'm getting at. All these problems where at the back of my mind when I sat down to watch this episode and they certainly influenced my impressions.
[Captain Earth] - 1
So, onto the episode itself. It's essentially your classic first episode in any mecha series - we get introduced to the protagonist, his life, his backstory, and then an event happens which means he has to 'step up' and into a robot. There's nothing particularly fresh about this setup which is perhaps why it's partially told in a non-chronological order, to keep the viewer engaged. However this is where my problems with this episode start to manifest.
Firstly, all this cutting back and forth through time (and also between completely separate characters and groups) really destroys any kind of flow the story could be developing and it doesn't give the audience any time to get invested in what's going on because it's so piecemeal. Perhaps if the writing was really strong that could serve as an anchor to keep the viewer engaged with the material but sadly that isn't the case here. Yes, I know that the blue stone is there to help you keep track of time so you don't lose your way but that's more of a marker. The fundamental problem still remains - if you're only getting a scene that lasts thirty seconds that's no time at all for the viewer to get to know the characters or better understand the situation or develop any kind of emotional rapport with the text.
Here's one really key example, and I really hate when shows do this, it's the famousIt doesn't, and won't ever, work because we have no idea who these people are, what they are doing, or why. In the wider context of a series of scenes it's totally viable to do something like this but when you just flashback to a sequence without context and worse, have characters spew out unbelievable dribble, you can't expect anyone to care."introduce and kill off character and have them make heroic speech that sounds nothing like what any human being would ever say and expect you care anywhere" scene where we both meet and say goodbye to Captain Earth's father. Please, writers everywhere, you can't just drop in a 45 second heroic sacrifice out of nowhere and expect anyone to give a crap about the character that dies.
Someone has already brought up the comparison with Eureka Seven's opening episode and that's really a master class in handling very similar plot points in a far better way. We spend a couple of minutes at the start of the episode introducing some people from Gekkostate and, perhaps more importantly, we get totally sweet mecha action (not just launch porn) within the very first scene of the episode as opposed to some cock-tease at the end. Then the entirety of the rest of the first episode is simply devoted to introducing Renton, the environment he lives in, his hopes, dreams, etc. That's a lot of time spent fleshing out the protagonist before the main plot really kicks into gear and that's important because if we don't care about our main character we won't care about what happens in the show and once everything starts to get crazy we've already been introduced to the main character in his normal life so when he changes and develops we've got a base line to measure his growth and development.
In Captain Earth they spend about two minutes trying to set up the main character and a lot of that time is spent with characters talking at the main character about stuff that isn't really relevant or interesting, it's effectively dead time that doesn't tell us anything about him. We learn that he looks out the window and plays vidoegames. As soon he sees the TV broadcast that brief period of time stops and we start to get into what I loosely call "weird shit" territory where our protagonist starts getting involved with weird shit that we can't really relate to anyway and which still fails to develop him because all we learn is that he can jump over fences and occasionally display human emotions but apparently this was mainly when he was a child. Still, most of the time our hero has a completely vacant expression on his face and displays all the charm and enthusiasm of a cabbage. Oh yes, and he also has this whiny teenage line about not liking his hometown, but it's never explained why he doesn't like his hometown. It's a hollow, empty line that serves to remind you of Renton's line from Eureka Seven except that in that show it's explicitly made clear why Renton doesn't like his hometown.
Compare and contrast with Renton from Eureka Seven. Renton has well defined hopes and ambitions even if they're really dorky and completely unrealistic his enthusiasm and excitement are thoroughly charming. You see how everything to do Gekkostate and riding waves brings him joy and excitement and as these important things are taken away from over the course of the episode (the old guy who repairs boards is leaving to go elsewhere, the military move into the spot where he wants to ride waves, his grandpa tries to take his board away) we feel his crushing disappointment and we understand why he dislikes his crummy town. He also explains that he's a kid who lacks the freedom of an adult, which is of course a very relatable situation, and that he's looking for adventure in his life. At school he's teased about his family and he responds with violence showing he has feelings, and he's even teased by girls because he's dorky. Then he meets a cute girl and we learn that he's understands the concept of romance and attraction to others humans, showing that once again he's a human being we can relate to. He tries to show off to impress her and ends up being clumsy but still kind of charming nevertheless. Finally at the end of the episode everything that we've learnt about him comes together to show both his determination and also his childlike naivety as he literally plunges into the unknown but importantly he's fully aware of everything he's doing and he moves and acts with full awareness of what he's doing.
As for Captain Earth kid, he has literally no idea what's going on, or why, so his choices and actions are meaningless and hold zero weight. He went down some stairs and met some little kid and rode a ghost elevator and then had a feeling that bad stuff was coming towards earth. Then he magically teleports around and he's next to a mecha. I guess he does what he does because...in the past he jumped over a fence and met some weird kids. Also some guy said something about his Dad being a good Captain? I have no idea. This is a real problem because a character that just reacts to events out of his understanding (and completely beyond our understanding) or control is pretty boring to watch, because nothing he does can possibly hope to have any weight or impact.
The other thing that serves to keep viewers at arms length during these bite-sized Captain Earth scenes is all the nonsense that spews from people's mouths. Here's some examples:
Now, when people just spew a bunch of acronyms, technobabble and other assorted nonsense the viewer is left distanced from the text because they can't understand what's going on why they should care. What's worse is that if characters are only saying plot-related stuff we don't understand we can't get any kind of feeling for them as people and that's another turn-off because it makes the series appear like it's filled with completely untreatable characters. This is exactly the same problematic writing that appears in the Star Wars Prequels where no-one feels like a real person because there's nothing in their dialogue that has any authenticity to it. If everyone is speaking in babble or clichés then it's tough for the audience to care.
It's certainly right that some of this stuff is fairly clear code for easily explained concepts but then why is their this line drawn to pointlessly distance us from the story? In Eureka Seven's first episode the only piece of babble is LFO, a concept that's explained two scenes later in a classroom where a teacher explains the acronym, as well as the key concepts and history of the story in like three sentences. This very neatly tells us everything that's going on, and why. They even call the Air Force in that episode "The Air Force" - how novel! We don't really get that kind of explanation or clarity here.
Still, there can be perfectly reasonable times to for characters in a certain technical field to talk in a language only they'd understand - because they're talking between themselves and they wouldn't need to pointlessly exposit for the sake of the ignorant audience. Still, I think Infinite Ryvius is the only show that I can think of that got away with leaving the audience completely in the dark because a couple of episodes later they nearly explained everything and allowed us to get caught up. This may well happen here but it's part of the aforementioned worrying trend in BONES shows.
Why do they feel the need to introduce so many concepts, factions, and ideas in this first episode? It's far too clustered and messy and all this time could have been better spent fleshing out the cast. As a writer you really don't have to show all your cards at once in the very first episode. I believe that you've done some world building and there's lots of story to come later on so don't just dump it all in my face in very first episode of the show.
I understand that, as the audience, we're not supposed to understand what's going on because, like the protagonist, we're new to this world and it's rules. That's fine, in theory, but when you're going down that root you really have to do a better job of introducing and developing your main character before we fall down the rabbit hole. He can't just be some bland lump. As I've said above, if BONES hadn't made a habit of producing shows that all feature these consistently messy and convoluted stories I wouldn't need to raise so many warning flags so early but I feel entirely justified in doing so based off of previous experience. I think we've all been burned too many times to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Here's some other random thoughts:
- Night launches are cool, shaky cam is not!
There's definitely fujoshi appeal, but I don't think it's a bait show. It seems to actually care about portraying volleyball as an exciting sport, and the characters feel really intense. Good art, good music, really fluid direction. The adaptation is written by the guy who adapted Bunny Drop and Silver Spoon too, so I'll be surprised if he decides to fall into the trap of pandering excessively.
No man, it's deeper than that. You just know when someone is the best girl on a show.
GuP mag spread
Cajun how many recommendations do you need ? Just watch yamato !
You should have watched it months ago during the AOTY debates like everyone.
This show is legit.
I never equate adult relationships=having sex, so this is pretty much represent what I'm thinking, thank you.
Also, being (mostly) a broadcasted medium means that anime should adhere to moral/ethic standards on violence and sex. Such theme usually exist in written/manga medium. That doesn't mean it can't be in animation, but it would be in home distributed video and not broadcasted one.
I actually liked this as a lot of shuttle launches are filmed in the same way so I thought it looked more authentic.
This is a super minor point, but the idea of shaky-cam and authenticity is a weird one to me as so much technology over the years has been developed for the express purpose of making filming smoother than ever! Even amateurs can film this stuff smoothly:
Although, like I've said, it's a very minor stylistic choice and all the later space shots are buttery smooth.
This is a super minor point, but the idea of shaky-cam and authenticity is a weird one to me as so much technology over the years has been developed for the express purpose of making filming smoother than ever! Even amateurs can film this stuff smoothly:
Although, like I've said, it's a very minor stylistic choice and all the later space shots are buttery smooth.
[真の探偵] - Finale
I'm in Carcosa now. Weaboos will never know it's twisted beauty.
That's still on my short list. Never enough time etc.
Drop all of your shows and watch it.
[真の探偵] - Finale
The World is Still Beautiful 1
It's difficult to get a grasp on what shape this show will take from this introductory episode, but the female lead at least appears to be a pretty interesting character. I'm not sure how things will go from here though, has anyone read the manga?
[真の探偵] - Finale
Help the OT, don't let it die.Haikyu! - 01
At first I wasn't even going to bother with this show as I thought it was going to be fujoshi bait garbage, but after Duckroll's post saying otherwise I decided to give it a shot. Pretty solid all around, will stick with it to see how it progresses.
What surprised me in the manga is how fairly fast the character's relationship moves where it doesn't fall into typical shojo trap of them hating each other at first and not really getting serious till the end of the show/manga. Well at least it doesn't do it for fairly long. If you have more specific questions I can answer them, this was just to give you a not so spoilery idea about what to expect.
I'm caught up with the manga. The show will go full shojo from here on out. Basically it'll revolve around Nike (just do it) getting closer with the kid king throughout the episodes as they fall in love. If you've ever seen one of those 'girl starts dating somebody higher up in class and the issues that develop' shows/movies, this is similar in the most basic set-up. There's also fairly standard shojo issues such as a romantic rival every now and again and society not approving at first.
What surprised me in the manga is how fairly fast the character's relationship moves where it doesn't fall into typical shojo trap of them hating each other at first and not really getting serious till the end of the show/manga. Well at least it doesn't do it for fairly long. If you have more specific questions I can answer them, this was just to give you a not so spoilery idea about what to expect.
Am I being misled? Is Nafe really Irisu?!
A mofuwa voiced by Miyukichi cancels out everything shitty about the show.No Game No Life will take all the negative attention away from Mahouka, anyways. It's the worst thing ever.
Help the OT, don't let it die.
[真の探偵] - Finale
I'm in Carcosa now. Weaboos will never know it's twisted beauty.
A mofuwa voiced by Miyukichi cancels out everything shitty about the show.
I would love anime if the characters actually had adult relationships and sex. My problem with stuff like KLK is that it is all titlation for a childish audience, with no actual resemblance to anything normal or natural. Ragyo will grab her tits in ecstasy and that will be it, it will mean nothing and change nothing. Whereas in shows where the characters actually enter into sexual relationships or show direct sexuality it means something between those two characters. In KLK the person seeing the sexual titlation is the viewer, it is all directed at us in order to excite. Whereas in GoT when Tyrion is with the whores, it becomes part of his character and other people refer to it and define him by it. When Jon Snow sleeps with the red head his relationship with her changes, he breaks his vows which is a big thing etc. The acts have meaning. In Mahouka this guy will have a semi incestuous relationship with his sister and no one will ostracise him or look down on him. He won't even have to hide it, but at the same time nothing will actually come from it. He will have a harem of girls surrounding him but will very unlikely he will do anything with any of them, or even attempt to. Because he isn't a real character, with sexual feelings or needs, he exists purely as a power fantasy for teens and otaku.
From what I can gather Japan doesn't even have a strong religious no sex before marriage view either. When idol's get a boyfriend they are presumed to be having sex with them. But for some reason I can barely recall any anime where this is the case. You'd be grateful if you get hand-holding. Because they are fully removed from reality at this point, stuck in their own nest of tropes and expectations, falling over themselves to sell to a small audience.
Why is this girl have permanent :< expression
Come on.
It's truly the worst tradition of this thread!
It's truly the worst tradition of this thread!
I'm impressed how good the character desing translated from the manga, it's really good.